
Chaotic Lands

In an era of chaos will Qiu be able to survive and fulfill his destiny, will what he do change the world, will he become the one standing at the peak.

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20 Chs

The Sect and Second Test.

Black and white, this is the colour scheme of the sect, the first thing that can be seen was the ceremonial square of the sect and four streams of water flowing down.

At the center of the square was a raised platform, the 擂台(Leitai), there was a small circle at the center filled with water, like a small pond, in which the water stream flows from.

Under the moonlight, the reflection from the water made the sect looked grand and majestic, the matt black and polished white of the sect was glistening within the waters.

"I see you have reached the top, welcome, you are the fourth person to make it up here, it you would follow me to the resting quarters." The lady at the top said to Qiu.

Qiu followed the lady past the square and made their way to the resting quarters.

Pass the square, Qiu was able to get a better look at the sect, there was a statue of the sect's founder and master, 冷凌溪(Leng Lingxi) the cold one. The statue was around 6 meters or 20 feet tall.

And along the way to the resting quarters, the pavement was filled with greenery and after a few steps the pavement turned into a lake, with a wooded path that links to the resting quarters.

Within the resting quarters was two beds, the other was occupied by the cloaked figure that probably only arrived a few minutes earlier.

"I see you have arrived, looks like you are not as stubborn as you look."

"He he he, well thank you for the heads up, it will probably take my a while to figure out to activate my Dao to climb the stairs."

"No need to thank me, just looking out for another young one here."

"What a weird guy." Qiu whispered to himself.

After the awkward conversation, Qiu went out to take a bath at the bath house, before going to sleep.

The bath house was pretty normal for such a grand place, maybe because it was for the normal workers working here. Although the colour scheme remained the same.

The bath was refreshing. And being the only one there, Qiu was able to do anything he wants, it is the first time he had been at a bath house, so he is a bit intrigued by the place.

The bath house was divided into different sections, five different sections. There was the ice bath at the top left, mud bath at the top right, sauna at the bottom left, open bath at the bottom right and a hot bath at the center.

The bath house might not be the biggest, but it had everything that is needed.

Being curious, Qiu tried every bath and the sauna, the sauna was alright he could increase the temperature by pouring water to hot stone at the center.

The open bath was a bit too open for Qiu as he could see actual people passing by and looking at him, he felt exposed.

The ice bath was, well cold, but not as cold as his heart. The main question is how does it work, well there is a special gem used to generate the coldness, the ice jades of Mount 玉冰(Yubing), it is said the mountain is like a jade sculpted into the shape of a mountain.

The mud bath on the other had was, not to his liking, he can not stand the gooeyness of the bath.

His favourite is the hot bath, plain, simple and nice.

After a nice bath, Qiu returned back to his resting quarters. In which the cloaked figure has already gone to bed.

Qiu was hesitant whether he should take a peek under the cloak, the curiosity in him is peaking, eventually his sanity won and he went to bed.

As he was about to sleep he could hear a sound of someone moving outside the window, but he was too tired to care and soon passed out on the bed.

"Contestants wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"

Qiu was in a good sleep before getting woke up by this annoying voice.

But since it is for the recruitment ceremony, Qiu had no other choice but to wake up. Sitting on his bed, annoyed to be disturbed, he sees that th cloaked figure has already left.

Qiu quickly got himself together and rushed to the entrance of the sect. There he saw the number of hopefuls have dropped to only thirty two people left including himself.

"I see that everyone is here, now I going to announce the second test of the recruitment ceremony."

"The next test will be a 擂台赛(Leitai battle), it was determine you ranking amongst you guys and determine the order of disciple apprenticeship."

"Everyone will have a chance at apprenticeship, but the ranking is still important as a first impression so good luck."

"Now, everyone draw lots to find out your opponents for the first round."

Qiu drew number four, meaning that he will be the fourth of the first round to be battling.

As the first battle of the round of 32 started, Qiu watched from the side, it was the battle between the girl from the stairs and some random guy, the girl won the battle with ease as she knocked the guy ofg the stage with a stylish martial art.

Now Qiu sees the appeal of the water on the raised platform, it was purely for aesthetic purposes, as the fighters on the platform uses any for of martial arts, the water will also splash forming an elegant piece of art, like a majestic swan dancing in the lake.

After the girl, was two big bulky man, built like a bear, one had a scar on him face the other a face of a beast. This battle was long, both fighters specializes in defensive martial arts, so it took quite a while for the battle to finish, unlike the one sided battle before, this battle was like a long stand off sumo match.

While the two wrestled, water was splashing due to the impact, this time the water was splashing like geysers, shotting up towards the skies and the side, making the people near the platform wet. The match ended with the beast looking man pushing the scared face off the platform.

The third match of the round was that of the cloaked figure, it was a short round, the cloaked figure used one move to apprehend his opponent and left the opponent blacked out.

The next fight was Qiu's fight, as he stepped onto the platform, he did not feel nervous at all, he has been through a lot to make his way here today, and he is not afraid.

His opponent is just a normal plain looking npc, it was not hard to deal with him, Qiu just used the Ivory Tiger Palm and the npc was shocked by the impact all the way off the platform. It was quick.

As he ended his match, Qiu went off the the side lines to wait for the round of 16 to start, while observing the next few matches as anyone could be his next opponent.

The next few matches were nothing too amazing, most ended with one person being knocked off the platform, only a few like the cloaked figure's match ended with someone blacking out or conceding.

As all the match ended, a new set of lots were drawn, as Qiu drew his lot, he was surprised to draw the first lot of the next round, it was nerve wrecking, but luckily his opponent was another plain looking npc.

Although Qiu felt like he could win easily, somehow the opponent he was facing gave him an uneasy feeling, it was pretty intimidating. The air around his opponent had a chilling feeling and Qiu could feel himself starting to shiver. It was colder than the ice bath he took yesterday.

But Qiu can not give up now, he had to beat this npc looking person. As Qiu took the Ivory stance, he got ready to use the Ivory Tiger steps and fist, he has to end it now, the steps will allow him to quickly close up the distance and the fists will generate a greater impact than the Ivory Tiger Palm. He can not take any chances.

As he got ready, he quickly stepped forward like a tiger lunging at its prey. As he got closer to his opponent, Qiu quickly got ready to let out the Ivory Tiger Fist. He has put in more than a hundred of his strength into his attack and knocked his opponent of the platform.

"Not bad, being able to overcome the intimidation, not bad at all." Whispered the npc.

Qiu let out a sigh of relief as he knocked his opponent out, and ended the weird match, the uneasy feeling he had felt was gone now, he had made it into the next round with some ease.

Qiu did not hear what the npc had said, he was just happy to make it into the next round, now Qiu is going to stand at the side to observe the next few contestants.