
Chasing Jasmine.

Faced with family problems…Ethan meets someone who most likely understood him …But will it be the same for his Ex girlfriend who still hasn’t moved on ?

Briee01 · Thanh xuân
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16 Chs

A chat.

*********Jasmine POV********

Few weeks after I resumed, I had the best time and I had started having friends and becoming closer to some people at school.I decided to go visit mother's grave today to tell her about all that had happened and I told her all about the school and my lovely sit mate who took care of me. I also told her about Ethan who mostly likely asked me to be his friend and followed me after school every day.

I came back from visiting mom and rushed into my room so that I could have enough chance to prevent Rose from seeing me because I could sense throughout the week in school, she had been giving me dead eyes when ever I was either with Alexander or Ethan.

"Oh here comes the interfering bitch, Rose came out of the room.

"What the hell are you doing in my room?, I said pushing passed her entering my room to check.

"Nothing or are you hiding a dead body in your room?, she said raising an eyebrow.

"Yes..your dead body if I find my things missing, I said sitting down signaling her to leave.

"A threat…what's going on between you and Ethan?"

"Dear sister, why would I tell you?…why are you asking of my private life?, have you forgotten that we agreed not to talk to each other and to also act like we don't know each other, so what the heck?…, I said feeling irritated.

"That doesn't answer my question… do you have any idea what i am going to do if you keep following Ethan?….stay away from him,she said turning to leave.

"You cheated on Ethan and what's all this arguments about him…we are just friends nothing else plus I have better things like studying to do so go be a stuck up bitch in your room and leave me alone, i said shutting the door on her face.

I sat down feeling better now that I let it all out , I decided to lay down when I got a text beep, I checked to see who it was and it was Ethan. In the message he said "hey this is Ethan…and don't ignore me".

I replied "How did you get my number?…" and within minutes he replied "It's a secret, so what you doing?" I replied "Just laying down in my bed and about to sleep when someone interrupted me with a message". He replied "Haha…can I call you like a phone call?".. I paused about to say no but I was literally bored and alone so I typed okay.

Immediately, my phone started ringing up and I cleared my throat to answer. "Hello, his raspy voice sounded out"

"Hey stranger…"

"Haha stranger…how are you doing?, he said"

"I'm good I was about going to sleep until you interrupted my beauty rest"

"Sleep at this time, are you free?let's go somewhere,he said sounding excited.

"I'm free but I love my place of peace that's inside my room and why are we still having this conversation?"

"Remember your promise to be my friend, I just want to know you no other reasons"

"You literally asked to be my friend using the fact that I told you not to mention anything about that night as a way like blackmailing"

"Blackmailing?? Don't make it sound like that, I just asked to be friends and I'm bored here so can do something like talk to me about things bothering you…feel free to tell me and if you need a shoulder to cry on I'm here, he said and I could hear the sincerity in his voice.

I sensed the feeling that he could be there for me and no what was I thinking, someone I just met and now I'm going on to tell him everything.

"Yeah yeah….well if that's all you have to say…I'm hanging up I need to continue my drawings, i said.

There was a brief pause as he signed and ended the call. "What the hell…did I say anything wrong?"

*********Ethan POV********

I had no idea of what came over me, I had said all those things to her and also why am I freaking out about just a phone call. I was pretty disappointed that she caught me off and didn't reply me when I said those things to her but I'll keep trying to win her over. "Why do I do the things I do? I said as I went outside.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Briee01creators' thoughts