
Celestial Harem Conquest System

In "Celestial Harem Conquest System" (CHCS), Kai Chance is transported to a new world after an accident, discovering unique abilities as he navigates relationships and ambitions in this mysterious realm. I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com

Dream_Weavers · Kỳ huyễn
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Celestial Harem Conquest System

Chapter 19

After what felt like the longest bathing session she had ever experienced, Viscountess Victoria Vanelle emerged from the bathroom with a mixture of satisfaction and sternness on her face.

"We're running late, and it's all because of you. What do you have to say for yourself?"

"I deeply apologize for the delay I caused, although I must say, it was quite enjoyable, wasn't it?" Kai remarked casually.

Victoria's lips twitched at his audacity. She wanted to scold him, but in all honesty...

It really was enjoyable!

'Ugh! He's leading me astray,' Victoria thought, clenching her fist in frustration. However, the memory of the pleasure she had experienced moments ago softened her resolve.

"Alright, enough complaints. We're already behind schedule. Let's hurry so we can save some time," Victoria said, quickening her pace.

"You want me to accompany you?" Kai asked.

"Yes, I've decided to have you serve as my butler from now on."

"But I don't know anything about being a butler."

"You don't need to worry about that. Joyab will take care of training you. You just need to follow my lead. You can't stay cooped up here forever, can you?"

"Lady Vanelle, no need for these indirect expressions. Just say you can't bear to be apart from me, and I'll follow you anywhere, even into hell," Kai teased.

Victoria's lips twitched again. Deep down, she knew Kai's words held some truth.

'Ugh! He's insufferable! Where did my sweet Nux go!?' Victoria thought, recalling Kai's earlier charm.

"You're quite cheeky, aren't you?"

"I'm sure Lady Vanelle knows all about that," Kai replied, glancing suggestively at her ample bosom before licking his lips.

Blushing, Victoria sighed, "Haah... I miss the old Nux. He was sweet and cute—unlike the person you've become, who's just plain rude."

"Do you really mean that, Lady Vanelle? Why not ask your heart—or should I say, another part of you?"

"..." Victoria opted for silence.

Though she did miss the 'boy' Nux a bit, given the choice, she would opt for the 'man' Nux any day. Despite her playful orders to the contrary, the truth was that she felt awkward manipulating the 'boy' Nux for her pleasure. With Kai, however, the dynamics were different. He took initiative, and his playful advances stirred her heart.

Unbeknownst to Victoria, Kai's significance in her life far surpassed that of a mere plaything. If given a choice between Kai and her closest friends, Victoria might not be able to choose her friends, even after much deliberation.


As they entered Victoria's office, they were greeted by a middle-aged man in a black suit.

Kai activated the Eye of Discretion, revealing the man's information:

[Name: Joyab Frey]

[Age: 59]

[Mana Cultivation: Master]

[Body Cultivation: Mortal]

[Occupation: Viscountess Victoria Vanelle's Butler]

[Race: Human]

[Talent: Low]

[Level: 31]

[HP: 350/350]

[MP: 550/550]

[STR: 36]

[AGL: 41]

[VIT: 35]

[STM: 39]

[INT: 55]

[DEF: 35]

"Joyab, let me introduce you. This is Kai, and he'll be my new butler," Victoria announced.

Joyab frowned. "Viscountess Vanelle, isn't he the..."

"Yes, he is. But from now on, he's my butler," Victoria interrupted firmly, sensing Joyab's hesitation.

'What has this kid done to her?' Joyab wondered, suspicious of Kai's influence over Victoria. If not for the absence of any detectable energy emanating from Kai, Joyab might have already taken action against him.

"But Viscountess, does he understand the duties of a butler?" Joyab questioned.

"You don't need to worry about that."

"And what about his cultivation? How will he protect you if he's so weak? A butler is also a bodyguard, sworn to protect their master with their life."

"You're right. Thank you for reminding me. I've decided to impart our family's best cultivation technique to him. He's young and capable of catching up," Victoria replied confidently.

"But..." Joyab hesitated, unable to formulate a strong argument.

Sensing Joyab's unease, Victoria smiled and addressed him directly, "Butler Joyab, you've cared for me since childhood. You have my assurance that I won't treat you or your family unfairly. I know you've been training your son to succeed you as my butler, and that won't change with Kai's arrival. I'm not replacing you or your son."

Joyab averted his gaze, embarrassed to have been seen through so easily by Victoria. He felt a sense of relief wash over him as he sighed.

"Yes, although I've appointed Kai as my butler, he's not exactly a traditional butler. Think of him more as an assistant—no, we're all assistants here. The difference is, while you manage paperwork, Kai attends to other matters," Victoria explained, her words confusing both Joyab and herself.

Behind her, Kai snorted inwardly at Victoria's explanation.

'Tsk tsk, what's the point of beating around the bush? Just tell him we're all your assistants, and I specialize in a different kind of service,' Kai thought mischievously.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Dream_Weaverscreators' thoughts