
Chapter 11: If you party with other men i will break yoir leg

How long will it take you to give the Ceo food Jessica asked in a scacasstic manner and how is it your business Vivian answered for Deborah who was not minding Jessica but had to stand up when Jessica slapped Vivian, how dare you talk to me like that I am the assistant to the supervisor as soon as she ended her sentence a heavy slap landed in her face which made her mouth to bleed and how dare you touch her Deborah said you talked to the assistant of the CEO like that and someone stood up for me and you had the guts to slap her Deborah said in a cold voice which made Jessica scared, don't you think that if the matter get to the CEO you are likely to get fired she said looking at her with anger now I would advise you to disappear from my face now Deborah said with a commanding voice making Jessica to run away in fear, Are you okay Deborah said touching Vivian's cheek lemme get you ice Deborah said and soon came back with ice what if the president fire's you for using his name Vivian asked in a worried tone don't worry he won't Deborah said with a reassuring voice

Ms Lucy, Jessica called her crying as she was entering her office. immediately Lucy saw her face she asked what happened and Jessica explained just calm down and leave her for a while we would take revenge later Lucy said comforting Jessica

Sir are you ready to go now Deborah asked No, I am not and by the way where are you rushing to Charles asked in a suspicious manner. Are my rushing she said scratching the back of her head and laughing in a nervous way I just want to go home because I have so much work to do she said. Deborah, Charles said dragging the name in a suspicious manner. okay let me tell you the truth I am going to visit Rose is there anything bad in it she asked in a confident way. Okay but don't try to party with guys unless I will break those legs of yours Charles said at least I am better than you that is already married but still has childhood sweetheart that he is keeping at his place of work just to be seeing her everyday Deborah said in a scasstic manner and quickly work out of his office shouting Theo bye

What is she talking about Charles asked Theo with a confused voice when did I ever put a childhood sweetheart in the office . sir it is Lucy that is spreading rumors that you are her childhood sweetheart. Okay, leave it like that Charles said with a smirk . but why, it is also damaging your reputation and it can affect madam reputation and they will call her a mistress if they see any unusual relationship between two of you Theo said in a worried tone. I know but it will force Deborah to acknowledge our relationship in public Charles said with a smirk okay back to work now so I can go home early

That information was quiet useful Deborah said eating her pizza but what she doesn't know is that I have her sex tape so I am waiting for her to make trouble again. The project was successful and we are going to lunch another product in the branch outside the city Rose said still laughing at what Deborah finished explaining. That Lucy of a girl piled up files for me to finish in two days and a normal worker would use one week to do but unfortunately I am far from normal Deborah said looking at Rose with a pitiful face, Don't look at me like that it is not going to work Rose said

Few minutes later

I can't believe I am doing this Rose said, Do you want to me to suffer and don't worry I am sleeping here today she said trying to make Rose not to give up. okay as my baby I will help you Rose said as Deborah hugged her

Where is my wife Charles asked butler Thomas. she has not come back Thomas replied, this is already 11pm and she is not yet back Charles said with anger. Theo entered inside with the house with the lunch box and handed it over to the chef . sir what happened Theo asked seeing his boss was angry so he assumed it was connected to his boss wife . Deborah is not yet home Charles replied with anger , but boss she said she was going Rose house Theo replied

Finally this files has been sorted out Deborah said and thanks to my queen here Rose she said. It is already late let us sleep Rose said yawning. okay I wanted to discuss something with you but it is like we have to suspend it to tomorrow Deborah said

After waiting till 11:30 pm Charles asked Theo to tell the chaffuer to prepare the car just as he was about to go home. sir were are we are we going to. we are going to Rose place to pick Deborah you know I can't sleep well without her scent and the funniest part is that I don't see her using perfume so we have to pick her up Charles said rubbing his forehead. you are just trying to use this excuse to bring her back Theo murmured to himself

who is disturbing this night Rose said as she stood up from the bird quietly trying not to disturb Deborah. she went downstairs just to check the door camera and see Charles there. what is this guy doing here Rose said to herself . As soon as she opened it Charles entered inside and asked with a cold voice where is my wife, she is sleeping Rose replied, so you are trying to tell me she was not planning to come home this night Charles said trying to surpress his anger, he ignored her and went to her room and carried Deborah to the car . What do you think you are doing Rose said trying to stop Charles from carrying Deborah away but he ignored her again and walked out after telling Theo to carry Deborah things which he did immediately .

As Charles was about to enter the car Deborah suddenly woke up what are you doing here and where are you taking me to Deborah said half awake. I am taking you home so just go back to sleep Charles said in a low voice and Deborah went back to sleep

How did I reach here Deborah said looking around just to see Charles beside her . Then a she heard a knock on the door which woke Charles up then Thomas opened the door slightly and said Mr Dominic your family is waiting for you in the palour . making Charles and Deborah to be fully awake