
Celestial Harem Conquest System

In "Celestial Harem Conquest System" (CHCS), Kai Chance is transported to a new world after an accident, discovering unique abilities as he navigates relationships and ambitions in this mysterious realm. I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com

Dream_Weavers · Kỳ huyễn
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24 Chs

Celestial Harem Conquest System

Chapter 8

As evening descended, Kai noted the time—it was nearing the Viscount's return from her office. Uncertain of the exact hour but with nothing else occupying his time, he rose and made his way towards her quarters.

In his research, Kai had discovered that the Viscount's husband had passed away, and her sole son attended the Royal Academy, rarely returning home.

A clear path lay ahead.

Chuckling inwardly, he positioned himself outside the Viscount's door, waiting patiently for her arrival.


"Kai? What brings you here?"

It didn't take long for the Viscount to return, flanked by two maids. She appeared surprised to find Kai seated outside her room.

"Oh? Nothing, my lady. I simply thought you might be weary after a long day's work and wished to offer my assistance," Kai replied, casting his gaze downwards with a faint blush.

Viscount's smile deepened, amusement twinkling in her eyes as she questioned, "And how might you assist me?"

"I could offer a shoulder massage... to help you unwind," Kai suggested, his gaze fixed on the floor.

The Viscount chuckled, a mischievous glint in her eye. She approached Kai with a captivating smile, her face mere inches from his.

"Why do you avoid my gaze? Am I too dreadful to behold?"

"N-No! You are exceptionally beautiful! I-I mean, you're beautiful, but..." Kai stammered, attempting to retreat but instead stumbling and falling to the ground. Unable to face her, he kept his eyes lowered.

Both the Viscount and her maids chuckled at the sight. The Viscount crouched before Kai, her smile widening.

"Do you find me unattractive?"


"Then you find me beautiful?"


The Viscount's smile grew broader.

"Are you flirting with me?"

"N-No! That's not what I meant!"

"Hahaha!" The Viscount laughed heartily, then playfully flicked Kai's forehead to regain his attention.

"No need to be flustered. I was merely teasing you. Now, about that massage... come along."

With that, the Viscount entered her room, satisfaction evident on her face. Kai followed obediently, a barely noticeable grin playing on his lips.

A Predator's Grin.