
Face Slap

Xiao Feng looked at the newcomer calmly, he didn't bother about her at all. Ye Qiuyue just looked at the elder coldly while the rest has youngster has vein popped up on their forehead. Elder Yao just does nothing waiting for Xiao Feng reaction.

Grand elder Yu Yan pissed off by Xiao Feng lack reaction, then she added more chide because she didn't like Xiao Feng, "So First Young Master Xiao Clan didn't care about the heir position because you got golden thigh? You are not worthy for Young Miss Fairy Garden Sect !"

"Enough! better you go back to your own mountain !" Ye Yanmei feeling angry because she was already aware of how capable Xiao Feng. She already satisfied with him and took him as his son-in-law.

Elder Yu Yan then humphed before turning away and walked out.

Xiao Feng smirked and replied her which make her halt, "So... what makes worthy of her?", he then placed his hands behind his back.

Elder Yu Yan turned her head back and answered him, "Of course, you must Peak Golden Core Stage right now and already attained rank three at alchemist job !", She still feels disgusted by him.

Xiao Feng just nodded and walked to a bit larger space and requested to them, "don't move closer." before sat down cross-legged and make a breakthrough to Golden Core Stage in minutes.

All of them puzzled before noticed a dark cloud looming on the sky's mountain. Elder Yu Yan still sneered, "So what if you breakthrough right now. You are still far from enough !"

The first thunder already flickered ready to strike. Xiao Feng then stood up and took Heaven Splitter Sword but he got feeling that if he endured it with his own body directly that would benefit. He then stored his sword and gazed to the sky, ready to fend off the thunder strike.

First Thunder attack descended, Xiao Feng used his Supreme Intent on his own body and thrusting it to the first thunder strike. He looks like a god who endured heaven wrath. The thunder contained water intent inside that makes the thunder more concentrated. All people around astounded by the difference between common thunder tribulation with Xiao Feng's thunder tribulation.

Xiao Feng endured the first strike with ease, its all thanks to his supreme transcendence intent that already overwhelmed the incoming intent and his peak refinement stage. The Second attack contained fire intent, the third one contained wind intent and all nine intent he comprehends to become supreme intent used by thunder tribulation to attack him. Yet despite all of that Xiao Feng still had it easy.

Elder Yu Yan mouth twitched slightly but she still didn't like him. As for the rest shocked by uncommon thunder tribulation trial, because this was unprecedented and yet Xiao Feng can endure it easily with his own body!

If there was another person on his place, they would die in first thunder for sure.

Xiao Feng then secretly laying an array in his surroundings so the divine qi inside didn't leak out before took out a Mid-grade divine stone and absorbed it. His Golden Core which in the liquid state formed in fast speed but it suddenly bloated and the rune in the soul lake shone.

Xiao Feng stunned because of this. He was sweating cold sweat because this while gritting his teeth to reduce the size but no avail and he didn't know what trigger of this. Then he recited Divine World Scripture.

The lightning residual from tribulation before then melted to his body then the bloated Golden Core suddenly divided into two!

One golden core which was under his control, it has rune of the nine law and they were didn't intertwined. The other one but it smaller than normal, it has rune of Supreme law and this little different with rune inside his soul lake. Xiao Feng baffled because of this. He decided to observed it first but the little golden core suddenly sucked into the array in his soul lake. The little golden core then placed itself in the center of the formation.

Xiao Feng stunned again because of sudden turn event. He never stumbled upon this strange phenomenon. He continued observed his golden core that under his control inside his dantian before he looked at his soul lake. He feels mighty yet ancient feeling inside soul lake. He decided to come back after he determined there was nothing wrong.

After he comes back, it already almost two hours and Ye Yanmei and the rest still observed him. He opened his eyes and feeling his power become stronger than the ordinary early golden core. He smiled satisfied then frozen on the spot because his bloodline inside his body stirred.

"Big brother, congratulations on your breakthrough!", Xiao Mei congratulates him.

Ye Yanmei and Elder Yao smiled while Ye Qiuyue eyes sparkling at this moment.

"This still not enough..," before Grand Elder Yu Yan completed her sentences. The ground shook.

Little golden core that sucked to the array in soul lake shone brightly. In the Chaos Void where only nothingness, unknown blood sucked into formation array and made the array shone more brightly than before and affected his body. Xiao Feng stunned again because one year ago his body constitution already evolved because of a supreme law and the four bloodlines after breakthrough to foundation stage.

Now he feels his four bloodlines that already evolved after evolution his body constitution roared fiercely and fused, which make his body evolved once again and his body cultivation forcefully breakthrough to Lord Stage.

It must be known that to breakthrough Lord stage, someone must absorb a bloodline essence magical beast. To put it bluntly, they absorbed it to evolve their body comparable to the magical beast they absorbed.

Xiao Feng suddenly roared and the faint image of four divine beasts appeared behind him. Ye Yanmei and the rest dashed backward because of the suffocating feeling even though with their high cultivation they still affected by it. Ye Yanmei right now holding Ye Qiuyue, afraid that she will dash to Xiao Feng because she worried about him.

All beast in the mountain trembled before kneeling to Xiao Feng direction. Ye Yanmei and the rest shocked and wondering what bloodline Xiao Feng absorbed.

Four images of divine beast behind him fused to become one. A new beast image appeared behind him. The truly majestic western dragon with nine wings roared that make the entire trembling. It has deep red, blue and white colors mixed, the colors like the four divine beasts before. Xiao Feng also unconsciously roared at the same time before the image behind him faded and absorbed back to his body.

Xiao Feng then feels a little dizzy at the moment but at the same time, he feels become more powerful. According to his calculation, with his current state, he can fight with ordinary peak Golden Core without losing ground if he goes all out. Every level in golden core and lord stage was immensely high like the difference between heaven and earth. But his terrifying body constitution and bloodline coupled with his technique and experience, this becomes possible.

Right now Xiao Feng cultivation already at Golden Core Stage first level and Lord Stage first level. Xiao Feng clenched his fist to feel an upgrade in his power before releasing it. He then turned his head all shocked people who were still digesting the bizarre event before.

Ye Yanmei and the rest come back to their senses and become amazed. Ye Yanmei then asked him, "What was that?" which answered by Xiao Feng nonchalantly, "I make a breakthrough to Golden Core and Lord stage."

Ye Yanmei just nodded her head and feel speechless even though she already knew the answer after checking his body though she still astonished because Xiao Feng cultivated his body at the same time and its too fast even for White ranked talent. It must be known that a body cultivator Refinement stage and lower cannot be detected easily unless that person already has soul strength Immortal stage and higher. Also, cultivating spiritual qi and body harder than reaching peak Golden Core Stage. Also, their lifespan only took the highest one not added one to another. That's why it's very hard and Xiao Feng was exceptional because his body already tuned for body cultivation.

Then she recalled the majestic and regal dragon with nine wings behind him before asked again, "What kind bloodline you absorbed?"

"Even I don't know.", Xiao Feng pretending to put serious expression so his secret won't be leaked though he also wonders what kind beast his bloodline evolved to. He never heard any dragon race within source world for having nine wings at all!

Ye Qiuyue then breaking from her mother embrace before dashed and hug Xiao Feng tightly. Xiao Feng just smiles wry and give her a hug too. While he was at it, he turned his head to Grand Elder Yu Yan and exclaimed, "Now, we will go to the last part" turned his head to Ye Yanmei and asked, "mother-in-law, can I take a look at spiritual gathering array of this mountain?"

"Hm... of course, but for what?", She pondered a while before agreed to his request and asked him the reason.

"Mother-in-law, you will know after we go there.", Xiao Feng smiled while acting mysteriously.

Then Xiao Feng and the rest followed Ye Yanmei to spiritual gathering array of this mountain.

Hm... I didn't rely too much on it... Sometimes It becomes strange.

Jinzoucreators' thoughts