
She Changed Everything........for the better.

Caroline Forbes-Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall-Mikaelson sent invitations to the heads of all the factions the next day. To call a truce.

Marcel Gerard and Elijah from the side of vampires, Vincent Griffith and Davina Claire headed the witch side. Hayley was the wolf alpha. Father Kerian and the mayor appeared as the heads of the humans.

Caroline drafted a whole document. A contract that benefited all the factions equally.

Esther Mikaelson, who was standing in the way of it all, had been eliminated.

Caroline, happy with New Orleans, took a trip to Mystic Falls, her skills were needed there.

She was finally having an opening ceremony, and everyone was coming to see it. Klaus Mikaelson and Charlotte accompanied her.

"Hello and Welcome!" Caroline Forbes-Mikaelson stood at the podium. Several students, parents, benefactors, friends and family sat in front of her.

"To the Salvatore School for The Gifted And The Young."

She smiled. Looking over to the crowd.

"This is the memory of my best friend, an inspiration." She looked at Damon Salvatore. "A brother, a great man. A Hero to us all, Stefan Salvatore."

People clapped,

"When he died, I felt it was the proper way of honoring him."

She looked from Hayley to Elijah.

"At first, I felt it was something I couldn't do." She smiled, "But there are some people in my life, who pull me up, when I am down,"

She looked at Hayley.

"Some who protect me, even when it doesn't hurt me, Bonnie Bennett and Davina Claire have always been there for me." She looked at Bonnie Bennett, and Davina Claire.

Elijah smiled.

"Some, with whom I have never had a dull moment. For that I thank Kol Mikaelson."

Kol Mikaelson smiled.

"Look at your mommy up there, little wolf." Klaus whispered. She heard it. "She's killing it!"

"And one person, I can't live without anymore." She looked at Klaus Mikaelson, who sat in the last row, holding her daughter. She smiled.

"They are my everything. My family. Without them, I wouldn't be standing here, Without them, The Salvatore School wouldn't be here."

"Since then, I have gotten so much." She ended her speech. "I decided to give back."

People clapped, she got off the stage. She had come a long way. But still, she felt she had a long way to go through. An eternity. She was glad it was going to be with Klaus.

Caroline Forbes-Mikaelson was very happy. She was surrounded by family. It was Elijah Mikaelson's wedding. Hayley didn't care about planning it, and Caroline was only too happy to take it in her hands.

"You did an amazing job, Caroline." Elijah Mikaelson came inside.

"One more reason she is a Mikaelson, brother!" Klaus came inside, "The Mikaelsons throw great parties. And this one is unbelievable!"

She smiled.

"And just one surprise!" She told them.

"What?" Both of them were intrigued.

"Kol will drop down half an hour before the wedding." She told them, "From a plane…."

"What?" Elijah was confused. Klaus laughed.

"He wanted to try skydiving a little while ago." She said, "I had promised him…...So, I don't know!"

She shrugged.

"You actually don't care about a man jumping down from the sky, and crashing in the sky!" Klaus held her arms, his eyebrows raised. "Really? Caroline…..Love, that's so not you!"

She laughed,

"I am trying a thing…" She explained, "Where I don't control everything…."

"Really?" Klaus laughed. "And how is that going?"

"Horrible!" She stopped, and smiled. "But, still....A promise is a promise….I promised Kol a skydive, if he wants to dive right into the cake...So be it!"

She shivered at the thought. Making a mental note of taking the cake indoors.

"Okay….Let's go!" Klaus Mikaelson offered her a hand, she took it. She smiled. "Enjoy this wedding, you deserve it."

"Actually, we all do." She confessed, "It is an accomplishment."

"Right…" Klaus smiled.

Klaus Mikaelson started to walk out,

"Caroline?" Elijah looked at her, "A word?"

"Sure…" She stopped. "What happened?"

"I would like to apologize to you." He told her.

"For what?" Caroline was a little confused,

"A while ago, I undermined your idea about the school, I apologize."

She shook her head softly,

"It's fine, Elijah!" Caroline patted his arm, "Now...come on!"

She walked over to the door, Elijah was still standing there.

"What are you waiting for?" Caroline looked at him, impatiently, "Kol might be dropping down any moment!"

"I certainly don't want to miss that!" Elijah pulled his jacket. "Let's go!"

"Let's get the ceremony started!" Caroline clapped her hands together, "Six minutes behind time!"

Elijah Mikaelson smiled.

After the ceremony ended, the band struck up music. Hayley looked amazing in the Victorian dress Rebekah had given her.

Klaus looked at Caroline, and smiled. She was standing by the bar, He went towards the band, and compelled the lead singer. They started to play Caroline's favorite song.

Caroline put her glass down, surprised. This song wasn't the list she had made for the band.

"Mrs. Mikaelson, may I have this dance?" he asked.

"Did you do this?" She asked.

"It's your favorite, isn't it?" He asked. Raising her eyebrows.

"Always know what to say." She laughed, "What to do….Klaus."

"One thousand years of saying the wrong thing, love!"

He took her hand, she laughed softly.

"I love you, Caroline." He told her, her head was leaning on his chest softly. "More and more, everyday, Love."

She closed her eyes,

"I love you too." She said after a moment. She looked at him. "More than the previous day," She smiled. "When I think that it is not possible, every new morning, I am proven wrong."

Klaus Mikaelson smiled, his eyes were lit up.

"Mommy!" Charlotte ran towards Caroline and Klaus, "Look what I found!"

Caroline looked at what she was holding. It was a flower. A white lily. Caroline's favorite.

"It's for you." She told Caroline.

"Aww….Sweetie, I love it!" She took the flower from Charlotte's hand. "Can I put it on your hair?"

Charlotte's eyes lit up, she nodded, Caroline tucked the flower in Charlotte's braid, which she had made herself a few hours ago.

"My beautiful baby girl!" Caroline kissed her on the forehead.

"Can we get a picture?" She asked again.

"Why not?" Klaus picked her up, raised her above his head, and spinned around, "As many pictures as you want, little wolf!"

He snapped his fingers to get the attention of the photographer, who came running.

Klaus Mikaelson and Caroline were being photographed by the photographer Caroline had hired. Charlotte was standing in front of both of them. Caroline had recently arranged a party for her third birthday in Mystic Falls.

Kol and Davina Claire were dancing to the music. Rebekah Mikaelson and Marcel Gerard were talking at the bar.

Hayley joined Elijah in the corner, he was viewing the whole party. He realized Caroline had changed the whole family. So had Hayley.

Charlotte had changed them so much that nothing could ever be what it had been before. Not like Elijah wanted that.

He smiled. This was something he had wanted for the better part of a millennium.

A family which was actually a family.

A Salvation.

Their Salvation.

Charlotte Mikaelson had completed the Mikaelson family. She was their innocence.

She reignited the scratches of innocence that were left in them all.

Caroline Forbes Mikaelson had shown them their good sides. She was their light in the seas of darkness.

Hayley Marshall-Mikaelson had healed them. She was strong, her friends and family could lean on her. She was their support.

Davina Claire had renewed a friendship between them all. She was the glue of the family. She joined the family together.

They did what Elijah Mikaelson couldn't in a thousand years, but he didn't care. He was glad that they came into his family.

And Changed Everything.

For The Better.


Thank you for reading this story. This is the first one ever I wrote.....Please leave a review about my work.

XOXO, Nina.

Nina_Beckercreators' thoughts