
Ye Qiuyue Change

After Xiao Feng finished his alchemist exam. He comes out from the room and comes to the desk where the clerk guarding the guild building. The clerk looked at him, expected Xiao Feng to fail because it to fast to finished. After all, from first time he was here until now, all examinee always took from half day to full day to complete their exam.

Xiao Feng then noticed the quest board beside the clerk desk and asked, "Clerk, what is that?"

The clerk smiled and told him, "That is the quest board. The request about alchemy will be placed there together with the reward for completing from the client. Of course, only guild members with respective fields and rank can take it."

Xiao Feng took out his rank badge and showed his rank badge, "Is there any suitable quest for me? I need money right now."

The clerk eyes and mouth widened. He recovered fast and become more courteous, "There is Young Master. This is request this week.", The clerk then rummaged the book quest and hand it over to Xiao Feng to be checked.

Xiao Feng nodded, "Which means there will be no request after I finished this request ?",

The Clerk nodded his head. Xiao Feng then took several quests that reward was added together twenty gold coins. All the quest must be finished within one week. Xiao Feng thought himself, "It's still not enough. It seems I must begin hunting robbers to get more money." After all, hunting those robbers with high cultivation also the fastest way to get money in one week.

Xiao Feng then refined all pill in one day. He handed it to Clerk who was dumbfounded by Xiao Feng fast concocting pill. He got twenty gold in return before he walked out the Alchemist guild., "Its already night..."

From inside Heaven Pagoda, Xiao Mei suddenly shouted, "Big brother, is there anything to eat and can you transfer it here?"

"Alright. Is there anything else?" Xiao Feng asked while looking around the city at night.

"Can you buy daily necessities like bed and several things? and oh... can you look for any fruit tree? I want to plant it here !" Xiao Mei mentioned what she needed.

"Don't you want to come out and look the world?" Xiao Feng eyes twitched slightly about Xiao Mei request. It as if she wants to live peacefully there.

"No ! there are too many bad guys. Better here and train my pill concocting skill and cultivated." Xiao replied in earnestly and continued pitiful voice as if she was wronged, "Big brother wants me to face those bad guys?"

Xiao Feng, who was still walked on the street suddenly halted and smiled, "Did you afraid of them?"

"Of course !" Xiao Mei pitifully replied.

Xiao Feng smile becomes mischievous, "Alright, but if you want to get herb supply. You must defeat a bad guy!"

"Big brother, You are bully! If we got home, I will tell mother about this, hmph!" Xiao Mei threatened.

Xiao Feng becomes speechless while recalling his mother wrath. He feels chill suddenly gushed to his spine. He laughed bitterly, "Alright alright. I will do you as you want, little princess."

Xiao Mei smiled satisfiedly. Xiao Feng then bought many things and ended only ten gold coins remain. He looked at the remaining money and sighed, "Be good there and guard your sister in law."

"No need." Ye Qiuyue voices sounded.

Xiao Feng blinked his eyes and smiled, "Wife, congratulation on your completed epiphany but... why your cultivation base didn't raise?". He feels puzzled, usually, those who go through these events always risen one or two levels.

"Even though my cultivation base didn't rise. My heart and awareness became clear. I feel easy to circulate my spiritual qi inside my body." Ye Qiuyue replied then she asked, "What is your plan right now?"

Xiao Feng then goes to the forest where bandit usually wandering around and answered, "Gathering money to attend the auction."

"Is there anything you want to buy within auction?" Ye Qiuyue curiously asked.

"hm... yeah, I suspect the ticket to go home within the auction. Wife, you usually keep silent and left everything to me... why suddenly become more talk active?" Xiao Feng recalled her before and after epiphany. He feels strange about her sudden change.

Ye Qiuyue rolled her eyes, "Do you want your own wife keep silent and never talk to you again?"

Xiao Feng becomes awkward how to answer. After all, he already gets used by his own wife silent and only talks if something important showed up. In the end, he replied to appease her, "Of course not. I like you to become more talk active."

Ye Qiuyue smiled. She satisfied with his answer and wore her veil. She turned her head to lazy Xiao Mei who was on the bed, "Little Mei, I will accompany your big brother. Take care of this place."

Xiao Mei answered without hesitation, "Leave it to me. Big sis Qiuyue, take care !"

Ye Qiuyue then looked up, "Feng, I want to go out."

Xiao Feng pondering for a moment before answered, "Alright." Then Xiao Feng who was in the forest spread his divine awareness to check his surrounding. He didn't detect anyone before summoned Ye Qiuyue from Heaven Pagoda.

Ye Qiuyue dumbfounded after looking at her surroundings, "What, are you doing here?"

"We will hunt for gold !" Xiao Feng answered. Then he spotted a group of bandits with strongest at Foundation Stage early stage. Xiao Feng smiled brightly, "Here, there are !" and pointed his finger to bandits group that close to their place.

Ye Qiuyue turned her head where Xiao Feng pointed. She looked at him seriously and requested, "Can I take care of them?"

Xiao Feng puzzled, "Why? Just be here, It will fast though."

"I need to overcome my trauma to kill. Secondly, I must become stronger so I can fight beside you. After all, if I become weak, I got feeling there will be several women who will take advantage of you boldly even I beside you. There are also possibly you left my side for another woman because I am too weak." Ye Qiuyue answered seriously.

"Am I that kind person?" Xiao Feng eyebrow twitched.

"Men words are unreliable. Better to put fight so I can have you alone." Ye Qiuyue replied seriously while stared at his eyes deeply.

In the end, Xiao Feng concedes defeat after stared by his beloved wife so long and the prey almost go out of the range, "Alright, but don't get hurt." then he searches certain weapon inside Spatial Ring(previous life) in his soul beside Heaven Pagoda. He took out a pure white sword. The sword curved to the side and only have one sword eye on its side (Katana). The sword exuded aura holiness of light. He handed it to Ye Qiuyue hand. "Here, use this sword instead. After looking at your battle style, this most suited sword for you. Drop your blood on to it to take ownership."

Ye Qiuyue looked at the sword. She feels holy light inside it. She then looked at Xiao Feng while giving back the sword to Xiao Feng, "This sword too precious for me, I feel something special inside. Better to use it by yourself."

Xiao Feng smiled, "This is my gift to my beloved wife. What you don't like it?"

Looking at hesitated Ye Qiuyue. Xiao Feng then sliced her finger and dropped the blood into the sword. The sword trembled and shone brightly before its gone. Ye Qiuyue stunned by his action. Before she complained, Xiao Feng hugged her tightly and placed her head below his head then the battle technique rusher toward her head that made her dizzy. Xiao Feng higher by a head from Ye Qiuyue. "Just use it. You have changed from before. Actually, I don't want you to fight the bloody battle but just stay by my side without worry and I will protect you the rest of your life. But if you want to fight by my side then use that sword. That sword will grow alongside you. Its name was Light Rose."

After a while, they separated. Xiao Feng looked at blushed Ye Quiyue. Ye Qiuyue felt her racing heart began calming down. Xiao Feng saying, "Well, our target was gone. Its time to wandering the forest."

Ye Qiuyue nodded her head and walked by his side. She just silently followed him without making a sound. After half an hour wandering at night, they found the bandit group from before. Ye Qiuyue then leaped toward them and ambush them. She used the sword beautifully. The first time she killed again, her movement becomes sluggish. Only after several kills, she began getting used by it. Xiao Feng on the side began to move closer waved his hand to collect the loot with the wind.

"How much we got ?" Ye Qiuyue moved closer to him while her sword and robe covered with blood.

Xiao Feng summoned water and wind on her which made her robe clean and dry again."Not much. It just two silver."

Ye Qiuyue became silent, "How many do we need?"

Xiao Feng answered nonchalantly while shrugged his shoulder, "As much we could." Then he handed the pill he concocts on the excess of he created during quest then handed it to Ye Qiuyue, "Eat this and recover."

Ye Qiuyue then eats the pill and sit cross-legged to recover. Xiao Feng smiled gently at her and thought himself, "After her epiphany and defeat her demon heart. Not only she became more active in her action, but she also becomes a little clever, little possessive toward me and little more stubborn if anything concerning about me. That is a good thing though but also little troublesome if she got stubborn again."

After she recovered they begun to hunt those bandits again. In just two days, they already got two gold after sold the loot. Xiao Mei still inside while cultivating without sound. Xiao Feng waiting for Ye Qiuyue to kill those bandits while sometimes lending hand. He also began to research about Supreme Intent use beside crush the enemy intent head on and giving pressure heaven and earth might. He found that if he focused the intent in his eyes, he can see the future one second ahead and weakness of each martial technique.

After all Supreme Intent not like nine intent became one but rather new Intent and Law. Supreme Law was the highest law and controlled the source world without all living being aware of it. It can be said the heaven, earth or even the living being. Truly intangible like four high law, Space, Time, Void and Fate.

Xiao Feng was also curious why there no battle technique but martial technique instead. He has done some soul search to bandit survivor and comes to conclusion.

Martial technique actually degraded skill from Battle Technique. Martial Technique was part of battle technique but only one skill while battle technique was an assembly of Martial Technique and created a perfect battle style in any situation with a special requirement to the user. To put bluntly if we take the example battle technique was law then Martial technique was just part of law. Battle technique after all embodiment of law of cultivator that crystallized for battle purpose.

Secondly, because he had two golden core with different runes. He can use two intent simultaneously. One only can use supreme intent, this summoned from little golden core in soul lake. The other was normal intent without specialty like supreme intent because the runes on the surfaces golden core inside dantian didn't intertwine.

In the third day at night.

Ye Qiuyue still restoring her spiritual qi after battling against bandits a while before. Xiao Feng squinted his eyes while looking ahead. He feels someone tailing them again and from its aura, he discovered it a different person. Now he got clear cultivation of one tailing them. It has early level Golden Core Stage. He builds a defense array rank three which can hold an attack from Golden Core Stage for one day full without Ye Qiuyue noticed.

"Do you want to go out voluntary from your hole or I force you instead?" Xiao Feng cold voice resounded to his surroundings.


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