
CEO loves me with all his soul.

Adrian Hudel has always been the invisible son in the Hu family, overshadowed by his elder brother Wryn, who was groomed to inherit the family business. Adrian’s only solace lies in his passion for painting, a dream he clings to amidst the cold indifference of his father, Wuner Hudel. But when Wryn abandons the family overnight, fleeing from an arranged marriage to the richest man in the country, Ethan Levistis, Adrian’s life takes a devastating turn. --- The cover is mine. The cover is of MC-Adrian Hudel. Free to collect. BL Story.

Zeal_Faust · Thành thị
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48 Chs

24. Anshi

Adrian stood by the window of Ethan's hospital room, gazing out at the city skyline as dusk began to settle. He had just finished washing Ethan's clothes and was taking a moment to rest, his body still weak from his recent injuries. The peacefulness of the moment allowed his thoughts to drift, mostly filled with concern for Ethan. His silver eyes, dim with fatigue, lingered on Ethan's comatose form, lying motionless on the bed.

Ethan's body hadn't moved much since that fleeting twitch of his fingers. But still, Adrian kept hope alive. He cared for Ethan every day, refusing to let the doctors or nurses take over the most personal tasks. It was a quiet, unspoken devotion—one that no one else seemed to understand.

Suddenly, there was a light knock on the door, startling Adrian out of his thoughts. He turned around just as the door opened, and in walked a figure Adrian had never seen before.

The young man who entered was striking, but not in the way Adrian was accustomed to.

Adrian's beauty had always been a balance of sharp angles and softness, an androgynous allure that made him stand out in any crowd. But this newcomer was different. He had a soft, feminine appearance—delicate features, large, expressive eyes, and long lashes that framed them perfectly. His lips were painted with a subtle sheen, and his posture was graceful yet provocatively coquettish. Everything about him exuded an air of elegance, with a hint of sensuality that immediately set Adrian on edge.

The young man's eyes flickered briefly over to Adrian before he looked away, seemingly dismissing him altogether. Instead, his attention landed squarely on Ethan, and his face twisted into an expression of sorrow.

"Oh, Ethan," the young man whispered, his voice melodious yet laced with a sense of tragedy. He moved closer to the bed, his delicate fingers tracing the edge of the sheets as he gazed down at Ethan's unconscious form. "I'm so late… I should have come sooner."

Adrian, still rooted in place by the window, watched in stunned silence. His heart pounded in his chest, a cold chill creeping up his spine. Who was this person? Why did he speak as though he had a deep, personal connection with Ethan? A million questions ran through Adrian's mind, but none of them made it to his lips.

The young man let out a soft sob and turned his head slightly, glancing at Adrian with large, tear-filled eyes. He sniffled dramatically before introducing himself.

"I'm Anshi," he said softly, his voice trembling with emotion. "Ethan and I... we grew up together. We've been close for as long as I can remember." He wiped a perfectly manicured tear from his cheek, the gesture almost too elegant to be real. "I should have been here sooner. I just… couldn't bear to see him like this."

Adrian's mouth went dry. Anshi? That name didn't ring a bell, but something about the way he spoke made Adrian's heart sink. Ethan never mentioned him. Or had he? Adrian struggled to remember any conversations that might have included this person, but his mind was too clouded by confusion and hurt.

Anshi moved closer to Ethan's bed, his hand gently caressing Ethan's arm as though he was the only person in the room who had the right to do so. His eyes never left Ethan's face, but the way he spoke seemed directed at Adrian.

"We were everything to each other," Anshi murmured, his voice low but filled with emotion. "It was always us against the world. We loved each other. Still do, actually." He glanced at Adrian, his expression sad but with an edge that felt distinctly cruel. "I know the elders arranged this marriage with you… for business. But I doubt they considered Ethan's feelings. Ethan doesn't belong in a loveless marriage."

Adrian flinched, his heart twisting painfully in his chest. Loveless marriage? Was that how everyone saw their relationship? He thought of all the quiet moments he had spent by Ethan's side, caring for him, watching over him. He loved Ethan, even if he had never said it aloud. But now, hearing Anshi speak with such conviction, Adrian's confidence wavered. Had he been deluding himself all along?

Anshi continued, his voice soft but relentless. "When Ethan wakes up… he'll divorce you. He won't want to be tied down by a marriage that was never about love. He'll be with me. Like he always has been."

The words cut through Adrian like a knife. He felt his legs weaken, his hands trembling slightly. Divorce? The thought had crossed his mind in the past, but not like this. Not with the idea that Ethan would choose someone else—someone who claimed to love him in ways Adrian couldn't.

Adrian remained silent, his silver eyes dimming further as each of Anshi's words weighed down on him. He glanced at Ethan, hoping to find some form of reassurance from the man lying comatose before him, but there was nothing. Only the steady beep of the machines monitoring his vitals filled the air.

Anshi seemed to notice Adrian's growing despair, and his lips curled into a faint, almost imperceptible smile. He leaned closer to Ethan, brushing a kiss against his forehead. "I'll be back tomorrow," he whispered, though loud enough for Adrian to hear. "Don't worry, Ethan. I'll take care of everything."

Adrian bit his lip, forcing himself not to cry. He didn't want to show any weakness in front of Anshi, but the pain in his chest was becoming unbearable.

Anshi straightened up and turned towards Adrian, his expression softening into something that could almost be mistaken for pity. "You should go," he said gently. "This was never your place to begin with. The elders only married you to Ethan for their own convenience. But you don't have to stay. Tomorrow… you can leave. I'll take care of Ethan from here."

Adrian remained frozen, unable to respond. His throat felt tight, and his vision blurred with unshed tears. Anshi gave him one last, lingering look before his phone buzzed in his pocket. He glanced at the screen and sighed softly.

"I have to go now," he said, his tone casual, as though he hadn't just shattered Adrian's world with his words. "But don't worry. I'll be back tomorrow, and we can sort everything out. Just… be gone by then."

With that, Anshi gave a graceful wave and slipped out of the room, leaving Adrian alone with Ethan once more.

The silence in the room was deafening. Adrian's mind was racing, trying to process everything that had just happened. He had always been strong, always kept his emotions in check. But now… now he felt like he was on the verge of breaking. His hand clenched the fabric of his shirt near his chest, trying to suppress the ache in his heart.

He slowly turned to look at Ethan, his face pale and peaceful in his unconscious state. Did you really love him? Adrian thought.

Adrian couldn't breathe.

He walked over to the bed and sat down beside Ethan, his eyes scanning the face of the man he had grown to love so deeply. A tear escaped his eye, falling onto the bedsheet as he whispered, "Was I just fooling myself, Ethan? Were you always waiting for someone else?"

His fingers grazed Ethan's hand, cold and unmoving. A sob finally broke free from his chest, and he covered his mouth with his hand, trying to stifle the sound. He didn't want anyone to hear him. He didn't want anyone to see him like this.

But even as he cried quietly beside Ethan's bed, there was no answer. Ethan remained still, just as he had been for months, unaware of the pain that was unraveling inside Adrian.