
CEO Love and Chaos

Jane Pearson, beautiful young CEO, finds herself in a fight for both love and her company. She falls in love with the new head of security at her company Michael Cooper, after he saves her from a kidnapping. But he doesn't love her, instead he loves her assistant, Alice Gerrard. Jane is being sabotaged at every turn as someone or someones are trying to steal her company from her. Will she be able to balance her love life and save her company at the same time?

Leo_Grey · Thành thị
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11 Chs

Chapter 7

Jane looked up in utter confusion, Michael jumped up at the sound of Alice's panicked voice, he was ready for anything.

"What do you mean? What's going on?" Jane said, getting off her seat.

"It's Arnold. Apparently, he hasn't shown up for work today, with no one able to reach his cell, and they found this not in his cubical saying 'I'm afraid of what the Boss might do to me.'" Alice said.

"WHAT?!" she screamed in a low tone. "Why does this keep happening." Jane planted both her arms on her desk, using it to support herself, as she shook her head nervously facing down. Another bad day in the making.

"Hold on for a second." Michael said, turning his head on the spot to look at both ladies. "Who is Arnold and why would he have any reason to be scared."

"I'm sure your aware of what happened here in the office yesterday?" Alice spoke calmly, trying to explain things to Michael.

"Somewhat, I guess." He responded.

"Well Arnold is the guy Miss Pearson basically ripped to shreds with her words, in front of everyone on the floor, for something he didn't even do."

Michael looked at Jane with disappointment. Her head was still down but she could tell he Was judging her like everyone else, and that only made her feel worse.

Alice smiled for a second then switched her face back right before Michael turned to face her again. She was enjoying this.

"Okay, but that's not a good enough reason for the others to blame her." He said with a tone of definition. "And also, you can't legally declare a person missing until after twenty-four hours."

Jane rose her head. He had a point, his words made sense. Maybe She was just overreacting to the situation.

"But that doesn't really change anything, does it." Alice said, moving closer to the desk. "The employees still think she has something to do with it."

"That shouldn't really be a problem." Michael said, taking back his seat. "All we have to do, or should I say, all 'I' have to do, is find this Arnold guy and everything will be settled. He crossed his legs as he leaned back on his chair.

Jane's face brightened up, she looked at him with so much passion. To her he was a knight in shining armor.

"You're going to help me?" Jane asked excitedly.

"Well, I am the head of security, so it's basically just me doing my job." He replied condescendingly.

Jane pouted for a second. Alice still looked worried, but her fears were for a different reason.

"But how are going to find him? Especially when no one can reach him."

"I found both of you guys yesterday, didn't I?" He said confidently, getting up from his chair. "Trust me, I have a plan."

He pulled out his phone while slowly walking towards the door. Alice hid her apprehension as she watched him go. Jane, on the other hand, was to the moon with joy, her knight was going to save the day.

"See you guys later." Mr. Cooper said, leaving the office.

"He's amazing, isn't he, Alice?" Jane said awestruck.

"He is confident, I'll give him that." Alice replied pensively, trying to figure out his next move. "Excuse me Miss Pearson, I have to go take care of a few things." She said, rushing for the door.

"Okay?" Jane responded, looking a bit confused.

Meanwhile, Michael stood in the hallway, some distance away from Jane's office. He was asking talking to some of the staff about Arnold.

"So, you didn't see him leave yesterday?" Michael asked a young guy.

"I saw him run straight to the bathroom after the boss yelled at him."

"Do you know if he was close to anyone?" He asked an older man.

"Yeah, Maya, I think I saw her earlier, she was wearing a blue dress."

"Can you get his number or address?" He asked a lady in a blue dress.

"Sure," she said, smiling at him. "I can also give you mine as well."

"Thanks, but that won't be necessary." He said, writing down the phone number and house address in a small pocket book. She wasn't happy.

Michael, went to a corner, pulled out his phone, holding it in one hand and the pocket book in the other. He was searching for a number on his phone right before he looked up and saw Alice rushing past him.

She saw him standing there looking all serious, then gave him a little wave with a cute smile as she passed. Michael's cheeks went red, his heart skipped a beat, she was beautiful in her stride.

He waved back at her, then continued what his business. Scrolling through his contact list, he stopped a name called Blake and called.

"Hello" the phone barely rang for a second.

"Hey, I need you to track down some guy for me." Michael said.

"I'm not your personal errand boy you know?" Blake responded. "I have my own things to do."

"I know, I know, but it's for the mission"

"Okay. Speaking of the mission, how's it going?"

"It's frantic as hell." Michael said, frustrated. "Just two days in and there's chaos everywhere, I don't even have time to investigate."

"Woah!" Blake exclaimed. "If this is coming from you then that place has got to be a real circus."

"Yeah, it is." Michael said. "Anyways, just find this guy as quickly as possible, I'm on the clock here, I'll brief you later."

"Alright" Blacke responded, ending the call afterwards.

Alice had her own calls to make as well, as she sat in one of the stalls in the lady's room, whispering into her phone.

"Where are you?" She asked.

"Just outside the city." A cranky voice responded. "Why you whispering?"

"Good, and the package, you have it?"

"Yes, we do. Is something the matter?"

"Nothing is wrong, I Just need you to drop him far off, follow my instructions, then disappear. Okay?" Alice said.

"Rodger that, Miss."

"Alright, get it done as quickly as possible, and notify me when it's over."

"Alrighty then."

"Goodbye." Alice cut the call, then deleted it from her history.