
Chaos War

In an alternate universe that is filled with paranormal beings like sorcerers, werewolves, vampires, phantoms, hybrids, demons, and others. Hunter is a teenage sprite with the ability to see ghosts, he uses his abilities to go around and exorcise ghosts for a price. One day, Hunter is presented with the opportunity to join a school to learn more about his powers and abilities, he accepts with hopes of meeting others like himself only for things to go sideways in his first week, drawing the unwanted attention of various powers of the supernatural world, most of whom call for his immediate execution.

Rebel_King_Rebel · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
150 Chs


"What did you just say?" Sasha asked, anger, shock, and confusion written all over her face.

"What happened to your mother, we have to revisit that memory," Hunter said. "I know it's difficult but I can also tell you don't remember it clearly ... There's something you're forgetting about your father."

"I -- excuse me," Sasha said, rising from where she was seated and walking out of the shack.

"I got this," said Hunter, following after the ecru-haired girl.

He found her just outside the shack, staring into nothing as she fiddled with the sole earring she was wearing. Hunter walked up to her, standing side by side with the ecru-haired girl.

"I don't know what you saw but my brain must have twisted what happened back then to help me cope with the fact that I just stood and watched as Mom was taken from me. My father, it was too late when he arrived and he couldn't save her. He created Retribution for her," Sasha explained.

[Hunter ...]

"Let's walk through the town," Hunter said, walking past the gleaming purple-eyed girl and headed for the main town.


They walked through the busy marketplace of Dritte Winkle, not saying a word to each other.

"This place is beautiful," Hunter noted.

"It is," Sasha said. "I have been to so many other places around the world and there's no place like it. "It is the only place in this realm where non-mystics know about mystics and the two live harmoniously together," she stated.

"Wow. Nice to know I can always retire to Dritte Winkle once I've made enough money," Hunter said.

"Wait," the sprite paused.

Sasha chuckles. "You just remembered how rich you are, huh?"

"Yeah, for a second, I forgot I was a billionaire." Hunter turned and caught sight of a boutique. "Let's go get some new clothes, mine smell like smoke." The sprite doesn't let the ecru-haired girl respond, grabbing her by the wrist and leading her to the boutique.

The sprite picked out a pair of black trousers and a yellow hoodie. He paid for it and changed into the new clothes in the closet the boutique had in the back. Sasha was still in the closet so the sprite decided to walk through the store as he waited.

The sprite was walking mindlessly when he bumped into someone who was also browsing around the store.

"I'm sorry --" Hunter paused when his eyes met with the person's. They were brown and complemented his dark skin.


The dark-skinned man raised an eyebrow. "Have we met before?" He asked.

Hunter shook his head. "No." Baron didn't waste any more time with the sprite. The former Bureau agent walked past the Metropolitan School of Mysticism student and exited the store.

Hunter turned to the door leading to the back of the store. 'Where's Sasha?' He thought.

As if on cue, Sasha stepped out of the closet. The ecru-haired girl was dressed in black leather and fishnet body stockings, she had replaced her thigh-high socks with leather tights. The gleaming purple-eyed girl had also pulled her ecru-colored hair back into a ponytail that hung down her back.

"Wow ... I'm speechless," said Hunter, causing a smile to creep up on the brown-skinned girl's face. "You look very beautiful," he said.

"Thank you."

"I got something for you," Hunter said taking out a small box from his pocket. The sprite opened the box and inside it was a single earring that resembled the one Sasha was wearing on her left ear.

"I know how much that pair means to you and when I saw this one on display I thought it would go well with it."

"Save for the dagger, the earring is the only thing I have left to remember her," Sasha said. "I lost the other pair on a mission and couldn't bring myself to stop wearing this one even if it was only one."

Hunter nods. "I get it. I don't remember anything about my parents but if I had anything that belonged to them, I would cherish it more than anything," said the sprite.

The brown-skinned girl takes the earring and wears it on her right ear. Hunter turns her to a glass so she can see her reflection. "It fits beautifully," said Sasha.

"Yeah, you no longer look weird," Hunter said.

[Why would you say that?]

Sasha turned to the sprite. "You thought I looked weird?"

"No, not weird in a bad way," Hunter waved his hands. "I think unapproachable is more mot juste."

[Good save.]

"About your memories ..." Hunter started.

"Hunter, my earliest memory was when my mother was taken away. There's no way --"

"I hear you," Hunter said. "I just wanted to let you know it's possible to recollect everything that happened before she was taken ... If you're interested."

Sasha smiles. "Thank you, Hunter. I'll think about it. You'll wait till I make my decision before doing anything about Retribution, right?"

"Sure," Hunter nods. The dark-haired boy looks around the store. "I think we're done here," he said.

"Yes. I have to get back to the dojo anyway," said the ecru-haired girl.

Hunter wears a smile. "Of course. I'll see you soon," he said to the gleaming purple-eyed girl who shot him a smile before walking away.

Hunter walks out of the store and heads back to the old shack where Aislinn and Sophia are.

"What was that about?" Sophia asked.

"I don't know ... I think her dad's got into her head."

"Her dad is the leader of Retribution, right?" The blue-skinned girl asked.

"Yup," Hunter replied.

"What are you thinking?" Sophia asked.

Hunter turned to Aislinn. "You said half of the girls in the Retribution would like to leave the group, any idea how we can convince the second half?" Hunter asked.

"Well," Aislinn started."Most of them are like sheep, I think they'll do whatever Hachimura tells them. So I'll say try to get on her good side."

Hunter raised an eyebrow. "Did you say get on Hachimura's good side?"




Hachimura sat alone in the dojo, sharpening her sword when the door slid open. The blonde turned towards the door and her blue eyes met with the person's teal-green eyes.

"Come back so soon?" She said as he approached her. "Let me guess, you need my help?" She said.

"I do," Hunter said.

"Now why should I help you?" She asked, setting her sword down and rising to her feet.

"Because you held back," the sprite replied. "During our fight, you held back, you wanted me to win, you wanted me to save Sof because you didn't want another girl to end up in the Retribution and I know you'd want to get the other girls out too," Hunter stated.

Ai bit her lip and took a step forward. "Why are the girls better off with you than here?"

"They won't be with me," Hunter replied. "They'd be free to choose whatever they want to do," he added.

Hachimura took another step such that she was now only an inch away from the teal green-eyed boy and stared straight into his eyes for a good minute before speaking. "Fine. I'll help you convince the girls but you're on your own if Baron shows up."

"That's all I ask."
