
Chaos Eyes

In a planet we called earth in year 2020 a catastrophe accured in different parts of the world in which a dimensional rift opened making way for creatures which is called chaos beings to invade our planet killing millions of people along the way. inspite of the world's government successfully defending the planet they still fear the second coming of these invaders. Thus the government formed a secret organization that will one day defeat the chaos beings and they called it Defenders. In year 2030 ten years after the catastrophe that shook the world a teenager named Jhin Kaizaki a survivor of the catastrophe found himself in a peculiar situation wherein he found himself having an ability to see the future.... Follow Kaizaki everyday life as it changes and knows the reason why he can see the future (Picture not mine. but the edit is mine. just saw it on Google. if the original artist saw this. pls tell me so that I can put the credit to you)

Moe_Cyan_Pile · Kỳ huyễn
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256 Chs

Chapter 107: [New Challenge III]

[Ryuuji's Mansion, London]

Picking up the presence of an intruder entering his homes premises, Ryuuji then gave everyone on the phone a stern look as he quickly shutted off his phone despite everyone's rumbling

But the moment he did such a thing, Claire then immediately took notice of this as she looked up towards Ryuuji in confusion in her eyes

"Hey! Why did you turn off your phone? I was talking to everyone! Hey..."

As Claire voiced her own thoughts out, Ryuuji on the other hand put her downto the floor as he slowly stood up from his seat and expanded his senses in a full 360 degrees

Seeing Ryuuji's facial expression, Claire then immediately picked up the cue as she realized that Ryuuji might have felt something to make him cautious all of the sudden

Of course on that note, as Ryuuji had taken notice of the intruder inside his mansions premises, Greg and his butler himself would have taken notice of it too

While both Greg and his butler is located in a different area of his mansion, Ryuuji on the other hand is located right beside Claire's location, thus raising the chance that he might encounter the intruder himself

Soon after silence enveloped the whole place as Ryuuji carefully senses his surroundings, but at that instant through the window, the intruder barges in with a bang completely breaking the glass and aiming towards Claire

But just as the intruder was about to land before Claire, Ryuuji then came swooping in as he dealt a huge right hook towards the intruder's face

Naturally the intruder was wearing a black mask to hide his identity, but nevertheless the intruder himself quickly crouched down to avoid Ryuuji's fist and dashed past him with a slight launch heading towards his target

Unfortunately Ryuuji immediately took action and changed his body's positioning the moment he realized that his attack had missed

Twisting his body in a full 120 degrees he then reached out his left arm and took ahold of the intruders collar and tossing in right infront of him

But the intruder quickly flipped his body in midair to avoid crashing unto the floor and charges towards Ryuuji, knowingly that he needed to take care of its guardian before he could get to his target

Positioning himself with a strange martial arts style, the intruder quickly came in of Ryuuji's range and started spraying in multiple quick punches towards the latter's throat, seemingly aiming to immobilize its opponent

Likely for that to happen, Ryuuji quickly shifted his body positioning once more as he repeatedly and continuesly dodge the intruders quick punches

Alongside that he quickly raises up his arm to guard himself from a roundhouse kick, and placed his arm below his chin to guard himself from the sudden surprise kick to his chin

As he continues to dodge and blocks his opponents attack, he also seemingly realize that his opponent is quite adept on such a close quarter assault, if it were any ordinary opponent that person could have easily dealt with it with ease, unfortunately Ryuuji wasn't that a simple opponent

Using the momentum of the opponent's punches, Ryuuji quickly parried the intruders strike to the side causing it to lose his balance, before he quickly dribbled it with his own series of punches

With a straight kick to the stomach the intruder was then left stumbling a few steps back as he knelt unto the floor seemingly holding unto his stomach in pain

But instead of giving up, the intruder gritted his teeth in annoyance as he quickly shotted off of his feet and held out his hand unto the air and summoned a uniquely shapen one handed huge sword on it's hand, seemingly its last resort on dealing with such matter

Seeing the weapon manifesting itself in the air, ryuuji then realizes that his opponent might have been a user assigned to such mission

Without further ado the intruder wielded his one handed huge sword and leapt through the air as he smashed it down towards Ryuuji's direction

In that instant Ryuuji quickly rolled over to the side as he slid agaisnt the ground and charged towards the blindspot of the intruder

However the intruder quickly took off his attention towards Ryuuji and glanced towards his target who had moved to the corner of the room, seemingly he puts more importance on capturing Claire than fighting a user just like him

But before the intruder could move a step forward, Ryuuji quickly then called out to him to catch his attention

"Are you sure its appropriate to simply look away from your opponent, if that is the case, then i can say is that your nothing but an amateur in battle"

When Ryuuji said that he then immediately summoned out Ifrit from the circle of flames he had manifested in thin air and swung it down towards the intruder


Luckily the intruder managed to move sideways to dodge Ryuuji's strike just in time, unfortunately the latter didn't flater at all as he quickly spun around in midair using Ifrit as its support and slammed his sword towards the intruders one handed huge sword

In that instant the intruder was blown away after blocking Ryuuji's attack, as he crashed unto the wall of the room

But before the intruder could stabilize himself, Ryuuji quickly approached towards him and begun swinging Ifrit towards the former

In response to that the intruder naturally retaliated as he swung up his one handed huge sword just enough to parry Ryuuji's strike

Following that the intruder swung down his one handed huge sword multiple times towards Ryuuji, only to realize that the latter had actually countered back his every strike with his own

With such overwhelming strength, Ryuuji blasted away the intruder once more as it crashed towards the room door and out towards the hallway

This time however before the intruder could get up and attack Ryuuji, its whole body was immediately tied up in strings as Greg had completely captured him effortlessly

With no way to escape, the intruder simply tried to struggle before Greg himself knock him out with a single strike

In that note the mission to capture Claire that very night had ended in a mission fail