
Desmon Duvor

"No secret, Reymon was always talented, he just didn't know it. All I did was guide him down the right path." Rolin said with a laugh, while also taking a look at Mr. Duvor's panel.

[Name: Desmon Duvor]

[Strength:Third Stage Core Creation]

[Talents: Leadership - ★★]

[Personality: A pragmatic man who hides his true thoughts behind a smile. Secretly despises boot lickers, preferring those who are honest with him.]

[Likes: Animals, Influence, Chess… ]

[Hates: Boot Lickers, Chocolate…]

"That's good to hear, I was worried that my boy was completely relying on you." Mr. Duvor said with a laugh.

"So tell me Rolin, do you have any interests beyond work?" Mrs. Duvor asked.

"Well, I'm quite fond of martial arts, chess, animals, among other things." Rolin responded.

"Chess, huh? It just so happens that I'm also a big fan." Mr. Duvor responded with a laugh.

"Great! We should play a game sometime." Rolin added.

"Good, I'll make sure to find an opening on my schedule. Well it was nice meeting you Rolin, but I've got other guests to greet, so make yourself at home." Mr. Duvor said.

"Take care you two, and Reymon, make sure to introduce Rolin to your siblings as well, I'm sure they'd like to meet him." Mrs. Duvor added with a smile, before heading off with Mr. Duvor.

"Phew, I'm glad that went well." Reymon said, exhaling loudly.

"I told you you'd be fine. Now come on, introduce me to your siblings, preferably your sister first." Rolin said, his eyes glinting.

"Uhh, fine, follow me." Reymon said with a slight shake of his head, deciding to just give in.

Following Reymon, the two soon arrived at a small group of young beautiful women, who didn't even notice the two's arrival, to focused on their conversation.

"There's no way Ponof is the cutest, Hasil is way hotter!" One girl said with a giggle.

"Hasil? You must be blind"

"I have to agree, Hasil is the hottest."

Hearing their conversation, Rolin couldn't help but laugh slightly, feeling that no matter what world, or what class, girls all seemed to be interested in the same thing, and with his laugh, the group finally noticed them.

"Ahh Mr. Reymon, I didn't see you there, please excuse us." One girl said, though the slight blush on her face exposed her embarrassment.

"Uhh, no problem. Anyways, have any of you seen my sister?" Reymon asked.

"Oh Miss Devy? She's by the corner, she doesn't really like events like these." The young girl said, before pointing the two towards the far end of the room.

Looking over, they noticed a girl standing by herself, slowly sipping her drink as she waited for the party to end.

After giving the girls a quick thanks, the two walked over to the lone Devy, who also seemed a bit surprised by her brother's appearance.

"Reymon, I thought you stopped coming to these events?" Devy asked, being somewhat happy that she wasn't the only odd one out here.

"Well, things have changed with my new business, so it's only natural that I try to expand my connections." Reymon said with a laugh.

"Oh yeah, I'd nearly forgotten about that. And this is?" Devy said, as she turned towards Rolin.

"I'm Rolin, nice to meet you."

"Rolin? Hmm, you look very familiar, in fact, even your name sounds quite familiar. Strange, have we met before?" Devy asked.