
Ceremonial Rites

For the darkness, he knew it so well.

Alvin_Lyons98 · Võ hiệp
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6 Chs


For the past days that I've been riding a chopper, the wind and the annoying sound from the propeller are still the best weapon to make me snap. Although I own the chopper I'm still not used to its loud roar. The worst part is there are five more black fucking hawk roaring in line. My acting assistant was shocked when I snatched my bag from him. The pilot saluted at me the moment he had a glimpse of me. I signaled my assistant to get in.

"Mr. Alderige, sir. The rest of the team will see you in Brazil. Private James will be your temporary security." The captain pointed the young man beside me. Like he can protect me. From the looks of it, I'll be babysitting this guy.

I smiled and nodded at the captain before we took off. The chopper immediately dash towards the vast ocean. The pilot had his orders to turn on our tracker when we reach the Mexican territory. We had to divert the attention or they will suspect that I came from the US naval base.

"Philip, I changed my mind. Bring us to Miami. We need to arrive at Mexico by plane." I ordered the pilot.

Arriving on a chopper will be suspicious considering I live in Washington DC. The distance is not applicable for a chopper transport. A plane will be much safer. My assistant didn't have a choice but I bet he informed the navy because they demand me to turn on my radio. Pussies.

"You are supposed to land in Mexico City, Mr. Alderige." I heard the captain.

"Yes, but I changed my mind. I can't explain everything. Trust me on this captain. I've been dealing with this drug lord long enough."

I haven't receive any response cause I turned off my radio after that. I can't be receiving messages from time to time. That will compromise us. We arrived in Miami by midnight and thankfully I made some phone calls to secure two tickets to Mexico by six in the morning.

I checked in to a decent hotel. It's not that expensive since we're on a budget and in a mission. But the room has a sauna. Nice. The assistant has his own room. I can't be sharing a room with him. Who knows what the military has ordered him.

We had enough sleep from the ship so I called my assistant inside my room. I need him to take notes and be accustomed to our world of business. My laptop beep. A woman appeared on the screen.

"Hey!" I said.

"Do we really have to discuss in this hour? Like what the hell! It's two in the morning!"

"Just lay down what you've gathered."

"Fine. This Don Juan has been on drug business for five years. All through that years, he had made quite a profit and far more enemies than you can imagine. You know the competition to monopolize the production is very thrilling there. Don Juan managed to control fifty percent of the production from Mexico and Brazil enraging his famous rival Don Roberto. Don Roberto's profit has declined ever since Don Juan entered. That includes the other drug cartels who wants him down." She paused for a bit and scroll through her iPad.

"Don Juan has a right hand. That's how we get to him. Kapitan Alejandro Vazquez. His sister was imprisoned by the US government for entering illegally in the country. I talked to Senator Rivas and we can release this woman if her brother will strike a business with us. I'll email you the other details. For now, let me sleep." And shes's out.

I faced the rookie behind me. He looked  like he is still processing everything but surely he had notes from that conversation. I shook my head.

"She's not available." I muttered.

He quickly moved back with wide eyes. The fidgeting of his hands was very disturbing. That was meant to be a joke.

"So did you get the important points?"

Before he could form a sentence I cut him off. We need to establish a comfortable communications. I know I'm a bit intimidating, atleast that's what most people say but I can do better. I can try.

"How long have you been in the army?" He was surprised by the question. Yeah, me too.

"A year?" He mumbled through his nervous breathing.

"A year? What a rookie. How old are you?"

"Twenty one, sir." A nervous answer again.

I know he looks so young but being on his early twenties is quite unbelievable. Why the army? There are so many opportunities in the world.

"What makes you join the army?" God. I sounded like we're in a late night show. This is hilarious.

This time, the stiffness and the defense in his movements were a bit loose. I guess we're in the right track. Of course, I can't have a weak member in my crew.

"My dad was a soldier and he wanted me to join like he did after he was forced to retire. We can't afford college so why not join the army. The payroll can keep us going."

Poor kid. All the money in the world and there are still people like him who hasn't have enough. Yeah. I forgot I'm rich. If we survive this horror, gonna offer this kid a scholarship or work. If I happen to be so nice after this horror.

"As much as I want to be emotional right now, we really need to patch things up. So you got the message earlier?"


Mexico City, 07:00

"Buenos dìas, Señor Vincent!"

A warm greetings from one of my contacts here in Mexico. He has this energy that I can't keep up and I can't talk him out of it because we might hit a wrong nerve. I faked a smile. Three men immediately carried our luggage. My assistant didn't hand his bag first but I gave him the look. People might start to wonder why he is not giving his bag. This is a dangerous territory. One wrong move and they'll take us down.

"This way, señor." A thick mexican accent spoke in front of us.

Two cars awaits us outside. A toyota Vios and a land cruiser. I refused to ride in the cruiser, that's just extravagant. I can see the confusion from my assistant but I didn't say a word. A simple nod to Jose and he knows what to do. He signaled the cruiser driver to take the other route while we go to another. I don't want anyone tailing us.

Jose explain to me the current situation of our Mexico base. Most of the labs were closed by the Mexican government when the raid happened. Only two laboratories left and they are both being emptied to transfer to Rio de Janeiro outpost. We arrived to the first base and the place was deserted.

"Bloody hell! There's nothing left!"

"Don Juan took everything, señor."

That son of a bitch took everything. We have an agreement to surrender the rest to the government to prove that the  lab was indeed not violating any laws.

"He also killed all of the remaining scientists." Jose added which completely tested my temper.


"After the FBI swarm the place and seized most of the ThioA samples, Don Juan accused your American scientists for conspiring with the FBI. He shoot them himself. Què horror."

Murdered my team for just an allegations? That piece of shit is gonna get what he signed up for. My scientists were the best in the world and he eliminated them in a snap. My mood did not allow me to continue the conversation with Jose. I am not expecting more to our secondary lab. That shit will be worse.

"The secondary lab was no good also, señor. Don Juan turned it to pieces."

"Disculpe?" I may have heard it wrong but he blow up my secondary lab?

"Don Juan destroyed the second lab." He muttered.

Murdered my scientists, destroyed my lab, what else is Don Juan have in mind? Might as well consider the production as his own.

The road to the secondary lab is a bit dusty. This is a secluded territory since we considered it our retreat operation facility. All failure experiments will be reconducted on this site. The building is covered with black burned evidence of the raging fire that took it. Familiar personnel are roaming around collecting what's left of the ashes.

"Who are these people, Jose?"

"Don Juan ordered a clearing operation this morning. He wanted to make sure nothing's left."

I quickly got out of the car when we stopped. Those men blocked me from entering the site. The audacity of these people. The fact that they are waving me off using their guns pissed the fck out of myself. Jose reprimanded them announcing who I am supposed to be. The one person behind all of this.

Don Juan's men hesitantly moved back letting me inside the site. There's nothing left to handle here. Broken glasses and collapsed wooden posts were scattered around. I signaled Jose to watch my back. I saw a sample of ThioA B sample. I quickly put it in my coat. There were three bottles left when  a pair of shoes stepped on them. Stupid. I moved back not allowing myself to breath the nasty odor of the chemical.

"TONTO!" I shouted to the guy.

Smelling that chemical will cause a nauseating sensation to your stomach making you vomit uncontrollably. He started feeling sick in front of me.

"Señor!" Jose called from behind.

"Stay away!" I pushed him away from the site.

People started shouting around trying to help that stupid asshole. It was supposed to cause a vomiting sensation to anyone who happens to smell it but we modified its effects making it deadly. Blood started crawling out of his nose. There was nothing we can do for him. He crawled in pain begging to make it stop. Estupido!

I grabbed Jose to the car. We need to get out of here before it will spread. Its modifications have made one sample capable of poisoning an entire camp.

"Vamos!" I ordered Jose.

"Bastardo! Help him!"

I looked at the scoundrel who just cursed at me. First of all, I wasn't the one who stepped on a poisonous sample and lastly, he fucking deserved it.

"It's too dangerous for us!" I answered him ignoring his remark.

"He's dying, señor!

After you called me a name? I'm going to help that stupid motherfucker? You wish! I got in the car. Our reflexes made us creep down after a rock was thrown on our windshield. Thank God it was bulletproof.

"Hijo de puta!" One of them shouted at us as we left the driveway.

"Puta madre!"

I glared at them. I will make sure this face will be the last thing they will see. They'll going to regret this.

"Are you okay, señor?" Jose asked. Horror is drawn on his face.

"Don Juan should know who really has the authority here. He's been sitting on his high chair long enough."