
Champion of the Gods

Betrayed... left to rot in a prison as a sacrifice to a god. While Ace cries out in pain, others sleep in peace. Revenge... against the gods and those who betrayed him. The only thought in his mind while chained, a thought that turned to reality thanks to a certain someone. Awarding him a new life, a life of a Champion. --------------- [Cover is not my own. If you want me to take it down, please reach out to me] ------------ If you want to contact me regarding anything related to my novel, feel free to do so using discord @ Im_Sleepy#0164

ImSuperSleepy · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

A New Life

"Champion of the Gods? What are you talking about?" I ask while the woman stands with a huge grin on her face

"Yes you are the Champion of the Gods, the one you will rise above them all. The Champion".

"Interesting... to stand above the Gods themselves... sounds like a great title" As I say that, the biggest smile on my face appeared. Why should I stop at one God, why not kill them all...

"I knew you would agree, now shall we head out" The woman opens a portal behind her and walks into it. I follow shortly.

It was then I felt a feeling I have long lost. We come out of the portal and stand on a grassy hill overlooking my town. The birds are chirping, the wind is blowing, and the sun is out.

"Yes, how I missed this feeling, the feeling of living in this beautiful scenery" I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Savoring every sensation and feeling as if I was just discovering something new.

"Oh yea, I never did ask. Who are you and how long was I chained up for?" I turn to the woman next to me who seems to be doing the same, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath.

"Ah, forgive me where are my manners. I am 'The One' but just call me 'One' and you were actually imprisoned for about a year."

"A year?! It felt like days or at least months but I whole year?!" I stand shocked by the news.

"Yes time works differently in shrines. A day in a god's shrine could be a few weeks in the outside world. However let's ignore that for now and focus on revenge. You noticed right, the change in your body and a new found power flowing within you." One summons a mirror in front of me, showing the great changes to my body.

At first I was an average looking guy, not much muscles, and 177 CM in height. However, what I saw in the mirror was an entirely different person. My black shirt wrapped around my lean muscles, I lift my shirt up and see six pack abs and a well built chest. My hair trimmed and my eyes were of a green hue. Also, I grew a few centimeters to around 193 CM. Though the biggest change was my face.

"Shit I'm pretty good looking" I say as I admire my new face and body.

One gives a seductive smile, "I am glad you enjoy the change, now let's talk about your power" One snaps the mirror away and starts to explain the power of champions.

"As a champion, you obtain power like no other. A power called 'Spirit of The Champion', a power defined by your soul. Every champion has a unique power. No one knows what power a champion awakens so I am quite curious what you will awaken."

"How do I awaken my power then?" I put my hand to my chest in hopes of feeling any unique power inside.

"No idea, it all depends on the person however the power you do have some power, the most basic power all champions get. You know the super strength, super speed and a greater body than most mortal beings. I have no doubt you will awaken a tremendous since I am your god" I hope so too as I think to myself.

"I get the champion spirit and power but what's all this about champions" Throughout my time in the town, I have never heard of champions. The most I heard from Chief Marco was that gods are everywhere. Ranging from major to minor, some watch over towns, cities, and even natural locations. It is rare to not find a god overlooking a certain area.

"Champions are beings representing a god. In some cases they can represent spirits or some other higher being but most represent gods. Champions are used in order to stop gods from fighting against themselves. If a god had a problem with another god, they would use their champions to settle it. Of course their is more than just problem solving, depending on your god it could have positive or negative effects. Such as power or freedom"

"Being a champion sounds great and all but is that really it? Also, I forgot to ask earlier but why did you call me 'Champion of The Gods'?"

One crosses her arms and says with a huge smile on her face."But of course Ace that is not all, champions are able to gain something that not even the gods can obtain. At the greatest event in this world's history, the 'Tournament of Champions'. A tournament where the best of the best champions face off in order to obtain the 'Divine Grail'. A grail that can offer anything the user desires."

"The Divine Grail... anything I desire... Wait you didn't answer my second question." It all sounds too good to be true but I don't know what I desire besides the obvious fact of revenge.

"Ah yes, Champion of The Gods is the title given to the strongest champion. The one who wins the tournament. I will guide you in becoming the Champion of The Gods. I know that you are different from the rest, maybe even a god among mortals" One proceeds to look over the my home town and grins.

"No more talking, time for action Ace... Time for revenge" One starts walking down the path towards the town and I follow shortly along.

As we walk towards the town, I had a lot to think about. First was revenge, Chief Marco will die and anyone who stands with him can go down with him. Azel will be next, I can't wait any longer. Second was the power of a champion, I haven't tested out my strength yet but I do feel something within. Hopefully I awaken soon, I do want power and the idea of standing at the top excites me.

20 minutes later...

Ace and One are at the outskirts of the town, watching from afar the bustling life of the people that left him to rot.

"One you won't get in my way right" I start to slowly walk towards the entrance with a serious gaze. Who would have guest that I would exact my revenge on the people who raised me. It's not like they were sincere about it but they did raise me.

"Go ahead Ace, do whatever you wish. I will watch from afar" One flys up to get a birds eye view of the blood that will be spilled.

As I walk through the entrance gate, all eyes fall on me. Some in awe, some in shock, and some in worry. The only thing I am focusing on was the man in a little ahead of me, Chief Marco.

I take a deep breath and shout at the top of my lungs...


Silence... not a single word or sound was made as all eyes were on me. Chief Marco turned to me with shock and confusion. It seems he was the only one that was able to recognize me even with the transformation.

"A-Ace how?! How are you here?! Why do you look different?!" Chief Marco stands with zero composure. That slight bend forward, hands behind his back, and friendly face has been replaced with disbelief and horror.

I start to walk closer and closer to Chief Marco as everyone else stares in silence. "Chief Marco time for you to pay up the time and pain I felt"

Anger envelops me and I feel the power within me manifest. My eyes glow a brighter green, my fist feel heavier, and my feet feel lighter.

"W-Wait Ace let's settle this like adults, think of the reason why you were sent as a sacrifice. You don't have a family but everyone here does. Thanks to you, everyone here gets to sleep in peace without the worry of Azel tormenting us." Chief Marco is in a panic and unconsciously steps back as he watches Ace slowly get closer and closer to him.

"Did you even ask me, I was just forced into this. Tortured day in and day out. I thought of you as family! How could you do this to me?!"

Chief Marco stops, clenches his fist, and speaks with only anger. "YOU ARE A NOBODY! NOT ONCE DID ANYONE THINK OF YOU AS FAMILY! THIS IS REALITY ACE, IT AIN'T ALWAYS PRETTY!" Chief Marco then takes a deep breath, "I'm sorry but it's the truth"

I stopped. I was in disbelief and shock as the man who raised me said words I never thought he would say. As I stand shocked and in disbelief, Matt and Anthony run in front Chief Marco to protect him.

However, thanks to Matt and Anthony appearing, I was able to wake up from my stupor. I take a deep breath and start walking towards them again. I realized what he said but I can't overlook it, revenge was the only thing I had in mind.

And so I channel my anger again and finally stand in front of the twins and Chief Marco. Not a word was said as we stared at each other. Waiting for the other to make a move...

And so it began... I grab their shirts and pull them close to my face. "Feel my pain..." As I say that, my eyes glow and both Matt and Anthony scream out in pain. What they are experiencing is all the pain I felt when being tortured.

"AAAAHHHHHHH!" Both fell to the ground, dead with foam coming out from their mouths.

Chief Marco stands in horror, "A-Ace think about it, we had to do it for our families"

I stood in front of Chief Marco, towering over him. "Chief Marco as I still see you as the man that cared for me... I'll give you a painless death"

"W-Wait please Ace let's ta-" Chief Marco stopped and looked down.

I pierced his heart with my bare hand. "You broke my heart... so I'll break yours"

I rip his heart out and watch him fall to the ground... Done, the first part of my revenge was done... Below lies the twins and Chief Marco, dead.

"And here I thought it would be more satisfying..." I look around and see all the towns peoples eyes in horror as three bodies lay beneath me.


Back at Azel's shrine...

"My toy I am back, shall we resume our ga-." Azel stops and sees empty chains with no toy in sight.

"ONE THAT BITCH! SHE PLANNED THIS FROM THE START!" Azel shouts in anger as he starts starts to throw a fit.

"I knew those spirits running around my territory meant no harm" Azel opens a portal to the town and goes through it.


Back at the town...

One flys down from up above and lands in front of me, "Ace how do you feel?"

"Weird, I thought I would be happy and satisfied with them dead but I feel nothing" I look at my hands and see the blood all over it.

"Well that's how revenge works sometimes but remember it ain't over yet, don't you have Azel... Actually speak of the devil." One turns around to see a portal open with Azel walking out.

Azel starts to look around until he and I make eye contact, "My toy why did you leave? Weren't we having fun?"

One laughs, "Hahaha... Azel let's get this over with, my champion is a very busy man" One then turns to me and smiles.

I clench my fist and speak, "Azel, let's start a new session of fun but this time let's switch roles"

I start walking forward towards him and give an evil smile,

"This time I'll play with you..."

Sup everyone, hope my writing is conveying the story well. If not, please let me know if anything needs to be improved. Thanks for sticking around, hope your soul wasn't hurt.

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