
CEO's Sweet Little wife!

Alevia Adelynn Han, a peerless beauty with a high IQ and a mysterious background with so many secrets. She is the adopted daughter of Lu family, believed to be having a memory loss. After her boyfriend got cheated with her adopted sister, she decided to retaliate. Zhao yang, a cold and ruthless CEO of the Dragon empire. He rules both the business world and Entertainment industries as a king. ----------------------------------------- "Why are you disturbing me? I don't need you to take responsibility for me. So rest your heart in peace." "Who said that I am going to take responsibility?" he corrected it and said as a matter of fact, "Of course, I want you to be responsible for me." "..." "That was my first time. You took my innocence." "..." ------------------------------------------ The cold and ruthless CEO shamelessly hung to Alevia just like that.

kajana · Thành thị
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7 Chs

Amorous relationships

Flowers emitted soothing fragrance in the air while birds chirped happily, saying goodbye to the day. The warm sun's falling asleep, shielded behind the tall buildings. The fleeting colours of dusk began to fade away.

A beautiful villa was built on the most expensive area surrounded lush green forests like garden, basking in the beauty of nature. Inside this magnificent modern style villa, only three people lived including the butler and the maid.

In the middle of the green garden located in the Villa, sat a girl sat elegantly on the porch swing.

The girl was reading a book in another language in a very sophisticated manner. She was very beautiful. The word beautiful was an understatement for her. She was utterly gorgeous with looks like a deity. Her long black silky hair fall to her waist very beautifully. Fair porcelain skin, slender eyebrows matched with curly eyelashes, sharp chin, a tall and long nose and a pair of pink lips that are neither thick or thin. And the most noticeable feature was her enchanting Emerald green eyes that looks like it could read into one's soul. She was no more than 19 years old.

Suddenly a phone rang, disturbing the peaceful scene in the garden. She frowned unhappily but nevertheless, she still answered the phone.

"Sister Alevia, are you not coming to dinner today?" An overly sweet and gentle sweet asked her. It was annoyingly sweet as if the concern was obviously fake.

"No. I have some work." Alevia answered in a soft voice but the voice had a tint of coldness and distant.

"Oh.... Okay sister. I will see you tomorrow at school." She answered meekly as if she was wronged. Alevia hung up without a second of delay.

The caller was non other than Alevia's adopted/foster sister, Lu Ruolan. Alevia was taken in by the Lu family few years ago. The Lu patriarch took her in because her life was in danger. She was being hunted by her biological family's enemies. Her parents, fearing for their daughter's and their family's safety, left her in the care of Patriarch Lu.

She was treated as an eyesore in the family since no one knew her identity. When she reached the age of 18, she bought a villa for herself so that she will not have to face the look of disdain from the family.

Alevia, who was in deep thoughts did not notice the butler coming her way.

"Young miss, it's too cold outside. Please don't stay too long." Butler Xiao Tian said with a very concerned face. He was one of the people she trusted deeply.

She nodded towards Butler Xiao Tian and got off from the porch swing, walking towards the Villa followed by the Butler.

She walked towards upstairs to the shower. After showering, she went towards the basement of the villa. It looked like a high tech science lab equipped with the latest technology computers and mechanical instrument. There were a lots of papers with complicated design scattered on the table at the corner of one side.

She went toward the latest computer which looked like a personal computer of hers and started typing some difficult codes at the speed of light as if these codes were saving inside her brain and she was just copying them as if its a child's play for her.

She spent some time and then automated the task on its own. Then she went towards a huge oval table and took the unfinished project on it. She put it under the LED light and started working on it with a screw driver. Soon, she finished putting together some parts. After seeing the time, she decided to leave the basement. She thoroughly checked the computer and tuned it off as soon as it finished the work. Also she made sure everything's on place.

She went to the dining room and sat on the table and started eating the food which her maid, Aunt Laura already served. She ate with such grace like a true royalty. She was eating very hurriedly but every single movement was still filled with elegance. After she finished eating, she washed the dishes herself.

"Butler Xiao Tian, Aunt Laura, Didn't you guys eat?" Alevia asked them with a concerned face. She had said many times to eat with her but they always refused. So she let them eat before her.

"No, young miss. We will eat now." Aunt Laura said. Alevia nodded at them and exited the dining room.

She made her way to the garden for a short walk. The cold air and the moonlight highlighted her beauty as it shines on her pearless face. Her waist length hair swayed back and forth to the rhythm of the cold wind. Her green eyes shone like a thousand stars and her lips displayed a rare, barely noticeable smile. The word deity was not enough to describe her. She looked otherworldly.

Soon, after a small walk, Alevia made her way to her bedroom. Her bedroom was painted in a white and black theme. It looked very orderly without a hint of dirt as if it was a new room. The black paint with white designs illuminated her character clearly. Mysterious, cold, calm but utterly beautiful. Her characters fits her like a jigsaw puzzle just like how black and white make the best pair of colours.

Alevia went to the bathroom to freshen up herself. She came out wearing a pair of t-shirt and shorts, ready for her sleep.

Just when she was about to fall on the bed, she heard her phone ringing loudly. Without even seeing who called her, she answered.

"I think I just saw your stupid sister booking a room in a hotel with your so-called boyfriend. Something is suspicious." Her best friend, Bei Wei Wei, exclaimed loudly through the phone. Alevia was shocked when she heard that. But her eyes did not show a hint of sadness or suspicion instead, they held happiness.

"Oh, really? 100%?" Alevia asked again to make sure that she is not being given wrong information.

"When have I ever lied to you. May my pants be on fire when I lied. Anyway, I am getting out of the topic. I am very sure that it was your boyfriend. Alevia, don't be sad with that jerk. I really think he is not good enough for you. He is not even compatible with your height. A girl like you deserve someone like our school hunk. Tall and devilish handsome. Moreover, he doesn't like girls at all. Except you." Wei Wei consoled her even though Alevia clearly did not needed that. But Alevia decided to ignore the latter part of her speech....for now.

"What hotel is it?" Alevia asked impatiently, stopping Wei Wei from nagging again,

"Don't tell me that you are going to make a scene. What will happen to you 'ice goddess' image when you done that?..." Wei Wei started going off again, totally forgetting Alevia's question.

"Stop. I just want good evidence about their adulterous relationship. Or else how am I going to break up with him?" Alevia said in a nonchalant manner. Honestly, she didn't even like her so-called boyfriend- Chen Yufan. She already knew that he was a lustful man. He can never be in a relationship with single woman.

The adulterous couple thought they were keeping their relationship well under the cover. But being a computer expert, hacking was a simple thing for her to do. They so-called boyfriend of hers asked her out when she was just 16 years old. At the beginning, his feelings were real. So, she decided to give him a chance considering the fact that he was the one of the two people who talked too her without a hint of disdain. So, she thought of giving him a chance. But who would have thought that Lu Ruolan would seduce him and manipulate him to think that they will have the best life without her.

Somehow, Lu Ruolan came to know that Alevia's background was very strong and that she was the heiress of the family. Hundred times better than the Lu family. She thought of ripping of her assets and being the sole owner for Lu and Alevia's family with Chen Yufan's as well. That would make her the most powerful person in the world. Utterly stupid. And also, Lu Ruolan hated that every men like Alevia and that also she had the best family as well. So, she simply got Chen Yufan to like her by seducing him since Alevia never allowed him to touch her.

"You're going to break up with him. Oh My God. This is the best decision ever. And don't worry about the evidence. I already got it." Bei Wei Wei told with an obvious excited tone. Alevia honestly didn't have a single idea why she had a weird best friend like her.

"What do you mean?" Alevia asked with the most confused tone and expression.

"I may or may not have already placed a spy camera in her room, so that you'll believe me. But hey, in my defence I just don't like that guy and I want you to break up with him." She answered in a soft voice, as if she was waiting for Alevia to scold her. But for the first time in her life, she felt proud of her stupid best friend.

Hi, my friends.

I finally made a chapter that can be said as its better than the previous ones. Sorry to make you wait for months. But I assure you that this story is way better than the one I wrote before.

Plus read my second story as well. Add it to your library if you like it.

Reborn young miss

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

kajanacreators' thoughts