
Still Sleeping !?

The car stopped with a loud noise as the bodyguard suddenly stepped on the brakes.

The bodyguard looked at them and asked " What happened Madam !? Is everything okay !? ".

Tanvi was looking at Anderson with a strange expression on her face.

" Shh... Madam if you are not feeling comfortable, we could just leave him here " The bodyguard said to Tanvi.

" I can't do that " Tanvi said with a sullen face.

" I don't understand Why you are taking so much trouble for him !? " The bodyguard asked Tanvi.

" Because he is... " Tanvi stopped speaking because she doesn't want to drag her beloved sister Niha into this mess as Niha was already married.

" Cuzz... He is my good friend " Tanvi said to The bodyguard while looking at Anderson.

" Good Friend !? Okay then " the bodyguard said and started the car again.

Anderson put his hands under his cheeks for the support and was sleeping quietly on Tanvi's lap.


" Who was on the call !? " Mrs.Yang asked Mr.Yang while bringing a glass of water to him.

" One girl called from your son's mobile and said that your son was blacked out at a bar " Mr.Yang said to his wife.

" A girl !? Who is she !? " Mrs.Yang asked enthusiastically.

" She said that she is his friend " Mr.Yang replied.

" But our son studied in states since his childhood. How come he has friends here !? Especially girls !? " Mrs.Yang asked her husband.

" Don't know. Whenever I mentioned about the marriage to him, he always refused the idea. In addition to that he told me that he wanted to stay in Newyork for few more months, but he returned from Newyork out of the blue without even telling us. I'm also curious about this girl. That's why i asked her to bring him here " Mr.Yang said to his wife.

" You are smart my dear " Mrs.Yang said to her husband.

Mr.Yang smiled and adjusted his spectacles.

" Oh yeah. I forgot. I told her that I am out of station " Mr.Yang said.

" But why !? " Mrs.Yang asked him.

" Because she asked me to go there to pick him up. If I go there, she wouldn't come to our house. I want to have a good chat with her. That's why I told her that I am out of station " Mr.Yang said to his wife.

" I have to hide now " Mr.Yang said and stood up from the couch.

" Hey wait. No need to hide. I got an idea. Do one thing. First of all find a best place which is nearer to our house to park our car. You go there and wait in our car. If you see any car stopped at our gate. Drive your car here so that she would think that you just came here. How is it !? " Mrs.Yang told her idea.

" Wow !! Brilliant !! You are smarter than me " Mr.Yang said while clapping his hands.

" Don't try to flatter me " Mrs.Yang said.

" I'm not. It's the truth " Mr.Yang said.

" Good. Go now " Mrs.Yang told her husband.

" Okay " Mr.Yang said and took the car keys. Later he went to the nearest place from which he can clearly see who are going in and coming out from his house.


After sometime Wang Lei's car stopped in front of Anderson's house. The bodyguard noticed that the entrance gate of the house was wide opened. So he drove the car through the big gate.

Tanvi was thinking about something deeply that she didn't even notice that they were already at the location.

" We are here madam " The bodyguard said to Tanvi.

Tanvi came to her senses and said " Huh !? Reached ?? Okay. I'm getting down ". She slowly moved Anderson's head from her lap and got off from the car.

" Ouch !! " Tanvi screamed. Her legs became numb as she didn't move her legs for a long time.

" Are you okay Madam !? " The bodyguard asked her while getting down from the car.

" Yeah. Take him out first " Tanvi said to the bodyguard.

The bodyguard nodded his head.

She was looking at her legs and slowly moving her fingers to relieve the numbness. When she was struggling with her legs, another luxurious car stopped behind her Mr.Yang stepped out from the car.

He came to Tanvi and asked " Are you Tanvi the girl who talked with me on phone !? ".

Tanvi nodded her head.

" Beautiful " Mr.Yang mumbled.

" Hmm !? " Tanvi said.

" Haha... Nothing. What happened !? Are you alright !? " Mr.Yang asked Tanvi in CHINESE.

" Yeah... I'm fine uncle. It's just... my legs became a little numb. Okay now " Tanvi said to Mr.Yang in ENGLISH.

" Okay. I hurried to home after getting your call. Where is Anderson !? Is he okay !? " Mr.Yang asked Tanvi again in CHINESE.

" Yes uncle. He drank a little much. He is in the back seat. Still sleeping " Tanvi replied to Mr.Yang in ENGLISH.

" Huh!! Still sleeping !? This little punk !?. It's okay. I'm very tired as I had a long journey. Let's go inside and talk " Mr.Yang said to Tanvi.

" No uncle. We'll leave now " Tanvi said in a gentle voice.

" Haa !? No way. This is your first time coming to our house. How can you leave without coming inside !? " Mr.Yang said to Tanvi.

When Tanvi was hesitated to reply him. He looked at the bodyguard who was standing beside Tanvi and said " Can you please carry him into his room !? See I'm old now. I can't lift him ".

The bodyguard looked at Tanvi. Meanwhile Tanvi gestured him with her eyes to do.

The bodyguard nodded his head in agreement.

" Come on let's go " Mr.Yang said.

When Tanvi turned her head, her eyes widened after seeing the huge villa. Still now she was facing her back to the house. She stopped walking after seeing the beautifully lighted villa. It was glowing with golden and silver coloured lights.

Mr.Yang noticed that Tanvi was now following him. So he looked at her and asked worriedly " Are you alright !? ".

Tanvi nodded her head. Later she and the bodyguard followed Mr.Yang.

Mr.Yang rang the doorbell. Within a minute Mrs. Yang opened the door and said " You are home !? You told me that you are going shanghai for business. Why you returned so suddenly !? What happened !? Is everything okay !? ".

< End Of The Chapter 100 >