
Champion of the Gods

Betrayed... left to rot in a prison as a sacrifice to a god. While Ace cries out in pain, others sleep in peace. Revenge... against the gods and those who betrayed him. The only thought in his mind while chained, a thought that turned to reality thanks to a certain someone. Awarding him a new life, a life of a Champion. --------------- [Cover is not my own. If you want me to take it down, please reach out to me] ------------ If you want to contact me regarding anything related to my novel, feel free to do so using discord @ Im_Sleepy#0164

ImSuperSleepy · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Champion vs God

[Author note: Hey everyone if you haven't noticed, I made some slight changes to the chapters as I realized I forgot a few details. No story changes were made, just minor details to help with my writing to be more imaginative. Also I changed this chapter to not have each line consisting of more than three sentences. Let me know if you guys prefer this or more sentences on a line.]

Punch, after punch, after punch. I kept throwing punches at Azel as One watches from afar. Even with my new strength, I am still up against a god.

"Come on my toy, you said you will play with me" Azel stands unfazed as each punch connects to a part of his body.

I stop punching, take a few steps back and realize that no damage has been done to his pure orange skin , "Well I am up against a god even if you are a minor one"

"Hmm... if you ain't attacking, I guess it's only right for me to counter-attack" Azel dashes forward at a speed I can barely keep up. He stops in front of me and lands a punch to my gut, sending me back a few feet.

However, I stay on my toes and hold my ground. "Seems I underestimated you Azel, don't worry though I'll play with you soon"

I take a deep breath and look at One, she gives me a wink and an okay sign as a way of saying,"I got you, my champion"

Azel dashes towards me once again but this time before he could land a punch to my face, I dodge and land an uppercut to his chin.

"Ah... lucky punch toy. Seems you got a little faster but not stronger" Azel seems a little more angrier than he was before as a mortal caught him off guard. Instead of rushing towards me again, he snaps his fingers.

I look around and to my surprise I see many magic circles all around me and in less than a second they all start firing.

I may be a newborn champion but I am a champion nonetheless, something like this was just too slow. I dodged every bolt of magic coming at me in every direction. All Azel does is stand in excitement as his toy stands in place while only moving his upper body to doge the magic bolts.

The magic circles stop firing and I look towards Azel. "Come on Azel, let's take this more seriously shall we?"

"I guess we should my toy" Azel proceeds to channel a magic blade from his hand and walk slowly towards me.

I do a little arm reload then walk slowly towards Azel as well. We start to pick up pace and once we reach a certain distance, we dash at a great speed.

"AZEL, I will get my revenge!" My punch connects to his side but it seems his blade was little bit quicker as I notice the huge cut to my chest.

"Oh my toy... seems like you got hurt. Shall we stop here?" Azel smiles with glee as he realizes that he has the upper hand and that I haven't awakened yet.

And he's right, he is a lot better than me in every way. I may be a champion but without your own power, up against even a minor god is a deep struggle.

I click my tongue and back away, putting my hand to my large diagonal cut on my chest. "I'm just letting you have a little fun Azel, just before I wipe that smile off your goddamn face!"

"Hahahahah my toy just give up, your a newborn champion and your bitch of a god isn't all that great as she seems to be. Ain't that right One?" I turn to One in confusion as to what Azel is saying but all One does is smile and wave.

I ignore it for now and look back at Azel. I clench my fist and dash towards again, this time getting behind Azel and delivering a kick to the head.

Not to my surprise, Azel catches my foot before it can land and pushes my foot away. "Seriously toy, I am starting to get bored. I thought you would put up a better fight than this but I guess not"

Azel snaps his fingers once again but this time no magic circles appeared. Instead chains sprout from the ground and wrap my arms and neck, pulling me onto my knees.

"Are you watching One, the pathetic state your champion is in" Azel tightens the chains on my arms and neck and proceeds to tighten it.

As I struggle to break free, the chains flood my head with memories of the torture sessions. The chains were both a blessing and a curse while I was imprisoned. On one hand, it kept me imprisoned and tortured every single day by Azel. However on the other hand, it was the only thing giving me warmth. The sound, temperature, and feeling of the chains kept me from completely losing my mind. While having the thought of revenge, the chains are what kept me grounded.

"Stop struggling toy, you will come to love these chains eventually" Azel runs his finger down my cheek.

"F-fucking asshole" I spit in front of him, kinda like in the beginning of when I met him.

As all this unfolds... One keeps watching as if she's anticipating a certain moment to happen. No look of worry or sorrow while I am chained and strangled.

Azel lifts my head up, "Time for another session of fun my toy"

The moment he said that, a hint of fear was manifesting from within, the fear of pain I desperately want to never feel again. I start struggling even more in an attempt to escape but of course to no avail.

"Give up toy, even your god is not helping you" Azel snaps his fingers, summoning his table of tools... the same tools used on me.

"I'll fucking kill you Azel" I clench my fist with rage and a little bit of fear.

"Maybe in another life toy but for now let's have your god... watch you get brutally tortured!" Azel picked up a hammer and lifted it in the air...

And so it began...

What I thought I would never have to experience again, came back even more painful than before.

Wack... Wack... Crack...

Azel constantly swings his hammer at me with each swing getting more and more powerful. "How does it feel toy, did you miss this?!"

I couldn't speak as One and everyone in the town watches this horror unfold in front of them. I have the power, I'm a champion yet I'm still suffering.

As Azel kept swinging his hammer at me, I was able to glance at One. She was still standing their with smile on her face, I still didn't understand why she was acting like this but something inside me seems to know the answer. It was at that moment, I heard One's voice in my head. "Ace... you are a champion! You are the one that will stand at the top of the food chain! Get off your sorry ass and FIGHT!"

My eyes widened, it seems what she said lit a fire in my soul. All the pain from Azel started to slowly subside and instead was being replaced with rage. As Azel kept swinging, I clenched my fists, grit my teeth, look up and scream...


Azel is taken back by the sudden scream and steps back as he senses something has changed. He was right, the chains that were once heavy, became lighter and warm. I stood up slowly, pulling the chains with me.

I was now standing while chained throughout my body, my eyes glowed a bright green hue, the cut on my chest healed and something within me was manifesting. My Spirit of The Champion was awakening.

I take a deep breath and start to slowly walk towards Azel, taking the chains with me. "I, Ace Blackfeather am a champion. I finally have an exciting life ahead of me. Champion of The Gods. And you will not take that from me... awaken my spirit"

And at that moment, an excessive amount of pressure was exerted throughout the whole town. The chains broke away from the ground and started dragging along as I walk ever so closer to Azel.


A chain so fast, smacked Azel in the face. With no time to dodge, he touches his cheek and looks at his finger covered in blood. He looks back up at Ace with horror, "You awakened..."

The chains that were once holding me back, have now become a part of my body. They've become tattoos all over my arms. Black tattoos of chains that seem to be alive as it starts to move around my arms. "Get ready Azel, shit's about to get real"

"You little sh-!"

Before I let Azel speak, my tattoos become chains, wrapping around my arms, and I strike...

"AH!" Azel looks down to his chest and see's two chains pierced into him. I then yank the chains towards me causing Azel to get dragged along as well, once he was in my reach I grabbed his neck and threw him to the ground.

"How does it feel Azel?.. To be beneath me" I stare at Azel with my bright green eyes and tighten my grip on his neck.

He starts to struggle and hold my arm at an attempt to break free but my new found strength is too overpowering. I look back at One who seems to be hugging herself and giving an ecstatic smile to me.

"Toy never look away from a fight..." I look back down to see Azel conjuring a magic circle point blank at my chest. It fires and spreads smoke around...

Once the smoke clears Azel's eyes widen as he sees Ace unfazed with his hand still gripped to his neck. I lift Azel from the ground to the air and speak with a devilish smile...

"Azel... tell me. How does it feel to be the clown of my story..."

Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far and are able to imagine it vividly. Like I said before, stick around for more. It won't hurt a soul.

ImSuperSleepycreators' thoughts