
Just the beginning

The sound of the trees moving woke Emmanuel up. It is another Monday to go for lectures. Hmm, I have a lecture by 8am, I need to get to class before 8am in order to avoid the wrath of Mrs Johnson.

Oh! Sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Emmanuel Smith,18, student of Federal university. I'm in my first year as an undergraduate. Enough about me for now, let's continue.

I set out on the road, my house isn't far from the school so I always walked to school. Today, I felt tired to walk because the route that I usually take to school was becoming long to me, then I remembered that my roommate John had shown me an easier route to get to my faculty without stress. I thought about it for a while,then I made up my mind to take the route.

I set out to take the route shown to me by my roommate. While walking,I noticed I was being trailed, I began to shiver as fear overpowered me.

I didn't stop walking,I increased my footsteps further,bit it was all to no avail. This fierce looking man called out to me saying you are a student of Federal university right? I was perturbed, I only nodded then he offered to shake me. According to my beliefs and based on stories I have heard,shaking hands with a stranger is not advisable so I refused to shake his hand.. I eventually regretted it.