A serial killer from earth finally gets caught and is given the death sentence, fully expecting to vanish into nothingness as he did not believe in god he welcomed the embrace of death. Instead he finds himself face to face with an an enormous being of light. What fate awaits him?
Adrian's hands regenerated the moment it got disintegrated, pushing forward to try and absorb the power of the space stone. The Tesseract glowed sending out even more cosmic energy, realising this could do a lot of damage to him Adrian reinforced his entire body with even more nether energy. Due to Adrian's increased reinforcement, his hands didn't instantly disintegrate this time but slowly started to crack.
'Yeah, this isn't going to work.' Adrian thought.
'I can barely even get close to it, there's no way I'm absorbing anything from this thing.'
'That doesn't mean I'm just going to give it up though. I can't get near this thing to even move it, but I can work around it.'
'If I combine my flames with the concept of eternal attached to it and solidify it around the tesseract, I can create a barrier around it that the only people who would be able to get past it are people who can ignore or destroy concepts.' Adrian continued
Not wasting any time, Adrian backed away from the tesseract and held out his hands, causing an eerie dark green flame to appear in the palm of his hands. With a thought, Adrian caused the flames to increase in size, eventually becoming as large as a small house in the palm of his hands.
Then came the control part, Adrian started to expertly manipulate the flames, forming them into a wall around the tesseract . The heat given off by the flames started to decrease as they became more tangible, becoming more solid.
Eventually a giant dark green cone was created around the tesseract and the space stone, since Adrian couldn't absorb the energy from it he opted to use this solution until he came back to this universe.
' I have to keep Odin alive as well so Hela doesn't break from her seal and start rampaging across the place and find this.' Adrian thought.
' not that she would be able to break this, or even scratch it, but she may bring unnecessary attention to it and cause people who can break it to come over here. '
'Now I just need to leave this universe and see just how much power I gained from absorbing the eternal flame. '
'But before that, let's not leave my crown behind.' Adrian thought, smiling.
Walking towards the second pedestal Adrian grabbed the crown of black fire and placed it atop his head. Immediately he started feeling an increase in his power, the amount of nether energy he had did not increase but the power of his flames and the power of his concept based attacks vastly increased while wearing this.
It was about a quarter of the power Adrian gained from absorbing the eternal flame, though this power was only temporary as it would go away the moment he took the crown off.
Before Adrian could move from his position, space cracked, right in front of him space was slowly being torn apart as the face of Draalok came into view with his third eye opened wide.
"Master, I would like to apologise for taking so long to be here." Draalok said.
Amused, Adrian replied, "Apology accepted, what did you learn from whatever it is that you were doing?"
In slight excitement Draalok quickly replied, " The magic of this realm is simply fascinating, the creatures of this realm delve deep into enchantment as they like to call it and illusions. They also use a form of energy that has a lot of versatility but little potency."
'He must be referring to mana or the regular magic energy that most sorcerers use.' Adrian thought in amusement.
"That energy is called mana or magic energy, it's mostly a very basic type of energy used by sorcerers of this realm."
"It's not specifically located anywhere like our nether energy and individuals can naturally develop this."
"I see, I understand now." Draalok replied with a look of realisation on his face.
"And yes, this type of energy is more versatile than even nether energy as nether energy will always produce a corrupted version of whatever ability you're using."
Adrian's hands raised as in the palm of his hands a giant dark green flame appeared.
"The sheer destruction that nether energy can cause over regular magical energy is significantly, significantly higher. "
"An important fact i've noted myself, master." Draalok said as he nodded.
"Now we need to leave, grab my hand." Adrian ordered.
Arriving back in the nether dimension Adrian's will was instantly absorbed by the true soul as the amount of power it got from this trip was finally added to his true soul. With the amount of power Adrian had right now he could easily destroy over 30 galaxies with just one attack, with a vessel his raw power output triples going up to 90 galaxies being destroyed with one attack.
When Adrian wears the crown of black fire, which was always floating atop his head, he could destroy 97 galaxies. However Adrian didn't have a vessel which means he could only destroy 37 galaxies with one attack. And knowing that he couldn't go to any universe with his entire being, with at most him being able to bring only 45% of his power means Adrian can now go to most universes with the power to destroy 16 galaxies.
This was a massive increase from when he went to his first world which was the one punch man world. At that time Adrian's full power was only able to destroy a single galaxy and after he went to the one punch man world he was only able to destroy multiple solar systems.
Luckily he killed Saitama before he got any stronger because from what he remembered, In the manga saitama is multi-galaxy as well. Meaning he can destroy multiple galaxies, though he only reached this stage after he fought with cosmic fear garou, the Saitama Adrian fought was nowhere near the power he had in the manga.
"Haaaa, this power is just....exhilarating, so amazing." Adrian muttered to himself
"And as my power increases so does the concentration of nether energy in the dimension, meaning more powerful nether lifeforms will be born."
"But even though my raw power has increased significantly, It doesn't mean I can relax." Adrian continued
"I realised while fighting Saitama but...I can easily be killed, as long as you can damage the soul which most powerful beings can do, I can be killed."
"At the time, if Saitama had adapted to my concept eradication and attacked me I would have died. And not temporary death, where I can just revive in my dimension, but true death. "
"Even beings like Rimuru, demon lord Rimuru after he gained a soul corridor was immortal. And not immortal in the conventional sense like he wouldn't die of old age or he could regenerate really fast but he can revive from existence erasure attacks."
"Beings like Veldora might be weaker than me in terms of raw energy output and even that I am unsure of but, I have no absolutely no way of killing them. Veldora's aura alone could probably kill me as True Dragon's Haki literally destroys existence."
"Even if I were to use a max output concept eradication that targets their existence it would be useless because True Dragons have a busted form of immortality, if any True Dragon were to be hit by my concept eradication they would take damage for sure, but it would almost instantly be regenerated."
"And if they were to ' die ' they would literally just revive after a certain period of time."
"But I don't necessarily need to kill beings like them to win, my concept corruption can corrupt anything I deem a concept meaning I can just continuously weaken them to the point where I would be able to win or lock them up somewhere."
Slightly moving his wrists, the flames in his dimension excitedly moved towards him, converging into a small ball of black flames. However, at the center of the ball of flames was a tiny green light that almost escaped even Adrian's notice.
'Is that the eternal flame.' Adrian thought
'Why exactly is it he-'
'Wait!' Adrian suddenly thought
'The Eternal Flame! It mixed itself with my own flames after I absorbed it, and now that I'm back in my dimension, it's spreading towards the regular flames of my dimension, trying to convert it!'
'This is amazing, AMAZING! If it can grant every lick of fire in this dimension the concept of Eternal that would make the dimension itself gain the concept as well, not only that but it would also make it so every nether lifeform that is born after this will have some unique benefits.'
The small green light that started out in the ball of black flames slowly got larger and larger until it turned the flames that were hovering in front of Adrian dark green.
Eventually, it started slowly spreading from the flames that were hovering in front of Adrian to the flames in the dimension.
'It's suddenly moving extremely slow.' Adrian said with a deadpan expression
'If it keeps moving at this speed then it would take a couple decades for the flames of the entire dimension to be converted.'
' sigh '
'Well there goes my excitement.'
'Now I need to somehow find the tensura world, if I manage to find it, just me entering that universe would grant me new abilities. Though it could be incredibly dangerous depending on where exactly in the timeline I end up.'
'If I somehow end up when Veldana was creating the multiverse or even after he gave up his power to create it, I will most likely die. The majority of beings at that time could kill me.'
'If I end up in rimuru's time, then I could still die to any of the True Dragons or guy, I don't know if guy has the sort of complicated immortality that True Dragons have or the one that rimuru gained but even if he didnt have it, I wouldn't be able to kill him.'
'Dino, who is a primordial angel, can casually destroy stars and solar systems. Any one of the True Dragons could easily destroy multiple galaxies, maybe even entire universes if they go all out. It's even worse if I somehow end up after Rimuru basically became god, if that happens then the only thing I can do is give up.'