
Celestial Harem Conquest System

In "Celestial Harem Conquest System" (CHCS), Kai Chance is transported to a new world after an accident, discovering unique abilities as he navigates relationships and ambitions in this mysterious realm. I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com

Dream_Weavers · Kỳ huyễn
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Celestial Harem Conquest System

Chapter 6

'Finally, finally, I've unlocked my secret power! Now, life will never be the same,' Kai rejoiced inwardly.


Startled by the voice, Kai's attention snapped back to reality.

"Ah, wha- what?" he stammered, meeting Viscount Victoria's piercing gaze.

"What's so important that you had the nerve to ignore me?" Viscount questioned, her expression softening as Kai blushed awkwardly.

Smooth recovery.

Though genuine, Kai was genuinely surprised by Victoria's appearance. He had expected something entirely different—an image far from the classic beauty that stood before him, a true vision of allure.

Her perfect hourglass figure was mesmerizing, and Kai couldn't help but notice her captivating features. Why would someone like her seek a boy toy, let alone pay for it? People would pay to be in his shoes.

"No problem, just stay attentive," Victoria's said, locking eyes with Kai. "So, are you ready to leave your old life behind and stay with me forever?"

"Of course," Kai replied, his golden eyes shimmering with a newfound determination.

Earlier, Kai merely sought stability as a boy toy, but now he desired conquest. His [Craving Touch] ability ignited thoughts of expanding his influence and power.

'Truck-kun, you delivered more than expected!'