
Celestial Harem Conquest System

In "Celestial Harem Conquest System" (CHCS), Kai Chance is transported to a new world after an accident, discovering unique abilities as he navigates relationships and ambitions in this mysterious realm. I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com

Dream_Weavers · Kỳ huyễn
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24 Chs

Celestial Harem Conquest System

Chapter 16

As soon as Viscount Victoria reached her mansion, she jumped out of her carriage and rushed towards her room. The servants were surprised by her actions but didn't dare ask anything, while her two maids followed behind her silently, keeping up with her with ease.

Seeing a familiar figure sitting in front of her room, Victoria smiled and shouted excitedly,



Kai wanted to act like he was excited seeing the viscount again, but he didn't expect her to rush into him and hug him without thinking about anything.

He then noticed the unusual stiffness in her legs and understood what happened.

Surprised by his ability, Kai glanced at the maids and ordered,

"I'll take care of Viscount Victoria from here; you can excuse yourselves for the day."

The maids noticed the change in his tone in just two days but seeing the viscount acting like that, they shook their heads and bowed before leaving.

Kai, on the other hand, smiled as he held Victoria's plump butt and carried her into her room. Though surprised by his actions, the viscount didn't complain and let him do what he wanted.

Kai then gently placed her on the bed before he said in a soft tone, "Mam, you must be tired. Let me massage your body and help you relax."

This time, there was no stutter in his words, his tone carried only gentle but compelling authority.

"Mm," Victoria nodded before she closed her eyes.

"Then shall I help you remove your gown?"

Surprised by his words, Victoria opened her eyes and glanced at Kai.

Kai blushed before he explained, "You know how difficult it is to massage without direct skin contact. Since I want you to feel the best, I request you to remove your gown."

Finding his explanation logical, she nodded and allowed him to remove her gown.

A small smile appeared on Kai's face before he quickly removed her gown and glanced at Victoria lying on the bed wearing nothing but a sexy black bra and panties, with her back facing him. He also let down her hair since he liked it open rather than in a bun.

With everything ready, he rubbed his hands together before he started with her shoulders, slowly moving down her back, then her lower back, before kneading her plump ass with extra care and gentleness.


Jolts of pleasure assaulted Victoria's body. She wanted to question what he was doing, but when his hands kneaded her buttocks, the tingling feeling that had been suppressed erupted, stronger than before. Combined with how good it felt when he touched her, she forgot all her questions and gave in.

However, before she could thoroughly enjoy the feeling, Kai's hands continued down to her thighs and legs.

Feeling frustrated, she wanted to tell him to continue massaging her buttocks and thighs, but she then felt his hands coming back to her legs. Noticing the pattern, she stayed silent and enjoyed the massage.

Kai's smile widened seeing her reaction.

Of course, this time, he wasn't here just to massage her body; he was here to complete the mission and make Victoria his. Thinking it was time to move to the next step, he massaged her buttocks before moving up.

As his hands moved towards her back, Victoria shook her head inwardly before her eyes widened when she felt something touching her intimate area.

She quickly turned her head and saw a significant bulge right in front of her. She then glanced at Kai, who was still massaging her back. Then he leaned forward to massage her shoulders, and his bulge rubbed against her.


She released a soft moan, and Kai 'wasn't able to hear it'.

Her intimate area started trembling, the tingling sensation this time was stronger than before.


An image appeared in her mind, and she gulped, thinking about the possibility.

"Kai," she called out.


"I, umm... I want you to massage me down there…"

Kai stood up before he touched her buttocks and questioned, "Here?"

"No, there."

Kai's face turned red before he touched her intimate area and questioned, "Here?"


"Okay…" Kai nodded before he started 'massaging' around her intimate area, enhancing her sensitivity.

"Mmnh~ No, not with your hands,"

"Then how should I do it?" Kai questioned, perplexed.

Victoria glanced at his crotch as she answered, "With that…"

"What?" Kai stuttered as he blushed.

He couldn't believe what she just asked.

"Just do it!" Victoria ordered, her tone stern, although she was also stuttering.

"A-As you say…" Kai nodded with a face as red as a tomato before he lowered his pants, and a big, 8-inch member popped out.


Victoria gulped audibly, her anticipation and excitement both on another level.

Kai also didn't waste much time; he skillfully removed her panties, and his member directly entered her.



With her already prepared from all the teasing and stimulation, Kai's member slipped into her without any resistance.


Victoria moaned in delight. All the tingling she felt the whole day finally subsided and was replaced with an immense amount of pleasure.


Of course, Victoria wasn't the only one feeling good. Kai, who had finally lost his virginity, felt jolts of pleasure assaulting his body as her warm insides enveloped his member.

Taking a deep breath, he collected his thoughts as he pulled back before plunging in again.

"Ah~ Ah~ Ah~"

The two moaned as they connected intimately. Kai tried to go deeper with every thrust. Victoria held onto the bedsheets as she bit her lips to control her moans.

Noticing that he was about to reach his peak, Kai slowed his thrusts.

With a single click, he removed her bra and turned her body to face him.

Victoria opened her eyes and smiled at Kai.

She wasn't alone; Kai was also enjoying the view of her hair spread all over, a smile on her lips, and her twins moving up and down as she breathed.

He didn't waste any more time as he bent down and started exploring her body.

Another jolt of pleasure assaulted Victoria.

She moaned in pleasure before she let go and gave in to the pleasure.

After a while, when Kai finally had the energy to move, he lay beside Victoria. Noticing his movement, she opened her eyes, and when her black irises met his golden ones, she smiled sweetly as she nodded.

"It felt really good…"

Kai didn't answer; he just moved closer to her and sealed her lips with his own.

He didn't use his tongue since he was tired, so he just savored the moment before returning to his original place and nodding.

"It really did."

Victoria was dumbfounded and couldn't react to his sudden action. She just felt something amazing on her lips before the feeling disappeared, confusing and shocking her at the same time.

"You are quite bold…"

She commented.

"I-I read it in a book…" Kai blushed, trying to avoid eye contact.

Victoria smiled as she lifted her head and kissed his lips.

"I would really like to see the book you're reading~"

This sentence caused Kai to sweat uncontrollably.

Did he read any book? Of course, he did not!

Heck, he didn't even know how to read!

But, as a professional actor, he continued his act without panic and nodded with a red face.

A few minutes later, he finally withdrew from her before moving her body slightly and hugging her from behind.

He also did not forget to position his member between Victoria's thighs, slightly touching her intimate area.

Victoria's body trembled, but she was too tired to say or do anything. She simply closed her eyes and enjoyed Kai's gentle touch on her breasts with a smile on her face.

Seeing her like that, Kai chuckled inwardly, but just as he was about to close his eyes, he heard a sound in his mind.


Mission Accomplished!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Dream_Weaverscreators' thoughts