
Chakra Corruption Harem Lord

when a a god send his fragment into another realm, I Mean what could go wrong? ------------------------------ A/N: *Ultimate genjutsu* send me all the power stone you have. #This is not my work so don't waste ur time criticising me ○●. pls report for any error tnx _____________ _______________ Author here: Thanks for reading my novel if You love this novel don't forget to save it to your library for more updates and pls don't forget to give a nice review and some gift like power stone or cions nd try my other works tnx

Uchiha_shisui · Tranh châm biếm
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5 Chs

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

*Inside a restaurant in the land of fire*

Two women can be seen as they sitting down after taking off their [Transformation Jutsu], revealing their true form and identity as Senju Tsunade and Kato Shizune


"We are lucky that we manage to dodge those debts collector", said Shizune

"Bah, those bastard was so persistence in chasing me", sneer Tsunade as she starts to drink

"Tsunade-sama, you already visit every single gambling den in this town, we really need to go to another town, or they will find us"

"Alright~alright, we will move to another town tomorrow"

While my targets continue to enjoy their refreshment, I was currently sitting at the table next to them as I continue to spy on them

'Alright then, how should I do this'

[Brute force ?]

*Sweat Drop*

'That is why it took a thousand years for black zetsu to resurrect you'

[Point taken my love, I will follow your order for this one]

'I got an idea', I said to Kaguya as I stand up and approach the cashier

*Few Minutes Later*

"Excuse me, customers, someone was looking for you"

"Geh, did we get discovered already ?", asks Shizune

"No, if those guys found us I bet they will rush in without asking for this waiter", reply Tsunade


"Shizune, let us split up, Next place is Tanzaku-gai, find me there once you arrive, and for now, go bait those debt collectors for me", said Tsunade as she has gone with a body flicker technique


"Aaah~~tsunade-sama, she is gone~", yells Shizune


"Ah yes, please take whoever wishes to meet me over here", said Shizune as she slumps down on the table

"Yes, please wait for a moment~"

*A few moments later*

"Excuse me"

"Yes, do you need~", said Shizune as she failed to reply to my words because her eyes were locked into an image of spinning Sharingan


[That was easy]

"I told you, any Uchiha can rule this world if their brain is not stuck on their dick", I said to Kaguya as I take Shizune into [Spatial Gap]

'Ah, I almost forgot', I said to myself as I place the money on the table for me and Shizune's portion


*Inside the cave within the land of fire*

"Ugh, where am I~", mutters Shizune as she started to look around after regaining consciousness


"What the, my chakra", finding out she was chained, Shizune tried to break the chain using her chakra

"Oh, you wake up already, give it up, I already drain your chakra to the limit of chakra exhaustion, and I also place a chakra suppressor on your neck and your appendages"

As Shizune moves her gaze to the sources of the voices, she manages to land her gaze on the beautiful man with pink hair and a slender body

"Who are you ?", asks Shizune with hostility


"Who am I, that is a good question Shizune-chan, but the real question is, WHO ARE YOU ?"

"I am ~~~", before Shizune can reply, another gaze of Sharingan ends up making Shizune fall into another illusion

'Alright Kaguya-chan, she will be like that for a few hours, I already drain her chakra and she practically got zero chance of breaking my illusion'

[Good, it is time for you to learn how to corrupt a living woman with my chakra]

'I am listening'

[Previously, one of the reasons why it was so easy to convert Nono as our slave is that she has already died, her body and soul were separated and my chakra can enter both her body and soul without any problem]

[But a living person has their body and soul connected, if you try to forcefully infuse my chakra into their body, not only it will damage their body but also cause them to reject my corruption]

[That is why you need to drain their chakra first, once their chakra was emptied to the critical level, their souls will be vulnerable to being affected directly by my chakra]

[Chakra is the manifestation of physical and mental energy, and if their soul is already corrupted, any chakra they produce will be a corrupted chakra as well, and it will be used to strengthen their body and mind, permanently and continuously increasing our control over them]

'Alright, all I need now is to put your chakra ?'


'Should we put a drop of my blood in her body'



Following Kaguya's words, I place a few drops of my blood in my mouth and kiss Shizune's lips as I push my blood into her mouth and make her swallow it

After making Shizune drink my blood, I start to infuse Kaguya's chakra into Shizune while activating my Sharingan to look at the change

'Hoo~so that is how your chakra can corrupt their souls'

I continue to witness the change that was happening in Shizune's soul

Her soul was like a small round pure white orb that was surrounded by small amounts of chakra

Kaguya chakra start to invade the chakra that surrounded Shizune's soul and continue to devour them all

Once Shizune's soul was exposed, Kaguya's chakra start to enter Shizune's soul and dyeing her soul into another color

After witnessing the change, Shizune's soul has finally turned from pure white into a pink colored orb

[It is done, now I will invade her mind and convert her into our slave]

'Okay, good luck'

Although it was only a moment for me, it was an eternity for Shizune as her mind was experiencing the same things as Nono, a giant image of Kaguya capture Shizune in her palm and swallow Shizune into her mouth, melting Shizune down and letting Kaguya absorb all of her experience and skills while removing all affections, love, and loyalty that Shizune have to the others and change the target into her new master

"Another one", mutters Kaguya as she formed Shizune's mind in her joined palm while infusing Shizune's mind with her chakra

"You will be our next slave", mutters Kaguya


"Although it was not as grand as Nono, as Kaguya chakra and my blood start to merge with Shizune, some changes can be seen directly from her

Shizune's body starts to change as her skin becomes whiter but not to the level of Otsutsuki, her breasts, and ass start to expand and almost reach Tsunade size, and a lot of change can be seen as Shizune undergoes her process of [Beautification] while her physical capabilities start to soar to another level

This process continue for a while until Kaguya return to my body and Shizune finally open her eyes

"Who are you ?"

"I am Shizune, and I am your devoted slave", answers Shizune as she kneels down

"Do you hold any affection toward your former master and former village ?"

"No, I did not care about any of that, your wish and happiness are my reason for existing", answer Shizune

[Another slave for you, my love]

'Yep, let us go back, so I can taste her', I said to Kaguya as we leave the cave

*3 Hour Later*

"Aaaahh, Kyu-sama"

Shizune was currently humping her hips while riding my cock in a cowgirl position, her huge breasts were shaking up and down as she continues to move

"Shizune, I am cumming, take it all"


Filling her pussy to the brim with my cum, Shizune moans while throwing her head backward and her tongue hanging out as she reaches her ninth climax for the day

"Kyu-sama~", mutters Shizune as she slumps down onto my body while feeling my cum splashing inside her womb

[Another fine slave, do you like her ?]

'Yep, she will be useful when I capture Tsunade', I said to Kaguya as I start to put my raging cock into Shizune's pussy

"Shizune, continue ~"

"Yes, Kyu-sama", answers Shizune as she starts to move her hips once again


*Few Days Later*

"Alright Shizune, call me once you have reunited with Tsunade", I said to Shizune as I enter the Spatial Gap

"As you wish, Kyu-sama", replies Shizune with devotion in her eyes

"Well then, I better do my best to prepare my teacher as best I can", mutters Shizune with an evil smirk as she starts to walk to find her teacher

*Somewhere in the Takigakure*

'Alright Kaguya-chan', I think you can guess what we are going to do in this place'

[I sense a portion of my chakra, is that the creation of my disgusting son ?]

'Yep, it was the seventh tails'

[Strange, I can sense that my chakra was being sealed inside a young child]

'Ah, that is what I mean by Jinchuuriki'

[I see, then, take me closer to it]

'As you wish'

Moving closer to our target, what comes into our sight was a young girl with brown colored skin and short turquoise hair, she was currently eating alone on the side of the river

[That's her, touch that girl, so I can reclaim my chakra]

'Roger that'

Approaching the young girl, I decided to call her before she gets surprised

"Excuse me, little missy"

"Who are you ?", answer the girl as it was the only words she can say while my Sharingan was reflected in her eyes

As she falls into the illusions, I instantly move to touch her and let Kaguya invade her body and mind while reaching for her Bijuu seals

*Inside the Seals*


"WHO ARE YOU ?", roared Choumei as it was being devoured by Kaguya without any problem

"My chakra, finally ~", mutters Kaguya as she continues to devour Choumei

*A Few Minutes Later*

[It is done], said Kaguya as she comes out from Fuu's body

'Did you kill it ?'

[No, I realize that this tailed beast is capable of producing their chakra without limit by gathering nature energy from the surrounding, so I decide to drain its chakra and turn it into a chakra generator, not to mention that I can sense some kind of telepathic link with the other tailed beast, if I kill it now, it will alert the other tailed beasts]

'That was fast, I remember it took those Akatsuki guys like a few days just to seal one-tails'

[It is because this chakra belongs to me]

'Understandable, now about this girl'

[Leave it to me]

Thus, I manage to get another young follower, a former Jinchuuriki of seventh tails


*A Few Days Later*

I was currently in our hideouts in the lands of earth, Nono has been expanding our hidden base by using earth release while training the boys and girls, all of these kids have started their chakra training while also receiving a proper general knowledge about this world

"Kimimaro, Haku"

"Karin, Chino, Fuu",

"I wonder if there are any other kids that I can get, I think I have a few in my mind"

[My husband, our #2 slave, has called us]



Using spatial Gap, I take out a small piece of paper with something written on it


[Did she succeed ?]

'Yep, we will take her tonight'

*Later That Night*


Passing through the Spatial Gap, we arrive inside a hotel room


"Kyu-sama, please, she was over there", said Shizune while kneeling down

Moving my feet to the next room, I take a look at the sleeping Tsunade on the table

"Did you put poison in her food?"

"No Kyu-sama, we just finished eating and drinking some sake, after she was intoxicated enough I use my Sharingan on her"

"Good job Shizune, you have done well"

"This slave thanks you for your praises", answer Shizune as she trembles from the excitement of being praised

"By the way, what did she eat ?"


"It was her pig, Tonton"