
Chasing after my destiny

'Chasing after my destiny' is a fantasy story about a boy whose parents had all the powers one could possibly ask for, but never got the chance to enjoy even the tiniest bit of it. He takes advantage of the major enemy the world is facing, to get his own 'power'.

Golden_Joseph_7861 · Kỳ huyễn
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48 Chs

Back to the South

"I guess if worse comes to worst I'll have to use it" A man in dark robe stated, conversing with someone in a dark room.

"You know you can't do that, your son isn't old enough." The other man said.

"So what's the point of being a king if there's nobody to rule?" The man in robe asked.

"(Sighs) So what's the point of shortening your life span if you won't solve much?"

"It better than giving up without a fight, what's up with your reasonings?"

"I'm sorry, your majesty. I'll take my leave." The other man said and then left the room.

Three days have passed and the elites are finally at the south pole, scouting for the number of groggs in the surroundings and the safest route to get in from a dune some distance away.

It was like the groggs were protecting the castle, making it seem like the east capital since it's the only building at the East.

"Darn it! We definitely need a distraction." Jade said.

"I'll do it." Mark volunteered

"What! No I'll do it, you guys should go." Jade replied.

"Just leave it to me." Mark concluded. He went to another part of the dune and started waving his hands at the groggs.

"Guys, I think a human is waving at us." A grogg said, staring at Mark.

"Just get rid of it." Another said and the first grogg head for Mark's direction.

An explosion was heard and a scream, attracting the rest of the groggs as they slowly approached the same direction.

Getting there Mark was seen sitting on the ground.

"You should be dead by now but we need you here, I don't want to get blamed for bringing the ability users grogg." Mark said, pointing at each one of them. "Hmm, fourteen."

"What are you rambling about?" The leader asked.

"Oh! I bet you don't know that your crazy scientist figured out how to create an ability steroid and has given most of the other groggs leaving you leftovers here." Mark taunted.

"Kill that brat!" The leader shouted.

"I figured out as much." Mark said as he snapped a finger.

A net rose up from the ground and trapped all the groggs in it, electrifying them intensely.

"This should be enough, at least you are still alive." Mark stated, giggling at them as they shivered in pain. "That's how you guys make us feel, scared."

At the time Mark was doing all this, the others had gotten into the castle. The same process repeated itself, splitting them into four.

Casey, Kell, Dill, Dan appeared in the library and immediately, they started searching through the books, this time there were no groggs or any obstacle of some sort.

Each one of them kept going through the titles untill Kell found a book titled 'A king's true power.'

'A king's true power, what does it mean?' Kell thought as she opened the book and started reading.

"I found something, it says 'origin of abilities'." Dill said, walking up to the others. Then he started reading it to them. "This book is about the origination of abilities and how it spread.

Five centuries ago, the world only consisted of non-ability humans who were being guarded by three spirit beings born along with the world.

The three beings had protected earth for as long as it existed and had grown bored of the repetition of progress, failure, mistake and routine by humans.

So one day they possessed physical bodies and went to a club. Unfortunately they got drunk and were seduced by women that night.

The next day when they woke up, the women were nowhere to be found, so they left the clubhouse and got rid of the bodies.

Seventeen years later, A magician was displaying in a concert how he naturally makes fire from his hands. Though many of the people present at the time thought it was for show but this three beings were also present and knew what it was.

They left to the back of the building.

"We were suppose to protect the world now we just doomed it." One of them said.

"What do you mean Raz? We might have just helped them." Another questioned.

"Help them! From what?" The third said. "Nam, we are the guardians, you want them to do our works for us."

"We need to do something, if others find out about this, there's sure to be discrimination and misuse of it." Raz stated.

"Are you suggesting that we annihilate them?" Nam questioned.

"What if we leave them then, we are not permitted to take lives unnecessarily, unless you are ready to be swallowed up by the earth like the other guardians. With the ability splitted I'm sure it will be very weak. If there come a day that they come together even once, that will be their chance to create a guardian." The third said.

"Tak! You believe those crap the first guardian said! (Sighs) So we are the ones to pay for our mistake then." Raz stated.

"No objections, it's best we just leave and returned to the earth, if we ever get summoned some how then we are lucky." Nam said.

"Summon! Did the first guardian mention something like that. Man this is everlasting suffering." Tak said.

"Alright time to dismiss, until we find a new world." Raz stated as they started to breakdown into dust.

They agreed and left the world that very day with the belief that they were not needed by humans again. The flesh turned to dust and their spirit had to go through suffering in the earth till they find a new world.

Years passed and the ability user had grown in numbers.

Till date competition, discrimination, agreement, war... Took place before and during the creation of their separate residence.

Only few people knew about this and those were the first born of each descendants. They were likely to get a trance or revelation.

They were the strongest amongst the others.

I'm one of those direct descendants and I decided to make a book based on what I saw. If ever there was a threat to the world, i think it's best to collaborate.

Written by Eki Parcilio."

"If what the book says is true, then aren't we collaborating?" Casey asked.

"Collaborate collaborate collaborate, wait! That's based on what he thought, I mean, what was it again... Tak said if they come together. I believe he meant 'given birth'." Dan stated.

"And if you are right, then our best chance is still Jade. " Dill said.

"That's crazy! So what if Jade gets married to a Manekian then all his children would be a guardian." Kell stated.

"No, it would be like a gene, anyone and none might have his fire or speed ability until it takes place genetically." Dan said.

"Then we have to ..."

The door opened and Jade with the others came in.

"We didn''t find anything, did you?" Jade asked immediately.

The others had searched everywhere as planned and there was nothing useful, so they made their way to the library room through the corridor.

"We found out about the ability stuff but this only mentioned a fire ability and nothing else." Dan informed.

"But based on what we read, the three or should I say the guardians have three abilities each, making it more stronger." Dill stated."and as we know it should be the three abilities of today."

Jade collected the book and read it again to the others.

"(Sighs) Now what to do?" Jade asked after reading the book.

"I have an idea." Peter stated.

And they all turned to hear it.

