
Barren Continent

Inside the unknown forest.

Xiao Feng slowly opened his eyes. He feels there was someone on top of him then gazed at them and found out his little sister and wife there. He patted their back to wake them up.

Ye Qiuyue and Xiao Mei then woke up before stood up from Xiao Feng embrace.

"Feng, do you know where we are?" Ye Qiuyue asked while looking at surrounding.

"I don't know." he rubbed his chin then recalled the artifact that transferred them here and continued, "I am sure on a thing."

"What is it?" Ye Qiuyue looks at him waiting for the answer.

"We are in another world." Xiao Feng answered calmly.

"oh.." Ye Qiuyue nodded her head. She didn't care where she was as long Xiao Feng beside her. That's enough.

"Eh... Big brother... we are in another world!? and why are you so relaxed." Xiao Mei shocked before crying loudly.

"It is alright, we are already here. We cannot do anything except search another similar artifact in this world or search for an artifact that transferred us here." Xiao Feng tried assured her but backfired instead.

"But, what if we never find it !" Xiao Mei cry become louder.

"Well, in the worst case we must ascend to immortality before searching of our world and send our incarnation to meet our family there." Xiao Feng assured her again and sighed because inside his old spatial ring. There were no teleportation artifact because in the past he didn't need it and done it by his own power if he wants to travel between realm and world.

Ye Qiuyue on the side just nodded her head. Xiao Mei then begins thinking and also calmed down afterward.

"Alright, at first we must check what we have right now inside our storage ring." Xiao Feng then beginning to mention what he has, of course, he didn't mention anything in his spatial ring from his previous life. Ye Qiuyue and Xiao Mei also mention what they had at this moment.

In summary, they had several tens herb 100 years old, several weapons, fifty Top grade spiritual stones from Ye Yanmei gifted from upgrading spiritual gathering array, several hundred low-level spiritual stones, spare clothes, several unused storage rings and tens of gold coins and several other things.

"It's better to look for nearby towns and gather information. What do you think?" Xiao Feng looked at them asked. Ye Qiuyue and Xiao Mei nodded their heads. They began wandering the forest because they didn't know where they were currently. They meet several rank one and two magical beasts that easily take down by Xiao Feng. He took their core if he was lucky and found two rank two core.

After they wandered several hours before meeting a group of robbers.

"Big brother, look there are very beautiful young lady and beautiful girl. We can play with them and sold them at high prices !" one robber drooling over Ye Qiuyue breathtaking beauty and perfect body.

Ye Qiuyue face turned cold and looked at them sharply. Xiao Feng also noticed them but hearing what one of the robbers saying, his face turned black. He smiled coldly while Xiao Mei hiding behind him.

He gauged their power and smirked, "Three mid foundation stage, five early foundation stage, and several tens Spiritual Gathering stage."

The leader of robbers also observed Xiao Feng group, He found that he can't determined little girl cultivation and assumed she was normal mortal while the young lady at Foundation Stage level four same as his third brother which astonished him. The leader began wary of Xiao Feng because he can't determine his cultivation.

"Second brother, third brother team up with me to take down that young man while the rest take down the lady and little girl." The leader commanded, he thinks that Xiao Feng used the treasure to conceal his, after all, he still young and assumed he had same cultivation with the lady.

Xiao Feng looked at them sighed then told his wife and little sister, "Close your eyes for now. It will become bloody."

Xiao Mei obediently as he told but Ye Qiuyue not. "I will face it together with you, Feng."

Xiao Feng then turned his head, to her and pointed at the bunch spiritual gathering stage behind the eight foundation stage. "Then just attack those bunch spiritual gathering stage, I will take care the rest before help you."

Ye Qiuyue nodded her head. She readied her weapon which was a sword. Xiao Feng also took out his beloved sword from his storage ring ready to attack any moment.

"Attack !" The leader commanded.

Xiao Feng then dashed at them in flash in front of them that made those robbers terrified. Xiao Feng kills the seven foundation stage in an instant and knocked unconscious the leader. The rest robber who only at Spiritual gathering stage run desperately after Xiao Feng took down their leader. Ye Qiuyue who was almost attacked them too halted and summoned a light sword to lengthen her sword reach before swing it. All robbers slashed on their waist before death with eyes opened in horror.

Xiao Feng dragged the unconscious leader to paled face Ye Qiuyue. He asked in concern gently, "Did you not feeling anything?"

Pale-faced Ye Qiuyue then stored her sword before hugging Xiao Feng tightly. Xiao Feng hugged her with one hand and patted her back gently, "Its alright, it's alright right now. The truth I don't you to face it soon." and ye Qiuyue just nodded her head she replied, "I don't want to become a burden."

Xiao Feng feels warm inside. he kissed Ye Qiuyue forehead before let her head leaning on his shoulder. After a while, he notices Ye Qiuyue already fell a slept. She looks exhausted that made Xiao Feng heart softened.

"Big brother, is that already over?" Xiao Mei asked.

"Yeah, but don't open your eyes." Xiao Feng moves closer to Xiao Mei then said, "hold my clothes then we will go."

Xiao Mei still closed her eyes and hold Xiao Feng clothes tightly before leaving the place. Xiao Feng didn't have time to loot their treasure and just let them be.

After walking long while he found a cave and settled there before letting Xiao Mei opened her eyes.

"Alright, you can open your eyes."

Xiao Mei opened her eyes and sighed in relieve before noticed Xiao Feng dragged someone. "Big brother, who is he?"

"He is the bandit leader, I intend to soul search him before but..." Xiao Feng then looked at sleeping Ye Qiuyue. Xiao Mei nodded her head.

Xiao Feng handed Ye Qiuyue to Xiao Mei before beginning soul search to the leader. Xiao Feng placed his hand on the robber leader head and begin soul search. He found that this continent is known as Barren Continent. There were two empires which ruling in the continent, their name was Xia Empire and Jiang Empire. The name of their empire represents the master of the empire as the royal family. His current place situated at Xia Empire. Xia Empire had nine states which very big to measured. In each state, there were controlled by State master. Inside the state, there were many sects, kingdom and big cities inside. The state he currently in was Hua state, the most fall behind in prosperity and number in expert. The worst of all, it also located in the border between the empire which made this place unsafe.

The cultivation stage same with Xiao Feng original world. After gotten all his information he wants, he dragged the leader outside before burned him to death leaving his storage ring. Inside the ring, there were three silver and ten chopper coins also herb. In this world, one gold coin comparable to one hundred coins silver, whereas one silver coin comparable to one copper coin. One silver can make a farmer family live for one week without worry about food but the coin different with coin Xiao Feng had.

In this place had the same alchemy job too with the same rank, but he didn't know the quality expertise of this world yet.

Xiao Feng began planning what he will do after this. After all, Foundation stage cultivator still needed to eat, only after reached Golden Core didn't.

Because Ye Qiuyue still sleeps, in the end, Xiao Feng decided to hunt magical beast to become food before he going. Only after Xiao Feng grilled the meat Ye Qiuyue woke up from her slumber. The meat Xiao Feng hunted was rank two earth bear. Because of the lack of ingredients for the cook, they can only eat it with salt which he found in storage ring deceased robber leader. Xiao Mei decided to sleep but because the floor was too hard she sleep on Xiao Feng thigh while Ye Qiuyue sleeps on his shoulder and hugging him. Xiao smiled slightly before setting up a barrier before training throughout the night.