
Wine Supplier

"It's nice to meet you, Mr Reymon. I'd honestly never thought I'd have a chance to talk to a Duvor directly." Ulend said, as he firmly shaked Reymon's hand.

"Just call me Reymon, and trust me, the Duvor Family is no different from regular people." Reymon said as he returned the shake.

"Hey maybe you feel that way, but for us average folk, the difference is night and day." Sifon said with a laugh.

"Well let's not talk about that stuff. Beauty, go get me and my friends some drinks, the good stuff." Rolin said, changing the conversation.

"Did you guys bring the gold?" Rolin asked after the young woman left the room.

"Naturally, here's my share." Ulend said, taking the lead. With his example, Sifon and Teevo also tossed over small leather bags, each filled with exactly as many gold coins as they promised.

After giving it a quick inspection, Rolin tossed the bags over to Reymon. As the head of operation, he was in charge of spending money.

Taking the jingling bags, Reymon couldn't help but feel excited. Not because of the amount of money, but rather the future this money represented.

"I've got to go officiate these documents, so you guys start the party without me." Rolin said, as he stepped out of the room and headed towards city hall.

After handing in all the contracts and getting them verified, Rolin finally felt relaxed, his business finally being real rather than just words and promises.

Walking back to the bar with a whistle, Rolin couldn't help but feel like the world was in his hands, and the future was suddenly looking much brighter.

Of course in the case this business fails, he'll really be screwed, but hey, the world is wide, so where can't he go?

The rest of the night continued without a problem, and after spending another day working, Rolin once again had a day off.

As annoying as it was having to work every other day, Rolin still needed money to live, so until his business took flight, he'd need to keep this job. Using this free time, he finally had a chance to check out the store with Reymon.

Reymon had already told him the location two nights ago, so after walking for a bit, he arrived at a large building near the city's center.

It was no wonder the rent for this place was as high as a gold coin a month, it's location was really good, and it's size wasn't bad either.

It seemed Reymon had already started construction without him, the building being filled with laborers going back and forth as they refurbished the insides.

Reymon was standing up front shouting out commands, making sure the project turned out exactly as he envisioned it.

"No, no, that's the wrong shade of paint. And you, you've put that in the completely wrong place, push it more to the right!"

"How's construction going?" Rolin asked as he arrived behind Reymon.

"Oh Rolin, you're finally here. It's been going quite well, even though it's only been two days so far, we've got quite a lot done."

"How much longer until construction is finished?" Rolin asked, knowing that each day wasted was money burned, money he didn't have nearly enough of.

"At this rate, it should take a week at most. By the way, I still haven't talked to the suppliers, also we haven't even named the place yet. My heaven's, there's still so much to do!" Reymon said, his anxiety flaring.

"Relax, everything will come with time. About the name, I was thinking of Rolin's Lounge, what do you think?" Rolin asked narcissistically.

"It's fine, I'm more concerned about the suppliers though." Reymon said, not caring too much about the name.

"Good, then since we've decided, just leave the suppliers to me. You just need to focus on the construction and make sure everything goes right." Rolin said, patting Reymon's shoulder reassuringly.

"Arlight, I'll leave it to you then. Hey, watch your damn step, you nearly scratched the table!" Reymon shouted, not even paying attention to Rolin anymore.

Seeing Reymon completely absorbed in his work, Rolin decided to leave him to it. Whistling a tune, Rolin headed towards the wine supplier the two had already agreed upon. It was a place called Pinyok Wine, specializing in mid to high range drinks.

Of course Rolin was only interested in the high grade, so after quickly checking the manager's likes and buying a few bribes, he walked into the building.

"Welcome, how can I help you sir?" The manager asked as Rolin walked in.

"I'm here to talk business, is there any chance I can talk to your boss?"

"I'm afraid my boss is busy at the moment, but if your business is intriguing enough, I can give him a shout." The manager said, though he secretly thought what kind of business could a twelve year old have?

"Good, I'm looking for a supplier for a bar I'm about to open, I only want the high grade stuff, nothing cheap."

"How much are you looking to buy?" The manager asked, his interest piqued.

"At least five barrels to start, but if business is good, I can always go for more."

"Five barrels, are you sure?" The manager asked with slight shock, after all that was a lot of money.

"Not just five barrels, but rather five barrels of the best stuff you have." Rolin corrected.

"Well actually I think my boss's time table just opened up, let me go talk to him."

"Before you go, take this. Just a little treat to bless a good deal." Rolin said, as he pushed an expensive packet of cigars into the man's hand.

"Of course, haha, to a good deal." The man said with a laugh, quickly tugging the cigars into his shirt before heading to the back in search of his boss.

Soon enough the man came back with a large pudgy man by his side. The man was wearing a high hat and a suit that barely fit his rotund body.

"My boy here says you're in for five barrels of the good stuff. I think I can get you what you need, but let's talk about payment." The fat man asked, ignoring Rolin's age..

"Of course, of course, but this isn't the best place. I actually know the perfect restaurant, let's go have a meal while we discuss, my treat naturally." Rolin said with a smile.

"Well, if you insist." The fat man said, naturally not willing to reject a free meal.

Putting his arm around the fat man's shoulder, Rolin guided him out as the two laughed and joked, Rolin making sure to keep the conversation to the fat man's interests.

"Five Spice House? To think we both have the same favorite restaurant!" The fat man couldn't help but exclaim as Rolin showed him the restaurant he had been talking about.

"Hahah, what a beautiful coincidence. Seems like our souls are aligned." Rolin said with a loud laugh, as he headed up to the second, more expensive floor.

After opening the menu, Rolin 'coincidently' ordered all of the fat man's favorite dishes, shocking him once more.

"It seems us two really do have a lot in common." The fat man said with a laugh.

"Must be that destiny guided us through business." Rolin said with a smirk.

"Must be! But talking about business, let's just get it out of the way. I'm willing to offer you 20% off if you buy in bulk." The fat man said, getting serious when it came to money.

"50% off and we can sign a contract that guarantees I'll only buy from you for at least five years."

"50%? No, that's far too much."

"Shame, I guess the Duvor Family will have to look elsewhere." Rolin said 'regretfully'

"Wait a minute, the Duvor Family? Is this bar by any chance something they are opening?" The old man said, his attitude completely changing.

"Hey, if you don't believe me, then just look at the official documents." Rolin said, as he handed off a paper that confirmed Reymon Duvor as part-owner.

"Reymon Duvor? Isn't he the Duvor Families black sheep." The fat man asked, his mood calming back down.

"Yes, but have you heard of Devy Duvor?"

"The young genius of the Duvor Family, of course I've heard!"

"Well then you must also know that Reymon is Devy's favorite sibling, and even if the business does poorly at first, a single word from her will instantly send it back to the top." Rolin said, smirking.

"Really, how come I've never heard of something like that?" The fat man asked suspiciously.

"How could you? It's not like the Duvor Families relationships are public information. I only know this because I have a friend who's Devy's personal maid. I can introduce you to her if you'd like."

"Really?" The fat man asked, seemingly testing Rolin.

"Of course!" Rolin said, his heartbeat steady and his eyes still.

Seeing Rolin's complete lack of reaction, the fat man actually started to believe him, and after considering it for a while, he decided to accept the offer.

Even at 50%, he was still making profit, though not as much. Ultimately what convinced him was Rolin's confidence, feeling like his words made sense.

After sharing a few more laughs and finishing up their meals, the two headed to city hall to get the documents made and verified.

Rolin made sure to include a quality clause, meaning that if the fat man failed to deliver wines of a certain standard, the contract would be considered forfeit.

He also included a few other clauses to cover all grounds, making sure that there was no way for the fat man to screw him over.

After the two were satisfied with the documents, they finally signed them off, sharing a final handshake before heading off in different directions.

Walking back to 'Rolin's Lounge' Rolin found Reymon still hard at work, screaming out commands through his sore throat.

"Relax, you'll end up losing your voice if you keep shouting like that." Rolin said.

"Don't worry about my voice, did you talk to the supplier?" Reymon asked.

"Naturally, I've got everything figured out. Here's the paperwork." Rolin said, handing over his copy to Reymon.

"50% Off? Amazing! How'd you do that?" Reymon said, impressed with Rolin's methods.

"Just a little sweet talking." Rolin said with a laugh.

"Well there's still a lot left to be done. We still need to get the employee situation figured out, which may be the hardest part…"

Considering they were opening an elite bar, their workers naturally had to be the most beautiful women, which weren't easy to find.