
Sudden Realisation

Xiao Feng and kids walked behind Elder Chu.

After while they spotted towering five-story pagoda and that's very big.

All kids exclaimed with admiration and eager to rushed to the that place but they were rein their urge. They want to look good in front of Elder Chu so they can gotten themselves help from the Elder for choose cultivation method.

The moment Xiao Feng and kids leaving the hall.

Seven Grand Elder already gone back to cultivate so only Inner elder inside. They discussed the test talent result and decided how to spread it to the Central Region.

The entire Central Region was shaken by the news emergence of White ranked with four Elements talent and Gold ranked with Fire attribute talent from Xiao Clan. All top forces beside except Towering Dragon Sect who cultivate their body, decided to visit Xiao Clan and congratulated them in the next days.

Xiao Feng and Xiao Tian who still oblivious about the commotion they created, right now still hearing Elder Chu explanation inside Library Hall.

" Cultivation method and battle technique divided to five rank. There are from the lowest to the best is Yellow, Human, Earth, Sky, Heaven and further divided to Low, Middle, High. In our Clan, the highest cultivation method is Sky Middle rank that only leader and heir only can cultivate. Beside that our clan also many Earth rank cultivation method that have been created and gather through the years." Explained the elder

The kids began excited after the explanation, because Earth cultivation method and higher was very scarce from what they know from their parents yet their clan have many of them.

" This pagoda is artifact that our clan created in the past by our ancestor, so..." Elder Chu looking at the excited child, " If you didn't have permission to upper floor you can't take a look at the Earth Cultivation method." smiled.

Elder Chu statement like bucket cold water to their excitement, because even though their clan have Earth Cultivation method if they can't used it, what the point.

Xiao Feng who watched the scene only has indifferent expression.

Xiao Tian who was also excited became dejected after hearing Elder Chu statement.

" For those talent at Dark Blue and Sky blue all of you can go to second floor pagoda inside it there are many Human Cultivation method and battle technique." while taking out talisman with number two engraved and gave them to thirty five kids," take it and don't lose it. You can only used it by yourself and you can come back here again in the future."

Elder Chu looked at top five talents and take out talisman with number three engraved on the talisman." These are your pass, don't lose it no matter what. Go to third floor, inside that place many collection Earth level cultivation method and battle technique." then he strode inside library with his hands behind his back.

Xiao Feng looked at talisman in his hand then looked at his brother tugged his sleeve.

" Big brother, come inside I wonder what method that matched with me." Xiao Tian speak with anticipation.

" alright ", Xiao Feng smiled at him and let him lead the way.

Two little girls behind him, looked each other before come inside library.

The kids who watched from behind, looked at them with envy but they can't do anything.

Inside library hall is truly spacious, even more spacious than look like outside. On every stairs that leading to higher floor was protected by barrier. Only by using the talisman that Elder Chu gave them, they can pass the barrier.

Xiao Feng noticed profoundness of the library, halted his steps and stupefied. Because he can sense the Law of Space.

Then he suddenly sense that inside his soul lake there are space rune swimming inside it after he sensed the Law of Space.

" It seems I there will be little change at Divine World Scripture." Xiao Feng though himself then he pulled back from his though by Xiao Tian shout.

" Big brother, why are stopping there? come with me, we will go to third floor. " shouted impatiently because Xiao Feng stopped.

" I will changed it later. " though himself than coming to his side. He gestured his index finger to his lips and said with small volume," little brother, we are inside library so keep your voices small." then use his eye to look at their surrounding.

Several people who was reading, right now looked at them with annoyed expression.

Xiao Tian grumbled little," Its because you who suddenly stopped."

Xiao Feng smiled apologetically and console him, " Alright, big brother in wrong. What about big brother give you cultivation method better than Heaven rank as big brother apology?"

Xiao Tian who was grumbled, his expression brightened and said to big brother with disbelief and anticipation "Really?".

Xiao Feng nodded his head then said "Come third floor. I will give it to you there." he spoke very small and used trace space law he got earlier even if Saint stage here, they can't heard what their spoke.

After they arrived at third floor, Xiao Feng said " Close your eyes ".

Xiao Tian then closed his eyes. Xiao Feng then took out Low grade divine stone, he used it like battery then he transferred the cultivation method from his memory.

Xiao Tian received his memory feels dizzy because the flood of information. After his dizzyness gone he looked at the memory.

According to the memory this cultivation technique named Divine Fire God method. Its rank at Celestial, he didn't what celestial rank but he only knew that this method was amazing.

Xiao Feng who used memory transfer, his face little pale. Because he used Low grade divine stone as energy and he didn't have Spiritual Cultivation at the moment. So he used his Soul Lake power.

" Big brother, that is amazing. The method engraved directly to my brain." then he asked, " Big brother what is Celestial ranked?"

Xiao Feng said to him with serious expression " you will know in the future, but if someone asked what level your method, just tell them its Earth ranked."

" Yes, big brother. " Xiao Tian nodded his head though he didn't know the reason he obediently.

Xiao Feng satisfied with his answer," Alright lets take a look at those books " While pointing his finger to the only bookshelf in third floor.

Xiao Mo Chu noticed them and greeted them, while Xiao Hu didn't care.

The siblings greeted her back with nod then looked at the book before going back home at dawn.

Sorry for dragging the story , wait till my exam is over. The moment I create one, the exam will haunt me right now. :"

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