
Seven Year Passed

Ye Qiuyue and Ye Yanmei together with two inner elder of Fairy Garden Sect go to Xiao Clan at the same time as Headmaster Chao headback to Holy Sage Academy with teleportation array in Alchemy Tower Branch Xiao City.

Ye Qiuyue and the rest right now stood in front the gate Xiao Clan. Before processing enter Xiao Clan through the gate one elder that accompany them informed the guard their arrival. The guard then fly to the Clan Leader study room. He knocked the door and waiting for answer inside.

" Come in. " Xiao Wuchen allowed the guard to come in.

Xiao Wuchen still rather depressed after knowing what happened to Xiao Feng. The guard come in and informed him in respectful manner, " Clan Leader, Sect Master Fairy Garden Sect together requested to meet."

" They already know? that fast? " mumbled, Xiao Wuchen shocked because he didn't think the information about Xiao Feng trouble had been spread outside Clan that fast. "Alright I will meet them." answered.

" Yes." The guard left.

Xiao Wuchen then stood up and tell his wife Yun Huang Mei about the arrival Ye Yanmei.

Within Xiao Clan meeting hall.

Xiao Wuchen and Yun Huang Mei sit on house master chair. Ye Yanmei and Ye Qiuyue sit in front of them with two elder stood beside Ye Yanmei and Ye Qiuyue.

Xiao Wuchen smiled and asked, " What bring you here, Sect Leader ? "

Ye Yanmei who smiled playfully at him was glared by Ye Qiuyue with intention ' mother stop playing.'. Ye Yanmei who saw this smiled helplessly at her before asked Xiao Wuchen, " Alright, stop formality." smiled and continued, " I am here at request of my daughter Ye Qiuyue."

Xiao Wuchen and Yun Huang Mei then shifted their attentions to Ye Qiuyue, wondering what she wants.

" Uncle, Auntie I came here to meet Xiao Feng." asked with polite tone.

" Xiao Feng, he..." Yun Huang Mei tried to lie before her hand suddenly held by Xiao Wuchen. Xiao Wuchen shook his head.

" Right now, Xiao Feng cannot meet you." answered Xiao Wuchen.

" Why? I can wait." Ye Qiuyue asked impatiently.

" Xiao Feng can't wake up from his cultivation." Xiao Wuchen answered her bluntly about the truth.

Ye Qiuyue and Ye Yanmei together with two elder on their side baffled.

" Why he can't wake up ?" asked Ye Yanmei.

" Three months ago, Xiao Feng entered closed door cultivation and afterward he can't wake up. We already asked help to Headmaster Chao and his answer was he cannot wake up again because his lack life span." Xiao Wuchen answered truthfully to them.

After all it was already bad with Xiao Feng condition. Xiao Wuchen didn't want to offend Fairy Garden Sect by lied to them.

" Why he become like that ? what the answer from Headmaster Chao? " asked Ye Yanmei.

" He was said because he ate reincarnation fruit, the fruit itself very rare but he intentionally eat one." Xiao Wuchen said while his expression darkened.

Ye Yanmei then glanced at Ye Qiuyue. Ye Qiuyue who was sitting beside Ye Yanmei began flustered because she didn't know why after hearing Xiao Feng like that, then the call became stronger and stronger.

" Can't we look at him first? we want to take a look at him." Ye Yanmei proposed.

Xiao Wuchen and Yun Huang Mei exchanged glance before nodded, " Alright, I will take you there."

The group then fly with Ye Qiuyue carried by Ye Yanmei becase she can't fly yet to Xiao Feng courtyard. Right now the courtyard atmosphere become gloomy after Xiao Feng unconscious. Ye Qiuyue then running to Xiao Feng room and open the door then she spotted Xiao Feng still sitting in lotus position on the bed.

At that moment their red string fate became intertwined the moment she look at him. The call become stronger and stronger then Ye Qiuyue decided to come closer to Xiao Feng.

Yun Huang Mei who just arrived inside the room became alarmed and shout " DON'T-" but she cut her own word because right now Ye Qiuyue already halfway closer to Xiao Feng. Xiao Wuchen and Yun Huang Mei dumbstruck because there was nothing happened to Ye Qiuyue. Ye Yanmei on their side looked at them strangely and asked, " What strange about my daughter actions? "

Xiao Wuchen and Yun Huang Mei come to their sense. Xiao Wuchen said bitterly, " Why don't you try it yourself? "

Ye Yanmei nodded his head to Xiao Wuchen then try to move closer to Xiao Feng. The moment she passed the invisible barrier she feel that almost got crushed. Ye Qiuyue noticed something wrong and looked behind her, she noticed her Ye Yanmei right now grittingher teeth and retreated outside the invisible barrier.

Ye Qiuyue titled her head as if asked ' What happened '.

" Yue'er, you didn't feel anything there? " Ye Yanmei asked with concern.

Ye Qiuyue just shook her head then started to move closer again.

Ye Yanmei mouth agape and shocked then she think again. Her smile widened to the ears and commented, " It seems Yue'er truly destined person to Xiao Feng !" before continued with dimmed expression, "But it's pity Xiao Feng probably would never wake up again."

" Then you want to revoke the engagement? " Yun Huang Mei asked.

Ye Yanmei looked at Ye Qiuyue who was right now in front cross-legged Xiao Feng on the bed then she shook her head, "No, I think Yue'er will objected."

Fairy Sect Elder behind her widened their eyes and objected, " Sect leader please think carefully, she is still young and talented. There will be someone worthy for her in the future."

" No, she already suffered because the sect cannot protect her in the past. After looked her like this I didn't want the sect to intervent her life after this." Ye Yanmei said with resolution.

The elder only looked each other bitterly.

Ye Qiuyue still standing while looking at cross-legged Xiao Feng. Then she sit beside Xiao Feng on the bed, closed her eyes while leaning her head toward Xiao Feng right shoulder. The moment she doing this the invisible red string fate between them become more thick and stronger even if the 'old man' here he cannot sever this tie. The strange phenomenon also emitted brilliant white light surrounding the two as if giving them blessing.

The rest who was far from them shocked to the core they didn't believed what they were look . The elder Fairy Garden sect who was thinking to tell the sect about Ye Yanmei decision began think that they didn't need to tell the sect.

" It's better to leave them alone right now." Yun Huang Mei suggested after looking at this bizzare scene.

The rest nodded and processed going out the room.

" Huang Mei, I will leave my daughter to you. I will come back to the Sect right now. " Ye Yanmei pondering for a while then decided.

" Why hurried back to the sect? " Yun Huang Mei asked.

" I must tell the sect so they will not intervent with Yue'er life for now. " Said seriously Ye Yanmei.

Yun Huang Mei nodded her head lightly. Ye Yanmei and two elder fly back to their sect.

Two Days later, Ye Yanmei gathered all the elder and spoke her intention also tell about Xiao Feng condition. Many elder objected, only grand elder keep silent. They discussed this until Ye Xifeng come and tell her decision after knowing this about her beloved little sister fate. She threatened those elder to expel herself if the elder still insisted to sever engagement her little sister and intervent her life. In the end all elder agreed to Ye Yanmei and Ye Xiulan decision, after all Ye Xiulan Gold ranked talent and of course they didn't dare to disobey here if she truly this desperate.

Seven Years Passed.

In this seven years, Ye Qiuyue always accompany Xiao Feng. She seldom going outside because she either cultivate inside the room or just sitting beside Xiao Feng. Ye Qiuyue who always practice inside the room, she got blessing from the phenomenon. Her light and ice intent level up smoothly from nothing to half in this seven years also her cultivation that only Spiritual Gathering level five going up in this seven years to Foundation Stage level four.

The maids in Xiao Feng courtyard also treated her like Xiao Feng's wife though she still little seven years ago. The immature Ye Qiuyue right now become beautiful young lady that capable to topple empire with icy feeling in her face and even though she still fourteen years old but her body already alluring enough to captive any man to look at her.

Xiao Tian and Xiao Mei also didn't stand still. Xiao Tian already reached peak Foundation stage and his intent level up to Half despite he still young. Xiao Mei also become Foundation Stage level six and all her intent grow to Half level. Their growth in intent truly fast thanks to cultivation method Xiao Feng gifted to them.

Xiao Tian already become very handsome young man at age twelve, he inherited his father face. Xiao Mei at age twelve also become very beautiful young lady with countenance that capable to topple empire. Her hair become snow white and her eyes pupil become silver that shocked the entire clan after she breakthrough to Foundation Stage. Her hair and eyes become white actually because side effect cultivation method Xiao Feng gifted to her that was " Heavenly Ice Empress method ".

Next chap will be awakening Xiao Feng , dum dum dum.

BTW, I still rather fuzzy about the age .... twelve years old, what are they called? boy or young man ? sorry for this inexperienced author....

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