
Chaos in Classroom of the Elite: Class 1-C

At the prestigious Advanced Nurturing High School, a promise lingers in the air: every graduate is guaranteed to achieve their career or higher education aspirations. Each student receives a monthly allowance of 100,000 points, a seemingly generous treatment fostering a sense of freedom and luxury. Surprisingly, the school's governance is anything but strict. Students are allowed to coast through classes with little regard for attendance or engagement, painting an image of an academic paradise. But beneath this veneer of laxity lies a stark reality—this institution is a battleground of meritocracy, where only the truly excellent receive preferential treatment. Into this highly competitive world steps Yukio Yoritaka, an unexpected entrant in the notorious first-year Class C, a group riddled with delinquents and underachievers. His arrival signals the beginning of an unprecedented upheaval, challenging the very foundations of this elite educational environment. Will Yukio thrive or crumble under the school's hidden pressures, where every student is in a relentless pursuit of excellence? ***This is a translation, I'm not the author*** original: https://b.faloo . com/1164138.html Patreon.com/METARLN

Metarln · Tranh châm biếm
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202 Chs

Chapter 23 – You Buy Points to Add? Then We'll Buy Points to Deduct

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Hearing the offensive remarks from outside, an eerie calm swept over D-class. Moments before, the classroom was buzzing with excitement as everyone enthusiastically pitched in their points, and Sudo and the others expressed their gratitude. The collective effort had brought a vibrant unity to the class.

However, now, with most of C-class blocking their front and back doors, D-class suddenly fell silent, as if a bucket of cold water from C-class had extinguished their fiery enthusiasm, drenching them all like drowned rats.

The students of D-class hadn't anticipated this interruption from C-class, especially not with the entire class showing up.

Led by Yukio, the curious students of C-class had arrived in full force, blocking the entrances to D-class's room and crowding near the corridor windows. It almost looked like a major conflict was unfolding between two classes.

"Damn it! You C-class jerks dare to show up here!" Sudo, quick to anger, was the first to break the silence. He slammed the desk with fury and stood up, fixating on Yukio, whom he believed to be the mastermind behind their impending expulsion for providing false answers.

Of course, Sudo wasn't the type to introspect and acknowledge that his poor study habits were likely to blame for his failure, regardless of the answers. Now that he had someone to blame, his subconscious was quick to absolve him of any responsibility, believing that without Yukio's deception, he would have surely passed.

Yukio, clearly understanding Sudo's evasive psychology, gave him a provocative glance before turning to scan the grade list on the blackboard, then refocusing on Sudo: "Is this it? Barely scoring twenty in each subject. Even without our answers, you couldn't have passed on your own."

"Say that again, I dare you!" Sudo, unable to tolerate such taunting, picked up his chair in a fit of rage, prompting Albert and Ishizaki to step forward and shield Yukio, preventing Sudo from hurling the chair at him.

This small detail made it clear to everyone in D-class that Yukio was essentially the backbone of C-class.

Horikita stepped in again, standing next to Sudo: "Calm down! Everyone has already gathered enough points. Do you want to waste all their efforts?"

Under Horikita's stern reprimand, Sudo reluctantly set down the chair but continued to glare at Yukio with a mix of frustration and helplessness, almost bursting with indignation.

But what was about to happen would infuriate him even more.

Yukio didn't bother with Horikita or Sudo any longer but shifted his focus to D-class's homeroom teacher, Sae Chabashira. She was the epitome of many high school boys' fantasies about a homeroom teacher – a raven-haired beauty with a neat ponytail, an elegant face that commanded respect, dressed in a white blouse and a business suit that accentuated her stunning figure, black stockings that extended up her shapely legs, and heels that added to her stature. In any regular high school, she could have been the dream of all male students.

However, Yukio was not there to admire the OL-style teacher. Instead, he expressed interest in participating in the point-for-grade exchange: "Chabashira-sensei, right? I'm Yukio from C-class, a pleasure to meet you. I hear you have an interesting point-for-grade exchange happening here in D-class. Since the price is so cheap, we in C-class thought we'd join in the fun and add some points to D-class's collection."

"..." Chabashira eyed Yukio, her brows furrowing into a frown. She envied Sakagami for having such a capable student in her class. She wasn't naive and knew Yukio wasn't here with good intentions. Trying to deflect, she said, "This is an internal affair of D-class, not something for you to meddle in."

"An internal affair? You jest, Chabashira-sensei," Yukio countered dismissively. "Private points can buy anything within the school, right? That's what Horikita just said and what you agreed to."

"Of course, even if you deny it, our homeroom teacher said the same thing at the start of the year. You can't deny that."

"If D-class students can pool points to raise grades above the passing line, then we can use points to bring them back below the passing line. It's just a matter of buying points for different purposes – D-class to raise grades, C-class to lower them."

"Unless D-class is no longer part of Advanced Nurturing High School and outside the 'within the school' scope. If that's the case, then we obviously can't proceed with the purchase."

The diabolical plan of C-class, far from being a mere curiosity, was revealed in its full malevolent intent – they weren't there just to stir up the scene but hoped to continue pushing for the expulsion of D-class's three underperforming students!

Hearing this, Sudo, already at his limit, finally exploded in rage: "This is too much! I'm done with you, C-class!"

"I look forward to it," Yukio responded nonchalantly, beckoning Sudo with an inviting gesture, as if welcoming his aggression or summoning a waiter. "Come on, Mr. Unknown Redhead. Show us your violence right here in front of your teacher and all our classmates. Then, under our rightful self-defense, you'll be expelled, bruised and battered. Chabashira-sensei and everyone in D-class can testify that you started the fight, and C-class was merely defending itself."

"Damn you!" Sudo, at his breaking point, cursed loudly, ready to grab a chair and fight. However, Horikita firmly held onto the chair.

"Let go, Horikita! I have to teach these C-class jerks a lesson today!" Sudo, blinded by anger, cared little for C-class's numerical advantage, seeking only to vent his frustration through violence.

"Calm down, Sudo!" Horikita pleaded earnestly. "Chabashira-sensei will surely side with us. We've just gathered enough points to prevent your expulsion!"

"Do you really want to throw away your future over a moment of impulse? Think about your dream of becoming a professional basketball player!"

"If you get expelled, how will you ever have the chance, the means, or the resources to pursue a career in basketball?"

This mention of his dreams hit Sudo hard. His grip on the chair weakened, allowing Horikita to wrest it away from him.

Watching Sudo's dumbfounded expression, C-class students burst into laughter: "What's he even doing? So hilarious!"

"Serves him right! He shouldn't have messed with us in the library. Yukio-san is standing up for us, targeting this redhead to get him expelled!"

"Seriously, of all people to offend, he had to pick a fight with us."

Sudo, caught between the mockery of C-class and his own aspirations, looked as if he was undergoing a rapid change of emotions, his face alternating between red and pale, almost as if he had been poisoned by C-class.

Horikita tossed Sudo's chair aside, choosing not to confront Yukio directly but instead to speak with her own class teacher: "Chabashira-sensei, while it's true that C-class wishes to use their points to reduce Sudo and the others' scores, and that falls within the school rules, you don't have to refuse them."

"But you can raise the price! We were charged ten thousand points per mark; you can't possibly sell to them at the same rate!"