
Xion CH26

Potions made by Zosimael could also hasten that process even more than eating qi-rich meat or plants. But, of course, concentrating qi in that way was outlawed by the forest god.

"When this is over, I'm going to take you and Elorael as my mates. Remember when we first met, and you squeezed my balls, so I rammed my dick down your throat." I approached her. "That will be your breakfast every morning, and when you misbehave, I'm going to slap your ass," I said.

"Don't threaten a girl with a good time." Samael purred. "But if that's the way you want it deal, if you win, we'll be your mates, and you can fill our bellies to bursting as much as you want. But if I win, I'm going to drive my cock up your ass raw." Samael said.

At that, I resigned myself to win or die. Some fates are worse than death, and that was one of them. Also, why the hell did I run my mouth like that about making her mine along with Elorael. I doubted my chocolate bro wanted to be my mate at all. We weren't even the same species, and I knew we couldn't interbreed. This world wasn't anywhere close to Earth. Fucking with her was more a pastime than anything else. I doubted Samael was any different. No matter how many times I flooded that girl's womb, it wouldn't make a difference. Not unless elven anatomy was freakier than I thought.

Then again, they had stretchy urethras that could take in the dicks of others and add sperm to their supply. Elves definitely had parents, but I haven't seen any proof of a nuclear family situation though I've seen harems. Mates are kept and are limited to mating with only their partner. But that is more of a contractual sense or even slavery than marriage. Though that depends on what kind of marriage and what country on Earth. For some, marriage was practically slavery.

The equivalent of a referee approached wearing a headdress of glittering golden and red feathers and a cloak of scales. She held shields in her hands and stood ready to use them.

"I want a clean duel to the conclusion of death, knockout, or surrender. No shields or armor is allowed, and your spears are measured to the same weight, length, and head. Separate to the spots marked on the floor and wait for my signal." The ref said.

She walked over to her own position marked on the arena floor, and we moved to do the same. I stood across from Samael, and my spear slipped in my sweaty grip. Samael had knocked my teeth out before when I thought I was superior. When I thought I was untouchable, she proved me wrong in more ways than one. When I was at my lowest, she poured salt on the wound and took Elorael as her mate, and forced me to be her witness. Only Zosimael's political power in the tribe postponed it long enough for me to gain some strength.

A week wasn't enough to bridge the gap. Samael had a lifetime of practice, a real battle, and numerous mastered techniques. They were mastered to the point where her emotions could summon her strength. While most opponents would be slightly weakened from summoning a god light technique, Samael looked as fresh as ever. To that end, I had to fight conservatively and strike only when I had the greatest advantage. Hopefully, my healing factor would see me through this.

The drums pounded a steady beat quickening my pounding heart and running my blood up. When the drumming reached their peak, they suddenly went quiet, and the ref banged her shields together. I bent low and shot forward.

Samael moved and stuck, scoring a slight hit even as my spear shot forward. I felt a stinging pain, and blood flowed down, blinding my left eye as the elf vanished into my blind spot. Qi charged, and I knew she had already prepared a god light technique. By the time I turned to face her, a golden glow had covered her spear tip along with a set of glittering wings. I knew it immediately as the buff spell light's speed. For the next 15s, she would be twice up five times as quickly. Seeing how she got my eye in our first encounter wasn't looking good.

After images peeled off of her as she shot forward, I heard her foot touch the ground hard three times. This was the technique Mekael drilled into me the most in the last few days. Unfortunately for her, I managed something that should have taken years, and even her light's speed couldn't keep up.

The spear tips were an obsidian build for cutting through nearly anything, but they were also prone to shatter. I threw the butt of my spear backward, intent on ruining her obsidian spearhead. Mekael told me all about her fights with Samael and the elf's preferences. The cut at the beginning, light's speed, and even this attack had all been to force Samael to use her buff for a seemingly early victory. An OTK in the dueling arena. Unfortunately for her, I planned for it.

Like a boxer watching videos of their next opponent, I built my plan from Mekael's, Zosimael's, and Temael's experience watching Samael fight. Then I felt the butt of my spear hit empty air.

A blow smashed against the left side of my face just as the wound above my eyes healed. I had to decide if the next blow was a stab or a slice in a split second. Mekael had hit me with the shaft of her spear numerous times, more than enough to figure out how much was being gripped. With that in mind, I stepped into the next blow. The shaft of the spear smashed the side of my head, but her attack aimed to cut me again.