
 Over Protective Father

News about Lucia attacking Cecilia in the hospital cafeteria was finally heard by Viona, who was at home. While she was enjoying her days at home as Mrs. Willan calmly, suddenly she was again disturbed by hospital issue when she got a WhatsApp message from Tina, who accidentally told the news to Viona. 

At first, Tina only asked about the condition Viona and her baby until finally she blurted out about the quarrel between the two women in the hospital cafeteria. 

"Where are you going, Madame?" Teddy asked Viona, who seemed to have changed clothes and carried a bag. 

"I'm going to the hospital, Teddy," Viona answered with a smile. 

"Are you sick, Madame?" Teddy asked back quickly. 

"No, Teddy, I want to go to the hospital to meet my brother-in-law's fiance," Viona answered honestly.