
Chapter 16

A pitch black orb instantly manifested in the palm of Adrian's hands as he pointed his hand at Odin. The orb flew straight and true, ignoring everything else and going after Odin. Odin raised his hand, and in his raised hand a spear manifested, producing a grandeur unlike anything seen before.

The spear was bright gold, matching his armour and had a three pointed edge with the longest part being in the center and the two shorter ones attached to the center one.

'I don't have any abilities focused purely on defense, luckily I practiced that new ability because right now, the only thing I can do is spam.' Adrian thought

"Whatever entity you are." Odin said as he pulled his hand back ready to throw Gungnir at the fast approaching orb.

"You die today, outsider."

The spear left Odin's hands as it rapidly moved towards Adrian's attack, about to collide.

Adrian smiled eerily as he thought, 'I've never realised how much I like fighting, the thrill it gives is almost as good as torturing or killing people!'

Right when Adrian thought the spear would collide with his attack, something happened.

Gungnir instantly accelerated and changed places, quickly moving past the orb and instead going towards Adrian.

'Shit! I forgot this damned spear had a reputation for never missing no matter what.' Adrian thought in annoyance.

From Adrian's other hand, multiple black orbs flew out targeting the concept of Gugnir, aiming to completely erase it. Odin charged at the orb, his hand glowing with a golden aura as he simply….punched out.


Space was instantly shattered as this golden aura around Odin's hand was surprisingly resisting the effects of Adrian's ability.

'A demon from hell?' Odin thought in confusion as he repeatedly punched at the orb that was trying to erase his existence

'No, their energy is dark, very dark but it's not the same energy that demons use.'

'I cant keep this up.' Odin sighed in his mind.

After about 100 punches, the orb finally dissipated and what was left was a tired and panting Odin who had used about 20% of his Odinforce just to take out that one attack.

'What!' Adrian shouted in his mind

'Since when could Odin resist existence erasing attacks!? When not even in his peak!'

'I definitely need to get my hands on that Odinforce, its too powerful to just pass up.'

The orbs Adrian had sent after Gungnir were meticulously dodged and weaved through by Gungnir as it targeted its only target. Realising his attacks were too slow Adrian charged at the spear and swung his fist at it after coursing a good amount of nether energy through his arm.

* BOOM *


Space was once again instantly shattered as the structure of Asgard was taking major damage from this fight. Continuing his onslaught Adrian dashed past the spear going straight for Odin, the spear following closely behind.

Odin stood firmly, golden hued armor gleaming as he raised his hand and muttered something underneath his breath.

The entire Asgard instantly went still, all sound stopped, movement from anything and everything in Asgard came to a standstill, everything turned black and white as if all colour had been erased. Adrian's will instantly reacted, knowing what Odin had done. He could see Draalok and Heimdall frozen, it seemed Draalok's ability wasn't yet at the level where it could seriously affect a high tier concept such as this.

Adrian himself, even with his full power was not above time and could still very much be affected by it, though how much he is affected is heavily reduced due to his unique abilities.

'[Concept Eradication, Low output: Time Stop]' Adrian thought in his mind

Numerous black orbs instantly shot out from Adrian's body, targeting the concept of stopped time, Adrian didn't know what would happen if he were to try and erase time itself. He wasn't above time and could potentially endanger himself by destroying time.

Time around Adrian started to crack as if it would eventually crack, Adrian's form started to be able to move ever so slightly as he looked at Odin. Odin couldn't take advantage of Adrian's or Draalok's temporary vulnerability as the moment he stopped time his body started to break down causing him to spit blood.

Odin staggered slightly, his golden aura flickering in the time stopped atmosphere. The toll of wielding such immense power became evident, the strain of the time stop was starting to weigh on him as he spat blood. Odin moved towards where Heimdall was, reaching his hand out, trying to do something.

More orbs shot out from Adrian's body, completely destroying the time stopped area around him as he charged at Odin, full of energy. Mid charge another orb shot out from Adrian's palm, this time targeting the concept of Heimdall. Heimdall wasn't as strong as even the old and weakened version of Odin, this was even further backed up by the fact that a newly evolved Draalok was able to go toe to toe with him.

Adrian didn't want to attack Odin again with another conceptual attack which would force him to use even more of his Odinforce, potentially killing him in the process. Adrian wanted to kill Heimdall so that he could prevent Odin from doing whatever he was trying to do right now.

The orb shot out from Adrian's palm and flew straight towards Heimdall, the effects of the large-scale time stop was now weakening as Draalok and Heimdall were slightly twitching.

'If I had access to concept corruption or if this ability wasn't at low output due to my inexperience with it, I could have easily dealt with this weakened version of Odin.' Adrian thought.

The orb trembled as it passed and left the area it had been in that was free of Odin's ability to beside Heimdall where time was still stopped, though weakened as Draalok and Heimdall could now move their eyes to look around.

Heimdall eyes saw Odin flying towards him with an urgent expression on his face while Draalok saw Adrian moving towards his attacker with a wide grin.

Right when the orb was just 5 meters away from Heimdall, Odin finally stopped his ability. Sound echoed once again, everything could now move and the orb was now moving freely, nothing blocking its path towards Heimdall. As soon as he was completely free, Draalok's third eye widened looking directly at Heimdall, for just a small amount of time Heimdall was now completely paralysed.

Right before the orb of destruction could hit Heimdall a shining golden spear collided with, instantly destroying it in the process.

'Shit.' Adrian thought

'This ability is only useful against the concepts that it targets, any sufficiently strong force that it's not targeting can disrupt it.'

After the spear destroyed Adrian's attack it didn't target Adrian this time but spun around and flew straight towards Draalok. Draalok's eyes widened once again, his third eye spinning rapidly. They were now bleeding from the amount of things his eyes had witnessed that were above his level, just looking at Odin using his odinforce had already put a strain on his eyes but looking at stopped time made his eyes start to drip blood.

Draalok's eyes started to spin like crazy, his pupils vanishing due to how fast they were spinning until finally... they stopped spinning. Gungir had also stopped moving as well as it stopped an inch away from Draalok's head.

Draalok's eyes were now bleeding profusely as if he took his eyes off of gungnir for even a second, it would go straight through his head. And Odin was no mere avenger even in his weakened state, Gungir would definitely kill him if it pierced his head, he wouldn't get a chance to reform back in the nether dimension because gungnir can pierce the soul as well.

Without even looking behind him, Heimdall instantly swung his sword at Draalok's head, aiming to kill him while he couldn't move. Before he could though Adrian appeared in front of him in a flash of speed, no longer restricted by Odin's time stop.

Adrian put his hand out and easily grabbed Heimdall's sword, applying pressure onto it until it finally broke. Adrian readied his ability to erase Heimdall for good and finally jump Odin with him and Draalok.

* BOOM *

Adrian's skin sinked in as a punch was landed on his side by Odin. Before his body could fly back from the force of the impact, Adrian grabbed Odin's hand tightly pulling him with him. Gungir also followed as Odin knew his power was decreasing and he couldn't fight toe to toe with Adrian for long without Gungnir.

Mid Flight Adrian grabbed Odin's face, unleashing pure nether energy in his face, not wanting to use concept eradication to avoid killing him.

"AARH!" Odin shouted in pain.

Quickly coming to his rescue Gungir tried to pierce Adrian from the back. Adrian used his free hand and after coursing as much nether energy as possible through his arm, his hand lashed out at gungnir trying to grab it.

In that chaotic moment, Adrian's mind raced. He knew what Gungnir represented a force destined to strike true, to never miss. But greed drove him further; he could not let this divine spear pierce him and he also could not let Odin go lest he cooks up some way to escape, preventing Adrian from studying his Odinforce or he finds a way to stop Adrian. It didn't matter if he was old, his experiences and knowledge did not decrease.

Adrian's fingers closed around Gungnir's shaft just inches from his body. The spear vibrated with Odin's Odinforce energy, golden light pulsating through his dark-infused palm. Tired of being held like a baby, Odin managed to divert my hand away from his face as he punched at me.

* BOOM *

Space cracked again as Adrian was shot backwards, almost colliding with one of Asgard's buildings before he managed to stop himself. Gungir had long flown out of Adrian's hand the moment Odin had punched him as it returned to Odin, its shining golden colour matching with Odin's golden battle armour , giving him a majestic look. They both stared, eyeing each other. Odin was weakened and had low reserves of Odinforce forcing him to not be able to use some of his more powerful abilities while Adrian was only here with the embodiment of his will and did not have access to all of his abilities because of it.