
Celestial Harem Conquest System

In "Celestial Harem Conquest System" (CHCS), Kai Chance is transported to a new world after an accident, discovering unique abilities as he navigates relationships and ambitions in this mysterious realm. I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com

Dream_Weavers · Kỳ huyễn
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24 Chs

Celestial Harem Conquest System

Chapter 20

After introducing Kai to Joyab, Viscountess Victoria Vanelle resumed her work, noticing a slight improvement in her speed and efficiency. Even with Kai standing close by, she managed to concentrate without the distracting tingling sensations.

However, she anticipated the upcoming lunch break and the playful interlude it promised.

Meanwhile, Kai observed Victoria's efficient and elegant work with deep admiration. He marveled at her problem-solving abilities and swift decision-making skills, seeing her as a perfect, empowered lady.

As the lunch break approached, Joyab excused himself, leaving Kai alone with Victoria. Immediately, Kai approached her, placing his hands gently on her shoulders.

"Lady Vanelle, you must be tired after such a long stretch of work," Kai remarked with a knowing smile.

Victoria inwardly smiled, already aware of Kai's intentions and looking forward to how he would steer the situation towards something more intimate.

"Mmhm," she replied, playing along.

"Your body must be feeling stiff, isn't it?" Kai suggested.

"Mmhm. Very stiff," Victoria affirmed.

"I could offer you a massage, but I fear it might make you too relaxed for the remainder of the day," Kai remarked.

"You have a point," Victoria acknowledged.

"Then how about some stretches? They'll help without leaving you too relaxed," Kai proposed.

"Stretches?" Victoria raised an eyebrow, intrigued.

"Yes, let's begin quickly since time is limited," Kai said, guiding Victoria to cooperate.

Unaware of Kai's true intentions, Victoria complied, allowing him to take charge.

"First, let's remove your gown," Kai suggested boldly, swiftly and skillfully undressing Victoria without waiting for her response. Underneath, she wore a dark purple bra and panties that contrasted alluringly against her fair skin.

'Damn, she's irresistible,' Kai thought, admiring Victoria's perfect hourglass figure.

"Alright, now sit down, straighten your knees, and open your legs wide," Kai instructed, impressed by Victoria's flexibility and using the opportunity to subtly touch her inner thighs.

Victoria stretched as instructed, and Kai continued to take advantage of the situation, 'assisting' her with the stretches in his own unique way.


"Okay, now for the next stretch," Kai said, moving Victoria into a seated position that required flexibility.

Victoria demonstrated impressive flexibility, nearly touching her head to the floor. Throughout, Kai supported her, his hands occasionally straying to tease her soft, fleshy breasts.

"Annh~" Victoria couldn't help but moan, feeling a flush of arousal.

Kai, observing her reaction, felt a familiar stirring of desire.

"Alright, let's move to the next one," Kai said mischievously, guiding Victoria into a position on all fours.

Victoria complied, feeling a mix of embarrassment and anticipation.

"Now arch your back, lift your butt and head," Kai instructed, placing his hand on her firm behind and teasing her playfully.

As he continued to playfully touch her, Victoria's body responded with involuntary twitching and arousal.

"Enough," Victoria interrupted after a few minutes, knowing Kai's intention to tease her further. Her frustration was reaching its peak in just that short time.

Kai grinned, pleased with the effect he had on her, though he still desired more intimate closeness.

"Are you sure? I can sense that you're quite stiff here," Kai remarked boldly, teasingly grabbing her.

"AAnh~" Victoria's body jolted at Kai's boldness.

"Trust me, I know an excellent exercise to relieve this stiffness," Kai suggested with a smirk, his eyes filled with playful intent.

Victoria, aware of where Kai's suggestion was leading, couldn't suppress her growing anticipation and desire.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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