
Chaos in Classroom of the Elite: Class 1-C

At the prestigious Advanced Nurturing High School, a promise lingers in the air: every graduate is guaranteed to achieve their career or higher education aspirations. Each student receives a monthly allowance of 100,000 points, a seemingly generous treatment fostering a sense of freedom and luxury. Surprisingly, the school's governance is anything but strict. Students are allowed to coast through classes with little regard for attendance or engagement, painting an image of an academic paradise. But beneath this veneer of laxity lies a stark reality—this institution is a battleground of meritocracy, where only the truly excellent receive preferential treatment. Into this highly competitive world steps Yukio Yoritaka, an unexpected entrant in the notorious first-year Class C, a group riddled with delinquents and underachievers. His arrival signals the beginning of an unprecedented upheaval, challenging the very foundations of this elite educational environment. Will Yukio thrive or crumble under the school's hidden pressures, where every student is in a relentless pursuit of excellence? ***This is a translation, I'm not the author*** original: https://b.faloo . com/1164138.html Patreon.com/METARLN

Metarln · Tranh châm biếm
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181 Chs

Chapter 60 – The only loser

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Yukio initially wanted to chat more with Sakura, but hearing someone calling for her in the distance, he had to hurriedly take his leave.

After leaving Class D's base and walking some distance, he saw a mountain with an unnaturally formed opening at the bottom, creating an artificial cave.

The entrance was completely obscured by a dark curtain, making it impossible to see inside. Just outside the cave, there were temporary showers and toilets exchanged by the school.

Yukio couldn't help but chuckle, understanding Katsuragi's tactics. He wanted to distract others, keeping them from discovering what materials Class A had exchanged. This way, it was impossible to deduce Class A's real points for the special exam based on their exchanged materials.

But what's the use? In this exam, Katsuragi was doomed to be the loser.

Seeing the cave entrance so tightly guarded, Yukio abandoned any idea of sneaking in. Trained by his family from a young age, he knew better than to think he could infiltrate such a place unnoticed.

He decided to wait outside aimlessly, not there to find Katsuragi, but looking for two other members of Class A.

As evening approached, the setting sun cast a golden glow over the uninhabited island, draping the forests in a thin veil of evening light, creating an oddly artistic ambiance.

Patience paid off, and Yukio finally saw his targets – two Class A students who were either out scouting or gathering resources.

At that moment, no other students were around, so Yukio confidently emerged from the forest, greeting them: "Hey there, you're Hashimoto and Kamuro, right? Do you have a moment to talk?"

"?" Kamuro, a tall girl with waist-length purple hair, was on guard against the sudden appearance of Yukio, unsure of his intentions.

She was also uncomfortable with Yukio's informal way of addressing them and didn't respond.

Hashimoto, who appeared more frivolous with short, tied-back blond hair, seemed quite pleased with Yukio's arrival: "Hello, Yukio. I didn't expect you to remember my name."

Yukio gestured towards the nearby woods, and Hashimoto, understanding, nodded and followed, with Kamuro reluctantly tagging along.

Under the cover of dense trees, ensuring no other students could see them, Hashimoto curiously asked about Yukio's intentions: "Did you come here to provide resources to Class A today? I thought we agreed on tomorrow?"

"Oh?" Yukio responded with more interest than Hashimoto: "Hashimoto, are you also eager to see Katsuragi get our resources?"

"I recall, when discussing the deal with Katsuragi, he and his followers seemed quite pleased. However, you and Kamuro here didn't look too happy when you heard the full details of the trade."

Hashimoto's expression changed, thinking inwardly, 'Is this guy a devil?!' During the cooperation between the two classes, with so many members of Class A around, Yukio was focused on Katsuragi, yet he still noticed the unease between him and Kamuro?!

That seemed unbelievable, but maybe it made sense, given that this was a person specifically marked as an enemy by the 'princess'. He really shouldn't be underestimated.

With this in mind, Hashimoto forced a smile: "Yukio, you jest. My unhappy expression was because we had to pay 25,000 personal points to your Class C every month."

"How should I put it, though the contract is profitable for us, still, giving money to others… you must allow us a little dissatisfaction, right?"

"Is that so?" Yukio was tired of beating around the bush with Hashimoto, who wasn't Sakura, and not worth the chat: "Any normal person, paying 25,000 and earning 30,000, making a net profit of 5,000, would be happy."

"Your thinking, Hashimoto, seems a bit different from normal people."

Hashimoto felt like he was being insulted, but also not, and struggled to find a response.

Kamuro, usually quiet, stepped forward: "So, Yukio, what do you want from us? Just say it."

Kamuro believed that someone like Yukio, who unified Class C, wouldn't seek them out without reason. There must be a purpose.

"It's simple." Yukio, who never hid his motives, revealed his intention directly: "When everyone should be happy about the net profit, you two aren't. This implies you have a greater interest that this partnership affects."

"What greater interest could there be? Think about it, this greater interest must be related to Sakayanagi, who's absent from this special exam."

"Your displeasure must stem from the fact that if Katsuragi leads Class A to profit, it will undermine Sakayanagi's authority. That's the only reason for your troubled expressions at that time."

The division of Class A into two factions was no secret. Therefore, even when Yukio was discussing the cooperation with Katsuragi, he had already noticed Hashimoto and Kamuro. Through various details, he deduced that these two belonged to the Sakayanagi faction.

Hashimoto was truly sweating bullets now, his short-sleeved sports shirt soaked at the back, a chill settling in the pit of his stomach!

Kamuro was also deeply shaken, at a loss for words, just staring blankly at Yukio, unsure of what to say.

Yukio crossed his arms, leaning casually against a nearby tree. The breeze rustling through the woods gently stirred his black hair, giving him an air of someone who controls the entire situation: "So then."

"To prevent Katsuragi from undermining Sakayanagi's authority, Hashimoto, Kamuro, shouldn't you, perhaps, be a bit more cautious around him?"

"Like, say, 'accidentally' discussing your Class A leader choices while on the way back to the cave, and conveniently being overheard by me in the woods?"

This was what Yukio meant during the barbecue with Ryuuen and the others at noon, saying they didn't need to worry about the leaders of Classes A and D, only focusing on Class B.

Class A's vulnerability undoubtedly lay in the power struggle between Katsuragi and Sakayanagi. Until the dust settled and a winner emerged, it was an excellent opportunity for Yukio to exploit this weakness and reap benefits.

Hearing Yukio's intentions, Kamuro's face turned very serious. She couldn't help but be solemn in front of Yukio, feeling as if she was facing that woman, overwhelmed by the aura of someone who controlled everything.

Hashimoto, somewhat embarrassed, scratched his cheek: "This, betraying the class like this, isn't it wrong? We still have to pay you guys personal points every month."

"Even if it's to protect the princess from being overthrown by Katsuragi, we'll still lose out in terms of personal points."

"How so?" Yukio spoke slowly, his posture unchanged, still leaning against the tree: "Can't you do the math? If the leader choice is exposed, you only lose fifty points."

"According to my agreement with Katsuragi, you were originally set to earn around three hundred class points. After the leak, you'll make about two hundred and fifty. You won't lose out, and I still profit."

"In this way, students from the Sakayanagi faction don't need to worry about Katsuragi taking control of the class and sidelining Sakayanagi. I also gain class points, and all things considered…"

"The only loser here is Katsuragi."


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