
Chaotic Era : Blood Line

This story begin after Galan Adnan Pati passed away at age 95. No one know about his past, people only know him as a Martial Art Teacher. When he is thinking about the peace that he finally get after die, his soul get transfer to another place. God of Life call his soul as a special guest to the god realm and makes him accept God's request. "The request is very difficult and you must have our gift to complete this request... because your enemy has a hero on their side..." Then God of Life used her authority to give Galan 3 blessings. Galan's soul transformed into a new form with enormous power. The finger of the god of life immediately touched Galan's forehead. "Remember, Your mission is to maintain a balance between the races that are on the side of the demon lord. so we gave you immense power to be able to face off against the heroes of the human race.... but you don't need to be in a rush... because the arrival of heroes usually takes tens to hundreds of years.... so enjoy your life before the time when war between human and demon comes..." The finger of the god of life pushed Galan's forehead, causing his soul to be thrown into another world. Then Galan's life changed, because he reincarnated as a vampire.

KannaSayu · Kỳ huyễn
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56 Chs

Scarlet Prince

The Birth of Prince

Today an old man who dedicated his life as a martial art teacher has passed away. Galan Agnan Pati died at the age of 95, he looks like an ordinary person like the others. But he has a secret that he kept until he goes to the grave. The secret about his past as a time traveler was sent by god itself. Galan thought his journey was over when the old days came and finally he could rest in peace.

Galan's soul leaves his body and comes to the circle of life. But something strange happened on his way. the bridge of light that should have been a path for him suddenly shattered. everything turned white from the burst of light, then slowly the dazzling light turned into tiny particles of light.


Galan's soul comes to the other dimension and his body becomes younger. He felt very familiar with that place. That makes him focus on the surrounding area until he remembers some unpleasant memory. Galan saw a white place filled with shards of blue glass like sky color, his body trembling when remembering the past.

After Galan makes his mind calmer, he senses someone coming from behind. Galan turned and saw a woman dressed in white with hair like green flames. Galan smiled faintly because that woman was familiar to him. That woman was a good friend to him because she always helped him when he got in trouble.

"So how is your life in the modern era…?"

When Galan hears that question, he just smiles without answering it. That question made him remember how hard his life was after coming into the modern era. If not because of that woman who always helps him, maybe he can't enjoy his life and die in peace.

"Because of you…God of Life, Suina… my life became much better than before… even my life as Adipati can't compare with my life as a martial art teacher…"

Galan answered the question from Suina while smiling and he almost forgot about his unpleasant memory. Suina uses his aura to make Galan more calm and comfortable when talking to her. Then Galan starts asking why his soul came to the god realm and why Suina came to him. Suina's expression immediately changes, she talks about the god problem with a serious face.

The problem starts when humans in the World of Argaz learn about forbidden rituals. Basically, the world of argaz has seven races who live in peace. But after the human population grew up, everything changed. The never-ending war begins, and even wars between human kingdoms are also frequent.

"So that thing happens in the other world… Then why are you calling my soul…?"

"Because… you are the only human who already knows about gods like me… and you can handle a gift from God of War…"

When hear about a gift from the God of War, Galan immediately clenched his fists tightly. He remembers his past which is full of tragic memories and war. Suina apologized for the mistakes of her fellow gods in the past. She didn't want Galan to get carried away and reminisce about his old wounds.

"It's ok Suina… I never blame you for what happened to me… I just remembered my life in the kingdom era in Mataram… my failure in life as a human and older brother…"

Galan has his own reason to not vent his anger in front of Suina, He took a deep breath before finally looking back at Suina's face. After seeing Galan's calm return on his face, Suina began to explain her request again.

"This will be a difficult task… even for you…"

"Thank you for your warning, but you know about the nature of the gods… and I know it too… so it's impossible for me to reject your task…"

"Sorry about that, actually… We gods also have our own problems too… I'll get straight to the point…"

Suina starts to explain God's plan to make balance in another world called Mitis. The Mitis world has a lot of differences from earth, magic, and abnormal ability is something common there.

"Even with your martial art and kanuragan, I'm sure it's still hard to survive in the mitis world. Because magic and abnormal ability can easily surpass your kanuragan…"

Galan's gaze instantly turned sharper than before. He never knew there was something more powerful than kanuragan. Kanuragan itself is an advanced technique of mastering internal energy which is almost similar to yin and yang. Due to Suina's explanation, Galan's interest in the other world has increased dramatically.

"then the main problem is the heroes of the human race...they were originally humans from earth… They gained some powerful abilities because of a sacrifice ritual, this terrible ritual happened because of a god of light mistake…"

Suina keeps explaining the mistake the god of light made. The god of light gives some magic ritual that sacrifices a pure woman to call heroes from another world. Worse yet, the god of light also gave humans his secret formula. Now he is forbidden to interfere with the affairs of the mitis world for having violated the first rule.

"So the first rule was the same as your rule on earth…?"

"Correct… moreover new rules appear in the mitis world, the rules that make us gods are also forbidden to directly intervene in the problems in that world…"

Now Galan understands the Suina problem, but he still has a question about heroes. Before he can ask a question, Suina explains about the gift from 3 gods for Galan. That gift was to ensure Galan can defeat human heroes in the future. At first, Galan wanted to fight the hero with his own strength. But his wisdom as a 95-year-old geezer made him lose that ego.

"Hmmm… So indirectly, the gods want me to kill the heroes summoned by the human race...?"

"We don't care which way you choose… as long as humans don't do what they want in the mythical world... you can do whatever you like…"

"Because you persist, I will accept this difficult request…"

Suina smiled when she saw Galan answer his request with confidence. But that still doesn't reduce the difficulty of the request.

"The request is very difficult and you must have our gift to complete this request... because your enemy has a hero on their side... and your life as a newborn baby will be very hard... "

Then God of Life used her authority to give Galan 3 blessings. Galan's soul transformed into a new form with enormous power. When Galan tried asking Suina when she said about his life as a newborn baby. The finger of the god of life immediately touched Galan's forehead and made him lose consciousness. At the last moment, Galan can only hear the whispering voice of Suina who uses her power as the god of life.

"Remember, Your mission is to maintain a balance between the races that are on the side of the demon lord. so we gave you immense power to be able to face off against the heroes of the human race.... but you don't need to be in a rush... because the arrival of heroes usually takes tens to hundreds of years.... so enjoy your life before the time when war between human and demon comes..."

The finger of the god of life pushed Galan's forehead, causing his soul to be thrown into another world. Then Galan's life changed because he reincarnated as a vampire. He was born in the middle of chaos because humans try to destroy the vampire nation. The sound of his first cry made her mother weep, for death was very near to her.

"You must be so unlucky my son… because the news of your birth as a pureblood was heard by humans... Now they are trying desperately to kill all the vampires…"

Galan's soul which had merged with his new body looked at his mother's face. After a long time, he could finally feel the warm embrace of a mother again, but he would lose it again because of the attack of the human race.

"But before that happens… let me… Sonya Rivigus Agis De Valencia as your mother gave you a name… your name was Novar Seviyor Agis De Valencia…"

After seeing the smile of his mother who had given Galan a new name, Galan's anger overflowed.

'I will never make a mother cry on this third chance...!'

Galan made up his mind inwardly while venting all the strength of his small body. His body emitted the same reddish glow as the discoloration of his eyes. He uses his kanuragan to feel the air of life around him. Sonya was very surprised to see the power her newborn child had emitted a few minutes ago.

'So this is the feeling when you see life energy from a vampire… while the human life energy in this place is almost the same as on earth… so I just need to lock humans as a target… then…'

[Blood Ability : Sword of Vampire]

Instantly the entire palace and the surrounding area were filled with red swords aimed only at the human race. Hundreds of the human race's vanguard that managed to break into the castle were killed without a single one remaining. Everyone was shocked to see this, even the king of vampires who had just killed the general of the human race army was also shocked.

"That's my boy~"

To be Continued…