
Chaotic System: A Former Assassin in the Game of the Gods

For too long, Riku was content with the simple life of a sushi chef. Having left behind the hectic life of an assassin, his knife now only knows the flesh of fish and food as he hones his craft with both the poor and rich alike. His skills translated well into running his restaurant, his professionalism and dedication to having a perfect record refusing to leave him even in such a low stakes job as running a sushi restaurant.  But then, just as he was cleaning up, he was whisked away to participate in a game that would determine the new god of all existence. While lacking in knowledge about his new surroundings, Riku is still a professional through and through. Offered with the bounty of having his unconditional wishes granted, the Goddess that summoned him wishes for him to win her this game. Well, then he'll just have to make sure that their victory will be as complete as he could possibly make it... Against fantastical beasts and opponent Champions, his skills as an assassin and a combatant will be put to the test. He'll just have to make this Chaotic System actually work to his favor instead of it randomly spitting out nonsensical situational powers that he couldn't use. *** The Deep Blue... The home of the Gods... For eons, the Thirteen Gods have lived together in harmony together with the God Father within the Deep Blue's calm waters. Together, they watched over the universe, content with simply observing as they all worked in tandem with their respective aspects to exact their Father's will. That was, until the God Father died without explanation, and His power locked away until a successor was chosen among His children. Left with an ultimatum, the Thirteen Gods argued on who should inherit their Father's power. Eventually, the arguments became clashes, and the gods eventually realized that them fighting to the death would spell the end of the world. Thus, an agreement was formed. Each of the Thirteen Gods would choose a champion from the sea of souls to fight on their behalf. These champions would brave the Deep Blue's dangers to reach the very bottom of its depths, and whoever gets there first would grant their patron god the right to inherit the God Father's power. Or at least, that was the original agreement. One goddess chose to defy her siblings, deciding to take matters into her own hands by choosing a former assassin-turned-sushi chef as her Champion. Granting him a power well beyond the rules of the game, she is certain that Riku would be the one to end her siblings' endless debates. After all, a goddess of chaos need not to follow the rules...

MokouFriedChicken · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
219 Chs

1 Prologue

{REALM: ???}

{DEPTH ???}

"Is this all you have for me, coward?!" his opponent taunted. "You have no right to be here if you're that weak!"

Riku brandished his trusty knife in a reverse grip, a tool meant for his new life now being used to tap into the old as he held it up to shield his face from the cold. Blood was leaking out of his skin, his wounds starting to pile up as the fight became more and more unfavorable with each passing second.

'I can't keep this up,' Riku thought to himself as he stared blankly at his opponent. 'I might have the speed, but his armor is too thick... and the ice too jagged to get a hold on...'

In hindsight, it was an unfavorable fight from the start. His opponent wielded an axe and a shield, both of them currently covered in thick ice as the brute that held them laughed and jeered at him. He had no experience fighting an opponent with powers over ice like this. Then again, he had never really fought anyone with fantasy powers like this until he found himself stuck in what was supposedly the home of the gods. He was simply a humble sushi chef trying to turn over a new leaf before all of this; a former assassin doing his best to live out a life away from all of the messy murders and political intrigue that came with being a hired killer.

/Why are you even thinking about this stuff right now, Riku? You should be focusing on beating this guy!/

The former assassin blinked away the feminine voice invading his thoughts. Not that he didn't like hearing her sultry voice in his ears, but her chaotic nature really didn't lend to her being a good thinker anyway.

/Hey, I can come up with good plans too,/ the voice whined, clearly pouting wherever she was right now. /It's not my fault that my aspect affects me more often than not./

"Are you distracted, Champion of Nyx?!"

Riku was about to retort when his attention was pulled back into the fight in front of him. With a shout, his opponent raised his axe up high, ice forming all around him as he grinned at the power he was using.

"The ice of the gods are with me!" the man cried out, his enjoyment of the fight seeping into his words. "As the Champion of Bellona, I will destroy any that will allow him to take his rightful place!"

The former assassin clicked his tongue as shards of ice materialized from thin air, their pointed edges all aimed towards him as they flew straight towards him in an attempt to kill him.

/Use your Trump already!/ his goddess urged him. /My power won't kill you, alright?!/

'But it's more than likely to backfire, on top of it only being available to be used once per Depth,' Riku mentally sighed. 'Still, I guess I have no choice...'

With a blink of an eye, the former assassin allowed his patron goddess's power to flow through him. The broken system Nyx allowed him to wield was highly unpredictable, but they were very much powerful if they gave him the right tools for the job.



As Nyx's automated words echoed in his head, a nervous energy began seeping into Riku as he did his best to dodge his enemy's attacks. Ice rained down on him from all directions, cuts and bruises starting to pile up as he waited for her goddess's trump card to actually give him something useful.

/Trust the process, Riku,/ Nyx, his goddess, reassured her. Though the slight shake in her tone really didn't do her any favors. /I know the power of Chaos can be a bit hard to deal with at times, but it has never failed me before./

Riku couldn't help but scoff at those words. Of course the goddess that had complete control over Chaos wouldn't be screwed over by her own power. Unlike her, he was a regular human being, one that didn't even want to be in this stupid game fighting for an admittedly beautiful yet utterly clumsy goddess.

"Fight back!" his opponent taunted him as he swung his axe wildly at him. "Fight back, Champion of Nyx!"

The former assassin had no choice but to grit his teeth against the biting cold of his opponents ice. Still, that didn't mean that he was defenseless. He still managed to cut and block against the constant barrage of attacks, his trusty knife glowing with the dark power of Chaos as it held against the unnatural ice trying to kill him.


Still, he couldn't help but feel relieved as his trump card finally finished doing its thing. Backing away from his opponent, Riku mentally skimmed through the one-use power that he got this time.




/Hey, that's not that bad, right?/

Nyx's words of reassurance did little to fight back his annoyance even as the power his system gave him flew right into his knife, the glow of Chaos growing brighter as its midnight light threatened to blind even its own wielder.

"So you're finally beckoning for your Goddess to aid you," Riku's opponent taunted him once more, his arms spread out wide as if asking anyone to try and hit him. "Not that it would make a difference. What use is the power of heretical Chaos against the power of Bellona?!"

Riku held his words as he reassessed the situation. While the temporary Boon he got wasn't ideal, it wasn't completely useless. Yes, he could win this if he played this smart...

Still, against opponents that had powers that made sense and were truly powerful, why did he have to end up with something that was equally powerful, but utterly unpredictable? In fact, how in the world did he end up being in this fantastical world fighting for a goddess's right to become the next leader of her pantheon in the first place?

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

MokouFriedChickencreators' thoughts