
The Heaven Pagoda

After his mother-father calmed down and let him sleep in his mother care. Xiao Feng begin to inspect his own body and soul.

He is very surprised by what he found. His soul lake quality is very high with golden colors inside it. It has been known that the higher the soul lake quality the higher someone comprehension.

In his past life, he born with deep blue soul lake yet he was regarded as a great genius because his good insight, with his many years efforts to nourish his soul he can only raised it to Silver colored soul lake. With Silver Coloured soul lake he was already can create many Divine-tier technique that can raised storm of blood to Ancient Divine realm if one those technique thrown to public, not only that he was also comprehended many Dao to the limit that makes him invisible in the entire Source World, though he lost to certain old man that claimed to be master of this Source World.

His body physique also truly.... cheat. With drop blood essences of Ancient Divine Beast: Azure Dragon, Vermillion Bird, White Tiger, and Tortoise. His baby body already has the potential of these four divine beasts that make him easy to cultivate his body and with this divine bloodline, he got the power to use four elements: Fire, Water, Wind and Earth with half energy to get double results. He is very satisfied with this body constitution that makes him grateful to that old man, not only helps him reunite with his beloved family but also giving him a truly tyrannical body constitution.

After observing a moment he spotted golden pagoda on the soul lake. If he did not remember wrongly, this is an artifact that old man give him in his first life.

Pondering a moment, Xiao Feng decided to probe it with his divine awareness but didn't get any result. He decides to move his conscious closer to the golden pagoda and try to touch it. Sudden suction force makes him terrified and try distance his conscious from this golden pagoda, but alas its too late then he got sucked to the golden pagoda.

Meanwhile in the room. His mother suddenly awake because Xiao Feng body stiffens for 3 minutes before loosen again. His mother alarmed because this and try to check his body and soul conditions. After assured by Xiao Feng normal conditions, his mother begins to sleep again while hugging his baby.

Inside Heaven Pagoda

Xiao Feng's conscious began to awaken from the suction force. He looks at his surroundings and stunned because the scenery in this place is very beautiful. Everything feels natural like this place has been arranged by the mother of nature.

Then he begins to use his divine awareness and stunned because of how this place was. Then he spotted two places that have a human touch, the first one is altar and the other is a nine-story building with pagoda shape, it has a gold color. This makes Xiao Feng wonder about inside the pagoda.

He decided to take a look at the altar first because he sensed something familiar within after he probes it but something obstructs his senses to look deeper with his awareness. After he got closer, he noticed a ring with familiar decoration in the center of the altar. He began feeling suspicious and walking closer to take the ring. After closer inspection, his eyes widened because the ring identity is his spacial ring in his previous life. Xiao Feng probe tried probe inside the ring and found out that all his possessions in his previous life are inside the ring.

Xiao Feng truly happy because all his effort in all his years didn't go waste and his spacial ring follow him to this life, it seems he must truly say thank you to that old man. Xiao Feng decided to place the ring on the altar once again because if this thing was taken out, it would be taken by someone else. After all he still a baby.

Then Xiao Feng walk to the pagoda entrance. At the entrance, there are ancient and overbearing words: HEAVEN PAGODA.