
Character in a book

All I feel is pain

Angel_HONG · Hiện thực
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1 Chs

1.My Grandpa Book

Hello everyone my name is Kiyako Kang and I'm 20 years old I'm half Korean and half Japanese andddddd I'm a boy I mean a man ! . I don't have parents they die because of accident when I was 10 .

And After that my grandpa took care of me and then he left me too , and now I'm alone "AGAIN' .


Kiyako is alone in his grandpa house , searching for something "Where is it's !? I can't find it " Kiyako is out of breath because he doing this thing for an hours (Kiyako is on basement and he is searching in a box .)

After an hour's he Finally find it "Finally ! " He say while hugging the book . it's kinda funny because that's the only things that his grandpa can give .


"I'm tired I'm so sleepy " He said while opening the door " But first let's read this book that my grandpa give to me " While opening the book with a smile and also with a little cry because that book is from his grandpa .

And when the book got open , there's a light from it , and Kiyako is really surprise in it and because of that he fell ( yeah he really fell ) And Kiyako eyes start to blurry he feel dizzy too "What's happening to me I can't feel my body ------ ehhhhhhh " then he fall a sleep .


Kiyako slowly open his eyes, at first it's blur but he scratch his eyes to make it clear . he roll his sight up and down left and right but ended up in a empty clinic "Where I am " Kiyako says in his self.

While asking at his self , someone open the curtain (yeah it's a doctor) . " Good morning Mr. Chang How's your feeling today ? " doctor ask while checking Kiyako Heartbeat "Sorry but my name is Kiyako Kang ! " Kiyako Said while looking at the doctor " Mr. Chang I think you need to take a rest for a while for now , then after that you can go back at your room

(I mean class) " The doctor said , then Kiyako give him a yes even he still know nothing .


"Doctor thank you for taking care of me " Kiyako taking his leave now " Welcome Mr. Chang , take care okay " doc_ said while waving his hand .

" See yaa "

before a few seconds he realize that he don't know his house address and classroom " Where am I ? " While walking at school someone called his name "CHANG ! CHANG CHANG ! WAIT FOR ME ! " After hairing that he stopped from walking

'Finally I can go home -_- '

"H-hey what's up " Kiyako greetings "Ha -- ha -- ha You promise to me that we are going home together brother ?! " The boy said .

"What ????? I have brother ? "

"who am I ? "

"S-sorry for that let's go home ! TOGETHER ?! " Kiyako with a smile "Brother you don't need to shout " His brother cursed him while tapping him in a shoulder " Sorry again hehe ! then let's go ".

When Kiyako reach his house he excuse his self 'that hi is tired and need rest' at Chang family .

he know that this is not his real body and also his world so he need to think carefully to back at his own body and world .


System : Good morning Host . Time to go up and go to school .

Kiyako open his eyes to see who's there but there's no one "Who's there ? " Kiyako ask so the system speak again " hello Host " At second time Kiyako move his head " where are you ?" Kiyako ask him while looking at the ground .

system : sorry Host but I'm invisible! you can hear me but you can't see me !

Kiyako give him a confuse face "Oh ? "

System : I think you are still confuse at your situation right now so let me explain something to you Kiyako Kang , Remember the book ? your grandpa gives you ? .

Kiyako : Yes I remember ! .

System : Good ! But first I tell you my name . My name is Kihon -----

Kiyako : So you have a name ?

Kihon : Yes🙂 ! Right now you are not Kiyako Kang ------

Kiyako : I already know 😎

Kihon : Let me finish my words okay [ -_- ]

Kiyako : Okay .

Kihon : like I said you are not Kiyako Kang because at this world you are Chang Chang . Chang is 23 years old boy , a third year college . you have a brother , he is the only you have .

Kiyako : Anddd ? Can you tell me what kind of world is this ? ☺️

Kihon : You are in your grandpa novel ! I mean the book of you grandpa .you are the main character of this book . and if you want to leave this world you need to complete your mission like your grandpa did -----

Kiyako : Wait ! What ? Grandpa too ?

Kihon : Yes your right ! Your grandpa experience this too , do you know that your grandpa is so handsome when is young 😎.

Kiyako : ........ - so what is the mission ? .

Kihon : ehem ehem .-- So like I Said earlier you have a mission , and that issssss -- You need to sacrifice your Life for your love or partner .

Kiyako : Whattttttttttttt ? so I'm going to die .

Kihon : Hmm let me think 'Yes' If your partner is going to die , you need to fall in love him into you ! I'm going to say the percentage of his feeling for you it's start from 0% to 100% but you need to complete that before he die orrrrrrrr .... if you want to save his life!? you really going to die -_- it's up to you ! you know ? .

End of this chapter .

Please like my page 'AuthorAngel' with a profile of anime girl and the background is a bl anime picture

Sorry For the wrong grammar . please let me Know your thoughts about this chapter I want to know it hehe

Angel_HONGcreators' thoughts