
Highborn 2

Viona only smiled thinly seeing the nurse who always accompanied her to work. Suddenly there was a loud cry from the outside.

Viona immediately ran to the source of the voice as she was so curious who it was. She had an unpleasant feeling when she heard the sound of crying. She left Nurse Tina who was still excited to read the announcement.

Viona ran to the emergency room past the senior professors who were walking with Doctor Adam, who was officially chosen as the new young professor at the hospital. Without greeting them, Viona only focused on the source of the voice that sounded very heartbreaking.

When she arrived at the ICU room, her heart skipped a beat because a little girl was seen lying on the bed covered in blood in front of Viona's eyes while her mother was crying uncontrollably in her father's arms.

She immediately acted quickly to help the doctor in the emergency room, even though Viona was not a doctor on duty in the emergency room.