
Chasing after my destiny

'Chasing after my destiny' is a fantasy story about a boy whose parents had all the powers one could possibly ask for, but never got the chance to enjoy even the tiniest bit of it. He takes advantage of the major enemy the world is facing, to get his own 'power'.

Golden_Joseph_7861 · Kỳ huyễn
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48 Chs

Three questions

"So you finally realized that it's futile to fight back?"

"Why are you doing what you are doing?" Jade asked.

"And by what 'I'm doing', what do you mean?" The king asked back.

"You know! What are you hiding your powers for? The village is falling each time it's being attacked and you act all powerless." Jade said, furrowing his brows in anger.

"Hmmm, I'm impressed. How did a former outsider who is now a normal soldier and not even a royal know about a king's power?" The king said, placing his back fingers on his jaw.

"That's not the question I asked." Jade said angrily.

"One, I'm not obligated to answer your questions, two, I think you're being too rude to your king and three, if you know very well about my powers then you should know that using it the hundreds of times the groggs attacked would have sent me to an early grave before even taken on their own king." The king stated in an angry tone.

"Is that an excuse you are making cause the last time I checked you were planning on living your life to the fullest along with the soldiers. You think you can take on their king alone, well we'll see about that and If you were planning on doing something, what was the reason for stopping the soldiers from guarding the village?" Jade asked.

"I think you are misunderstanding the situation, maybe you should be asking me to remove the weak commander from his position. He was too afraid and lost the will to fight. He came to me saying the soldiers are tired of seeing their comrades die, that there was no point in fighting a lost battle. What would I have done. "

"Tell him your plan of course."

"You think someone who lost the will to fight would prefer to die in order for me to carry out an hypothetic plan."

"Hypothetic, but you are ....(sighs)" Jade said, taking a deep breath. "So what was your own revelation?"

"By any chance can you tell me how you got all these information?" The king shouted.

"I read about them from a book someone gave me, he stated that it was some kind of message." Jade lied without flicking a brow.

"(Took a deep breath) One of the ones I had was that the three women that some kind of unnatural being slept with at the origin of the ability user were sisters with a family name, Eki. Over time the kings decided to form a name for the villages, combining the Eki with the unnatural being based on their revelations." The king said.

"Which other one did you have?" Jade asked curiously.

"I believe you know you are not supposed to know about our revelations, I don't know who that crazy person is that shared them with you but he's sure to pay for it if I get my hands on him." The king said, squeezing his palm outward.

"Well, if you say so. My last question is when did you have your first revelation? It doesn't make sense, Saz is all grown up and still haven't gotten any revelation." Jade asked.

"(Sighs) It's true Saz haven't reported having a revelation but that isn't a problem to you, is it? I had mine when I was twelve." The king said, looking down then rose his gaze towards Jade. "What about you?"

"Me! Wh... why will I have a revelation about the past kings? Though I do have dreams of them." Jade replied.

"Wasn't your mother a queen at Razeki?" The king asked.

"She actually gave birth to me before she became a queen. I wouldn't know, if only she had explained everything to me." Jade replied.

"Hmm, dreams." The king mumbled. Well, any other questions?"

"No but I'd like to know what your actions will be when the groggs come to take down the village. " Jade said.

"What do you mean?"

"We are at a stalemate and we believe in few days time, they will be coming to take down the village." Jade replied.

"So in other words, you are giving up?"

"No, we need about three to four weeks before we are fully set."

"Fully set, sounds interesting. What's the plan?"

"Can't say more than that, I'll be taking my leave now." Jade said and turned to leave.

Jade left the palace and went back to hear from Dr Bryan. The samples were already taken so Ham was all set to leave.

The two waited few hours for one of the bikes to charge before they finally left. They got to Maneki and Ham entered the village while Jade turned back and left.

In a lab full of test tube arranged on a table two men and a boy was experimenting.

"Doctor, how long will it take for us to finish everything." Joe asked, looking into an electron microscope.

"Who knows, it's surely going to take months." Dr Bryan assumed.

"Wai... what! Months?!" Mark exclaimed. "That's a long time, Jade is expecting it to be ready in a couple of weeks."

"And what were you thinking? That I'd create it in a week or two?" Dr Bryan replied. "Even if it was easy, for a normal scientist it'll take a year or two to get results."

"I thought you were a genius." Mark mumbled.

"I can still hear you idiot."


A week came, two weeks but still, nothing was out of the blue. It was way out of their expectations.

The experiment was still going on while the team except from Mark was at the open ground on the end of the street, training with their new forged weapons.

"Why do you like training intensely, it's not like you need it?" Jade asked, sitting on the floor with sweat dropping down his chin.

"What ever it is, I just want to become a worthy and strong king." Saz replied, breathing heavily.

"Come on guys, training's not...." Rhen said, halting at the hearing approaching steps.

Group of foreigners were approaching them from the border entrance, up to fifty, men and women.

They were all wearing tattered clothing and black stains all over their faces and body.

Kell who was aiming her arrows to a board on a tree was the first to react as she aimed at them.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Kell shouted from a distance. "If you move consider yourself dead "

"Hey come on Kell, they are unarmed." Rhen suggested.

"Sorry but we can't let our guard down, We don't know who they are." Kell replied.

"We are visgardian, we mean no harm rather we need your help." A man with ragged jacket and brown blonde hair said.

"Alright that's enough, I'll take them to the king, whatever they want." Saz said, standing up and then walked forward. "You there, what's your name?"

"Avon" The man wearing ragged jacket said.

"Avon, I'll take you to the king. You'll state your demand but the rest will have to remain here, accepted?" Saz asked.

"Accepted." Avon replied, walking forward while the rest of the group murmured behind.

"Jade, watch the rest." Saz said, turning to Jade who was still sitting behind.

"Was that an order or a request?" Jade asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Your duty."

"Tch, I bet i would have strangled you to death if you weren't the king's son."

"Hm, strangle, with those tiny muscles of yours."

"You this .... Arrg!."

