
Cultivation World Introduction

" Alright, all who have talent Dark Blue and higher already here? " Elder Chu scanned the kids in front of him while questioned them.

" Yes, Elder" said the kids with unison.

From one hundred kids and so, Only twenty five with dark blue talent, Ten Sky Blue Talent, Three Silver talent , One Gold talent and White talent ( The truth was Xiao Feng talent was at Colorless but he concealed it ).

In this world probability someone appeared with purple talent already one in ten thousand, and this comparison will multiplied by ten until Sky blue talent. Then probability someone to get Silver talent already reached one in one hundred millions, as for Gold and higher its almost impossible to be one unless they have heaven-defying body like Xiao Feng or High concentration Immortal bloodline like Xiao Tian.

" I will first say, congratulation to all of you to have talent Dark Blue and higher. Especially Xiao Feng and Xiao Tian who have talent at White and Gold." Smiled and praised them.

" Elder why must we Graded our talent? " Asked one with sky blue talent.

" Good question, talent grading is for checking your potential to reach higher Stage you will reach. It have been common knowledge that Black and Red is very hard for them to even reach Foundation Stage in their life, Purple they can only reach Foundation stage but if they are lucky they can Golden Core Stage in their life. As for Dark Blue they have good aptitude to cultivate Spiritual Qi so probably they reach can reach Nascent Soul Stage with the help clan especially high. Sky Blue they can reach Nirvana Stage or even Saint Stage becoming Outer or Inner Elder respectively. Silver they can reach Void Fragmentation and have chance to ascend to Immortality. Lastly Gold, White and Colorless we still didn't know what their limit are. We chosen Dark Blue and higher talent because they are worth to be nurtured and also the resource is very limited. If you want more resources, you must contributed to the clan for exchange." Elder Chu tells them patiently so they can digest the information.

" It's true if we are at Mortal Realm because Spiritual Qi here pitifully very thin compared Immortal Realm. Their common knowledge will changed after they are ascended." Xiao Feng though himself.

His little brother eyes shone brightly after heard what Elder Chu said. His little sister at his side closed her eyes while hugging him, Xiao Feng know that she was tired so he let her do what she want and before his parents came and took her away back to courtyard. Before Xiao Wuchen left he said to Xiao Feng and Xiao Tian," listen well, if you not clear about the explanation. You can ask Elder Jun or father later." petted their heads before gone together with Xiao Mei and his mother.

Xiao Feng and Xiao Tian nodded their head and listen to Elder Chu again.

Elder Jun who know Xiao Wuchen come and took Xiao Mei, cupped his hand to him and continued his explanations. Xiao Feng then decided to ask the elder about this continent.

" Elder, what is the name our continent? Are there any strong forces beside our clan?"

Elder Chu smiled," Our Continent named Wuxia Continent. We, Xiao Clan lived at Central Region. Central Region have denses Spiritual Qi than any other part of continent. Our Continent is very huge until now no one ever measured it yet, but its very clear that our continent more than several hundreds billions square kilometers. In the central region there are several strong forces and our included within. They are renown as One Academy, One Tower, Three Great Sects, Four Ancient Clans and Six Temples. I will mention them one by one : Holy Sage Academy, Alchemist Tower,Three Great Sects : Myriad Sword Sect, Towering Dragon Sect and Fairy Garden Sect, Four Ancient Clans : Shen, Xiao, Gu, Jun, Six Temples : Fire Temple, Water Temple, Wind Temple, Earth Temple, Ice Temple and Thunder Temple. All of those forces become strongest because they have Void Fragmentation Cultivator that watching their forces."

Xiao Feng suddenly though himself about Holy Sage Academy and feel puzzled,"Why there is academy if there are already have sect or Clan?" then he asked the elder.

Elder Jun who heard Xiao Feng question smiled again but with trace respect and admiration," Holy Sage Academy was created by the first with talent also the strongest expert in his time, Yu Shen the Void Master. He created this academy for one purposes that is teaching. Why is there? because ninety thousand years ago our continent peace suddenly disrupted by Devil Race from another world. They were killed many expert and mortal that made Wuxia Continent threatened. All forces and hidden expert in the entire continent united under Void master banner then forced Devil Race to retreat back to their world. Then he and all Void Fragmentation expert at that time created Great Seal so Demon Race would never crossed but that would not last forever. That is the reason why Void Master Yu Shen and all forces at that time join hand to created Holy Sage Academy with Void Master Yu Shen as first school head and founder."

Then the elder continued " In the Holy Sage Academy, there are many cultivation method and battle technique since ancient times. Holy Sage Academy always invited ten disciples of each top forces in Central Region. They also build their branch at another four Region in continent. All of them is for one purposes, to strengthen the continent if those Devil comeback again. Compared to the ninety thousand years ago, Wuxia Continent strength have already multiplied several folds, thanks to academy. Though there are many dead because personal or sect reason but there are always new born that substituted them."

" Alright, I think everything have been cleared to you. Follow me to Clan's Library Hall." Elder Chu turned his body and headed to Library Hall.