
Chaos War

In an alternate universe that is filled with paranormal beings like sorcerers, werewolves, vampires, phantoms, hybrids, demons, and others. Hunter is a teenage sprite with the ability to see ghosts, he uses his abilities to go around and exorcise ghosts for a price. One day, Hunter is presented with the opportunity to join a school to learn more about his powers and abilities, he accepts with hopes of meeting others like himself only for things to go sideways in his first week, drawing the unwanted attention of various powers of the supernatural world, most of whom call for his immediate execution.

Rebel_King_Rebel · Kỳ huyễn
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150 Chs

Dawn Will Come Again

"It's been nearly a month since the River Pot train derailment and authorities are yet to confirm what caused the accident. The derailment which cost the life of nearly --"

Camille changes the radio station continuously until she finds one playing some jazz. "That's better," she smiled.

She continued her smooth drive through the streets of New Lanes until arriving at her mansion where she pulled over and got down from her car.

She walked towards her house and punched in the code to the building. Just as the red-eyed woman was about to push the door, her gaze shifted to the ground and she stopped. The black-haired woman could tell someone had broken into her home.

Camille released her grip on the door handle and traced her steps back to her car where she grabbed a handheld gun. The director of Alpha Sector walked towards the house once more and this time she pushed the door open and walked into the building.

The red-eyed woman moved carefully as she swept the rooms in search of the intruder. The black-haired woman eventually made her way to the kitchen which was slightly open. She pushed the door open and found the intruder leaning on the kitchen island.

"Olivia! What the hell?!" said Camille. She wasn't really surprised to see the director of the Bureau, she would have been surprised if she hadn't. What caught her by surprise was the fact that the Bureau's director was inside her house.

Camille lowers her weapon and the Bureau's director's gaze follows the firearm, lingering a second or two on it before shifting back to the red-eyed woman's face.

"If you knew how to answer calls we wouldn't be having this conservation," said Olivia.

"How did you get in here?" Camille asked, setting the gun on the kitchen table as the Bureau's director walked to the living room, the red-eyed woman following suit.

"I walked in." Olivia plopped down on the sofa before crossing her legs. "There are so many mystical organizations and hierarchies no one takes me seriously anymore. It's like people forget the Bureau is at the top of whatever hierarchy they have going, and the director of the Bureau is at the top of it all."

Camille laughs. "Not me! No one respects the Bureau like the Alpha Sector and I do," she stated.

"I see. Must be why all of my 193 previous attempts to contact you have all been ignored," said Olivia.

"193? That is a huge number!"

"I know. I counted."

Camille laughs nervously. "So ... What can I get you? Something to drink? ... Eat?"

"There's no need. I made myself some cereal while I waited, I hope you don't mind."

"You did? I wouldn't have known."

"I washed the plate I used ... I'm intrusive, not impolite."

"I can see that." Camille laughs. "I just imagined you eating cereal ... Not so badass-y"

Olivia smiles but the expression leaves her face almost as quickly as it appeared. "Let's not delay the question any longer; how's the boy?" She asked.

Camille's face falls. "Skylar tried her best ..."

Olivia sighs deeply. "That takes down the number of survivors to two. Is that why you've been ignoring my calls? You couldn't save him."

Camille fell quiet for a beat before speaking again. "When you brought him to me you mentioned that you wanted to groom him to be your successor at the Bureau."

"Guess I better put those plans on ice."

"I guess so ..."

Olivia sighs before rising to her feet. "I should go. Time to deliver some bad news to Jade," she said walking towards the door.

"You want me to do it?"

Olivia shakes her head. "It's best if I'm the one to tell her; she already hates you enough as it is." The dark blonde-haired woman pulled open the door and walked out of the house.

Camille sighs before walking into the bedroom. The red-eyed woman turned the room's light on for a couple of minutes before turning it off and exiting the house through the back door. Once she found herself on the street, she took out her phone from her jacket and dialed a number on it.

"Camille." The person answered.

"Do we have any apartments in or around New Lanes?" said Camille as she walked towards a garage. Though the garage had a fingerprint scan, the Alpha Sector's director used her keys instead.

"Why would you need -- Olivia was there, wasn't she? I told you ignoring her wasn't the best idea. You think she suspects anything?"

"She does. We have to start the plan now." Camille walked into the garage and got into one of the cars inside.

"Negative. He can't be awake for another week."

"We're running out of time, Skylar."

"I know but if you want him to be fully healthy to enact the plan you're going to have to wait another week."

"Fine. A week, and we are doing a full dive when I get back."

"Sure. Anything you want to be prepared beforehand?"

"Yes. Where's Angel Dust?"

"She's still on that stabilization mission in Brownvale."

"Have Diana extract her."

"Got it. We don't have any free apartments near you. I could send you some house listings though."

"Thanks ... One week, Skylar."

"Yes, one week."

The call ends and Skylar, the woman on the other side of the line looks at the giant tube in front of her which had a naked human who was unconscious, floating inside with bright greenish liquid inside the tube.

"I cannot wait to meet you ... Hunter Heffernan."

