
Chaos Eyes

In a planet we called earth in year 2020 a catastrophe accured in different parts of the world in which a dimensional rift opened making way for creatures which is called chaos beings to invade our planet killing millions of people along the way. inspite of the world's government successfully defending the planet they still fear the second coming of these invaders. Thus the government formed a secret organization that will one day defeat the chaos beings and they called it Defenders. In year 2030 ten years after the catastrophe that shook the world a teenager named Jhin Kaizaki a survivor of the catastrophe found himself in a peculiar situation wherein he found himself having an ability to see the future.... Follow Kaizaki everyday life as it changes and knows the reason why he can see the future (Picture not mine. but the edit is mine. just saw it on Google. if the original artist saw this. pls tell me so that I can put the credit to you)

Moe_Cyan_Pile · Kỳ huyễn
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243 Chs

Chapter 192:[The Darkest Flame and The Brightest Flame]


With Kentaro positioning himself for an attack, he had his flames engulfed his sword as a whole as the flames itself turned white under the manipulation of Kentaro's chaos ability. Upon the manifestation of this white flame, the whole temperature in the area begun to rise which is quite apparent since everyone in the surroundings except Kentaro starts to sweat like bucket.

At the sight of this, Kanzaki seemed wary of the white flames as he begun engulfing his sword with its own black flame property which just escalates the temperature even higher in the area., which greatly affected the area and caused their surrounding to either melt or burn on their own. Naturally Alice noticed this sudden change in the area, because of that she quickly distanced herself away from them in order to not get caught up in the area of battle.

If Black flames is considered the hottest flames in line of phantasmal route, then the white flame is considered the hottest flame in line of the scientific route. With such flames present, their own heat and flames begun clashing in that specific area as both got ready for the battle which would risk everything.

Without a moments delay, the moment the first drop of sweat from both of them landed on the floor simultaneously due to rising temperature, Kentaro begun to make his move, as Kanzaki rushed forward with an prepared attack on mind.

In a blink of an eye, both swords engulfed with their own respective hot flames begun clashing against each other as the first impact literally sent a shockwave of heat flare into the surroundings and burned every soft tissue in the surroundings. Of course such soft tissue includes leaves, clothes, and paper, but the surrounding are the only one affected by such a shockwave.

Luckily for Alice she was able to distance herself far away from them which naturally prevented herself from having her own clothes burn from the heat of the battle. This type of battle was way out of her league, even though she wanted to help Kanzaki in dealing with the opponent at hand, she  knew that she would be only a liability if she continued to stay there further.

Based on what Kanzaki briefed her, rescuing Claire was their number one priority and it is to be expected that the terrorist group would do anything to prevent that. With that she should move on to their main objective rather than wasting time on someone who was adamant to stop them. But even though she knew that, she couldn't help but hesitate and worry for Kanzaki himself.

In that moment of her run, Isabelle then suddenly popped out in her earpiece as she was quite discontented by her and Kanzaki's behavior. After the mission, Isabelle then took a break from all the stress she had accumulated from being a support of a two agents, as she slept for quite awhile, Little did she know that during her sleep time, both Kanzaki and Alice would then do something unexpected and join the main battle.

Next thing she knew when she woke up, Kanzaki was on a battle and Alice was running in some places. Since she cant contact Kanzaki due to the heat waves interrupting her communication line with Kanzaki, she had no choice but to vent her frustration on Alice whom she could contact. After her venting out, Alice then explained the situation to her, which she immediately understood as she calmed down.

Without a moments thought, she then begun her job and instruct Alice on what to do in this situation.

At the same time back on where Kanzaki is situated, after their first initial clash against each other, Both him and Kentaro begun exchanging blows after blows after blows against each other as their sword clashed repeatedly in a single moment. Naturally one location wasn't enough for them, so as they fought each other with clash after clash of their flamed swords which causes multiple heat waves to erupt from each contact, they then moved from one place after another, until they had affected a huge portion of the central park area itself.

With every swing from Kentaro, Kanzaki would return it with an attack of his own which caused their swords to clash each other more often than not. Of course there were still dodges and parry in between their clashes, but most of them are pure clashes of strength from both sword wielders.

But despite them both being a swordsman, Kentaro was slowly suppressing Kanzaki with his own swordsmanship due to the massive difference in experience. Using that advantage, Kentaro pushed away Kanzaki using brute force with his sword, causing the latter himself to be blown back and land in all three of its limbs.

The moment Kanzaki was put in a position wherein he wont be able to jump back in such a angle, Kentaro then instantly rushed forward in a blink of an eye and gave a huge swing from up above with an intent to cut down Kanzaki from the top. But as if the person himself was able to read his intention, his attack was easily dodged, as Kanzaki quickly inserts in a counter and force him to defend himself with his own sword.

After Kentaro blocked Kanzaki's attack, the latter then quickly jumped back by a few feet away from him as he raged the black flames on his sword and swept up a sword wave made up of black flames towards Kentaro in a single slash. Due to that Kentaro was then forced to use his own white flames in order to counter the black flames and created a sword wave made up of white flames to cancel each other out.

After both flames collided against each other and exploded, Kanzaki then used this opportunity to circle around Kentaro's blind spot and struck him with his own swing from the side. Unfortunately Kentaro was able to recognize his intent and block his attack coming from his blind spot.

Not letting up, Kanzaki flipped his hold on his sword as he forced his body to do an upwards slash in the middle of his momentum and deliver a consecutive strike towards Kentaro in a single second. For the first time, Kentaro was pushed back from such an attack, as he landed on his feet and ready to rush up once more.

But just as he was about to charge back into the fight, he then suddenly saw in incoming swing from Kanzaki, as he was shocked by how fast his opponent react to every millisecond detail of their fight. It was as if, if there were any given chance in between the rhythm of a battle, his opponent would always try to counter in those moment which would literally give no breather to nay opponent he faces. 

But such a feat would not be possible unless one has a good sense of rhythm and a good eye to see through the gaps. But based on what he know on such a person on first impression, Kanzaki wasn't capable of such feat, unless he has other means of achieving such result.

Unknown to him, Kanzaki was exerting the limit of his foresight chaos ability to its maximum, due to that he was able to replicate any veteran fighter could do and act on it as if he has the experienced person himself. But doing that causes a lot of strain on his eyes, which was quite apparent since veins begun popping out around his eye socket as an indication on how much his eyes and cerebral system was being used and damaged.

But despite that he cant stop now. Based on what he knows, his opponent is extremely skilled, and doing such a thing is the only way for him to contend against such an opponent. No matter what he had to at least take one down alongside him.