
CEO Love and Chaos

Jane Pearson, beautiful young CEO, finds herself in a fight for both love and her company. She falls in love with the new head of security at her company Michael Cooper, after he saves her from a kidnapping. But he doesn't love her, instead he loves her assistant, Alice Gerrard. Jane is being sabotaged at every turn as someone or someones are trying to steal her company from her. Will she be able to balance her love life and save her company at the same time?

Leo_Grey · Thành thị
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11 Chs

Chapter 6

Knock, knock. Jane looked up to see who it was. It was Michael, peaking his head through the ajar door. Sharon didn't even turn.

"Sorry to interrupt. May I come in?" Michael said, pushing the door open by the handle.

Jane's cheeks flushed bright red at the sight of him, freezing still like a dear in front of headlights, she was lost in this split moment and Sharon saw it.

"C-Come in." she said, struggling to get her words out.

Sharon placed the tips of her fingers over her lips, trying to conceal her laugh. She found Jane absolutely amusing as she stood up to leave.

"Wait…you're leaving?" Jane whispered to Sharon, with her wide eyes pointed directly at her. "You can't leave me alone with him." Sharons eyes brightened as a devious smile overcame her face, she was enjoying herself.

"As much as I would love to stay and watch all this unfold," Sharon said, looking straight at Jane with a smile on her face. "I have to go and have go have a word with Hector." Jane winced at the sound of the name.

"Oh, don't make that face." Sharon continued. "I do hope he called you after what happened yesterday?"

"Yes, yes, he called." Jane replied with a nonchalant air. "We didn't talk though; it was already late."

"I see." Sharon said, turning towards the door and walking rather elegantly towards Michael was still standing. "You'd do well to go see him later."

"Okay, but any advice for this current situation?" Jane asked.

"Hello there, Mr. Cooper." Ignoring Janes question. Sharon was a foot apart from Michael, looking up at his face. Her presence or something, made him uneasy.

"I see you're already making your mark, good job yesterday." She continued.

"Thank you, Miss Wallace." He said nervously as she passed him. Jane noticed this.

"Goodbye and keep up the hard work."

Sharon stopped by the door, then turned to Jane, who was still waiting for a reply.

"If you want something, then go get it." The middle-aged woman said before she left.

The room became uncomfortably quiet, Jane realized, with Sharon gone, it would just be the two of them. She didn't know what to say or do any more.

She froze up again and looked into space, unsure of everything. His presence seemed to have this effect on her. Michael took the initiative and approached her desk.

"May I sit?" he asked.

Jane just nodded her head. Michael sat down, a tables distance between them, before he spoke, he looked at her then stopped for a second.

He couldn't help but admire her, eyes sparkling and lips red. She looked so beautiful in her vulnerability and he couldn't believe it. 'Is this the mean boss everyone is scared of?' Michael thought to himself.

She noticed his stare then became worried. 'Why is he staring at me? Do I look weird? Why on earth did I put on make-up, I must look totally stupid right now.' She thought.

Michael, realizing he was making her uncomfortable, quickly threw his gaze elsewhere. He looked out the window, which had an amazing view of the city.

"Beautiful." He said finally.

"What?" Janes eyes lit up, he noticed.

"The view, that's a beautiful view of the city."

"Oh, yes, it is." Jane seemed a little bit disappointed.

It became awkward again. But Jane grew a little bit confident and a little confidence is just what she needs. There was something she wanted and she was going to get it.

"So, Mr. Cooper, why have you come to see me?"

"Oh, well seeing as yesterday's events unfolded, I decided to formally introduce myself to you in the work place."

"I see. You were hired by Miss Wallace, yes?"


"And I believe she properly checked your qualifications for this position?"

"Well, after yesterday, I think you as well can see my qualifications."

"True, you did impress me yesterday" Jane was getting more and mor confident. "But still, I would like to see your file and know more about you."

"Okay, I'll get it before the end of the day." He replied. "And as for getting to know me, I don't really know how to go about that."

"How about we talk over dinner?" Jane asked boldly.

Michael was caught off guard, which doesn't happen all that often. He looked at Jane with a puzzled expression on his face.

"I don't think that's necessary" he replied.

"Well, I think it is." She said firmly. "It's more like killing two birds with one stone. I get to know more about my new employee and also thank him for saving my life."

Michael chuckled, so far Jane has been nothing like what he expected and also completely different from when he walked into her office.

"Can I at least think about it?" He asked.

"Of course, please take your time." She said with a right smile on her face.

They was something about her that he liked, but couldn't quite figure out. Then again, the rumors about her made him quite apprehensive.

"You know, you're a lot more different than I imagined." Michael said with a curious look.

"Really. So, what were you expecting?"

"Well, don't be mad, going by the rumors I had you pegged as the wicked witch of the west." He squinted his eyes as he spoke.

"Oh really?" Jane laughed, hiding her pain.

Michael saw from the look in her eyes that she was hurt. She didn't wat to get angry or sad in front of him.

"But you don't seem like that at all." He looked her straight in the eyes, as he tried to comfort her with his words. And it worked, his eyes were soft, for some reason, as long as he believed in her she was okay.

"I…I…" She stammered, right before…

Alice rushed in through the door, she was out of breath, her hair was frantic. She was holding a piece of paper.

"Miss Pearson, sorry to barge in, but there's an emergency. Arnold is Missing and everyone thinks you had something to do with it"