
Chasing my Luna

Scott Devlin, the bold Alpha of the Devlin clan was so disappointed at his adoptive parents to have him forced to marry a complete stranger, and above all professions, a doctor, whom he hates. He was reluctant to attend the wedding because he thinks the bride isn’t willing to marry him too. Besides, he is devoted in finding his Luna. His siblings managed to take him away so he can escape his fate since Scott can’t say no to their father. While Scott is enjoying his escapade in his friend’s private island, he noticed a faint fragrant scent that lured him towards the bar. His attention directed to a brunette woman wearing a red fitted maxi dress, with mesmerizing sapphire eyes. He can’t help but approach Diana who was sitting at the bar. “Finally, my Luna”, Scott whispered to himself. Little that he know, the Luna he imprinted on is not what she seems to be.

rocksunxv · Kỳ huyễn
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159 Chs

It’s Been A Long Day

"It would be best if that would come from your mother. I just happen to collect it every three months", Calvin answered. He then grabbed her again from her shoulders. "Let me tell you, your blood tastes so good", Calvin held her close to him, as if hugging her. When she tries to move away, Calvin just keep on pulling her back in.

Diana thought what Calvin is feeling towards her is nothing but a fatal attraction. With his every touch, she felt neither comfort nor serenity. And before Calvin could start to make an awkward move again, someone cleared her throat interrupting Calvin's inching movements toward Diana.

"Diana, are you done? Shall we go?", Kate suddenly blurted out widening her eyes at Diana who looked like a scared rabbit.

"Yes, Kate. You're just in time", Diana can hardly walk on her weak knees. She grabbed her purse and held on to Kate as they went out to the door. "Thanks", she mouthed to her bestfriend.

"You going, Calvin?", Kate asked as she lifted her brows to Calvin.

"I'll see you very soon, D", he smirked as he watch the girls go.

The girls clutched on each other until they reached Diana's car. Only when they got in, they both had a long sigh of relief.

"WHAT WAS THAT?! I've never seen Calvin so… eek", Kate squealed feeling grossed out after seeing how he practically harrassed Diana. She got stunned seeing how afraid Diana seemed to be with his physical advances.

"He like shifted to a brand new person. I don't know him anymore", Diana said in grief. She started the car and drove out.

"I received the memo about your 3-day suspension, D. Maybe, it's a perfect excuse to stay away from Calvin for a while… MY GOODNESS! His eyes were like staring at you like he'll swallow you whole. It's a good thing that I forgot my cell. If not, girl, you're in great trouble. He's good-looking, I'll give that. But he's always been like a brother to us.. to you!", Kate said as she gestured with her hands while talking.

Diana bit her lip and touched her moon phase watch thinking of Scott.

"Just imagine, he can freely come in your house at any time, D. I'm freaking worried about that." Kate can't hide her extreme anger at Calvin. "D, Would you like to move in with me? For my peace of mind",

Diana don't want to involve Kate in the dangerous situation she's in. It will complicate things. She haven't even told her that Calvin is a vampire yet.

"Thanks Kate.. I don't want you to get involved. I want you to stay away from him, okay?", Diana warned her bestfriend for her safety.

"Positively away from him. You should at least tell your mother. Your house is not really safe anymore", Kate said as she lifted her feet up hugging her knees. She opened the radio to lessen the tension stuck in the atmosphere. Diana drove Kate home first before heading to the Villa Estates.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay for the night?", Kate worriedly offered her home to Diana before he close the car door.

"I'll be fine, don't worry. Go in, now", Diana forced a smile to relieve her best friend of her worries.

Once Kate's in, she then drove out. Diana turned off the radio and listened to the hum of her car. The blinding car lights beamed in her eyes, struggling to drive at night. She's afraid to go home, thinking Calvin could be there.

She stopped a few meters from the entrance of the Villa Estates, and lowered the lights. She sighed sharply and brushed her hair to the side with her fingers, leaning back as she rested her hands on the steering wheel.

After a while she noticed a blue sportscar that suddenly stopped on her side. She couldn't help but tear at the sight of Scott who opened his car window smiling at her. Her world trapped in despair, suddenly brightened up. Diana quivered wiping her tears that fall down her cheeks.

Scott asked her to follow him as he maneuver his car to City A. Diana obliged and tail after Scott who was driving at a slow pace. She was expecting that Scott would lead her to his penthouse, yet he drove to the adjacent building.

They reached 11th Building in a few minutes, and parked their cars in the basement. Scott hurriedly went out of his car, and ran to Diana opening her car door.

"Hey, missed me?", he led her out and was surprised when Diana suddenly embraced him. "Are you alright?", Scott embraced her back tightly and then furrowed his brows. "What happened?," he asked as he stroke her hair gently.

Diana closed her eyes and buried her face on Scott's chest. "It's been a long day", she said as she pull herself together. "I'm sorry, I just feel so lost", she said.

"You can do that anytime you want, my Luna", Scott said as he rested his forehead on hers. "Come on, let's go. We can talk upstairs", he held her hand and pulled her to the elevator.

"Where are we going?", Diana asked as she grip on Scott's hand. She doesn't feel like visiting someone today.

They went up to 21st floor. Diana was in awe how

breathe-easy the home they went to. It's a loft type contemporary home in warm tones. Simple yet fits her preference.

"As much as I wanted you to move in with me, I know you wouldn't want that.", Scott let her in as he opened the lights to see the full view of Diana's new home. "So I bought this home where you can be safe. It's fully furnished, so you can move in anytime. Jim also prepared new sets of clothes and shoes in the closet…" he paused noticing Diana's eyes swelling in tears again.

"My Luna.. what's the matter? You didn't like it?", he took her hand and kissed them, worried she might not like this kind of home. He thought opulence might not be her liking, so he had the house decorated as neutral as possible.

Diana bursted in tears. For the longest period of time that she had been strong, her pillars of strength break down one by one, starting with her suspiscious mother to Calvin who's a friend for a long time.

"It's perfect, thank you Scott", Diana said as she tried to smile.

Scott wiped her tears with the back of his finger and kissed her eyes. And without thinking twice, he lowered his face and brushed his nose on her cheek. He softly kissed her nose as he held her face with his warm palms. He stared at her sapphire eyes and shifted his gaze to her lips. They both closed their eyes as they finally share they first kiss.