
Alchemist Job Introduction

After they landed in front of them and gave them pill. Xiao Feng who was already tired after he depleted all his Spiritual Qi and body stamina. Even though he already reached Overlord Stage first level, its still too much for him to fight Void Fragmentation aura surpression alone at his current state.

Then Xiao Feng land on his back after Shen Cheng pulled back his aura and knowing they were not enemy. " Father, what happened? " still on his back and asked Xiao Wuchen.

" Well, we suddenly felt Transcendence Sword Intent with low cultivation base. So after knowing its you son, we decided to test you together with those kids." Xiao Wuchen answered while pointing his finger at the kids that already conscious after consuming the pill.

Xiao Feng lips twitched slightly but he relived inside because he didn't found out about his reincarnation. Then he decided to argue to his father, " But isn't that too much !? "

" That was not me who do this but that old fart." Xiao Wuchen said while pointed his thump at Shen Cheng beside Shen Xie.

" Oi... I am not that old d*mn," Shen Cheng retorted to Xiao Wuchen statement. Then he looked at his son condition then stared at his son right hand that still holding dagger. His face darkened then questioned his son," You brat, what do you want to do with that dagger?" while pointing his finger to his son dagger.

Shen Xie complexion become pale and silent, didn't dare to answer because his father very smart after connecting all dot that what happened to Xiao Tian.

" You... ugh why don't you like your big brother." in the end he lifted his son and gave him to Saint Stage that accompany him here. Shen Cheng took deep breath and released. " Wuchen, I will back to the clan first. I will teach this unruly brat a lesson. Good bye !" Shen Cheng also took Shen Xiulan with him before vanished with two Saint Stage that accompany him here.

Xiao Wuchen smiled bitterly but inside he cursed Shen Cheng to all his ancestor because he failed to demand compensation until he dry his pocket before leaving.

Ye Yanmei giggled because these two old friend action. Then she also lifted her daughter and said, " Ara ara, it seems our meeting become mess but at least it had been completed." commented.

She turned her head to Xiao Wuchen and said, " we will also going, don't forget to tell your son." smiled and gave Xiao Wuchen kiss bye before leaving.

Yun Huang Mei beside Xiao Wuchen smiled helpless and commented " She still didn't change at all."

Xiao Mei that already landed, spotted Xiao Feng who was still on his back and Xiao Tian crouched beside Xiao Feng head.

"Big brotherrr, Second Brotherrr what happened to you ?" Running toward them Xiao Mei asked cutely.

" second brother just beat bad boy just now." Xiao Tian lied to her and said proudly. Xiao Feng beside him just rolled his eyes on his answer.

" Oh, it still hurt ?" Xiao Mei asked with concern.

" It's still hurt here." Xiao Tian pointed his finger at his chest then patted it.

" let me hug youuu. " Xiao Mei hug him.

Xiao Feng beside them smiled warmly. Then turned his head to Xiao Wuchen and asked, " father, what are you talking about at clan hall? "

Xiao Wuchen smiled and answered bluntly him," About deciding your future wife."

"Who?" asked Xiao Feng, because he knew child who has cultivate their spiritual qi has their mental state matured faster though not much. But with this, he can cover his intelegent without found out.

" Ye Qiuyue, but if you want change it you must give father and mother another girl you like in the future. You still small, don't think too much about it." consoled Xiao Wuchen before continued, " after you done resting we will go to Alchemist Hall inside the clan." Xiao Wuchen and Yun Huang Mei then walked to where he lied down together with his siblings before sit and looked at sky together.

" Do you know why me and your mother decided to engage you and your brother this early? " Then Xiao Wuchen asked Xiao Feng. Xiao Feng who was looking at his siblings rested on his mother thigh sleeping turned his head to his father and said," No." shook his head.

" Its because those elder from clan wanted your little sister to be engaged with Young master from Myriad Sword Sect, thanks to you and your brother talent those from Myriad Sword Sect aimed to your sister after knowing it especially your talent. " Said Xiao Wuchen sighed then continued " That's why we engage you to Fairy Garden Sect to avoid trouble with Myriad Sword Sect, so if we refused them we have Fairy Garden Sect beside us." Xiao Wuchen explained.

" Well, I won't mind it though and second brother i believe he also same. This is for my little sister after all." Xiao Feng exclaimed softly.

Xiao Wuchen heard Xiao Feng exclamation turned his head and smiled then petted his head, " I truly blessed to have you and your siblings as my child. "

" Then you are not happy that I become your wife?" Yun Huang Mei interrupted their heart to heart talk between father and son.

" Of course I am truly blessed to marry you too ! " Xiao Wuchen then teleported beside his wife and hugged her from side because the siblings slept on Yun Huang Mei thigh.

At the afternoon after the heart warming family scenes in Clan Park, Xiao Feng and his family gone to Alchemy hall. Alchemy hall located at north of Inner part. The surrounding place of Alchemy hall filled with herb.

Alchemy divided to three category : Pill Concocter, Armament Refiner and Array master.

Pill Concocter, just like its name that is concocting pill that aid cultivation or saving life. This Job level divided to seven level : level one to level seven, their pill effect corresponded with Cultivation level. Armament refiner is job that creating artifact, the level also same with Pill Concocter. Array master also can be called augmenter and inscriptor beside they can laid an array with many function they also can enhanced armament and inscript many talisman to use.

Xiao Tian and Xiao Mei run around while looking at Alchemy Hall interior, this first time Xiao Feng and siblings come here.

" Xiao Feng, Xiao Tian and Xiao Mei this is Alchemy hall. In this place three of you will get education about Pill Concocter, Armament Refiner and array master. Three of you have talent at silver and higher, so it will waste if you didn't master one these two job. You will have many free-time anyway because your high talent and also you can use this job to refresh your mind after cultivating." said Xiao Wuchen.

" Yes father." the siblings said in unison.

" Father, can I take a look at them? " Xiao Mei asked.

Because Xiao Mei was reincarnator from world without spiritual qi, in her place science were advanced. She was read many novel about cultivation in her free time after training, so she curious about this cultivation world actually but she was too timid in front people but also she afraid of them. If in his previous world she can defend herself but in this world one wrong move can make her dead.

Xiao Feng who was in front of his parents raised his eyebrow and puzzled then though himself " She is reincarnator like me, but why she is so eager about alchemy and such? "

Then they opened the door and asked the keeper, " Uncle, can we look at pill concocting process ? " Xiao Mei asked with eagerness.

The Alchemy keeper who was sorting out documents then looked at Xiao Mei before look at behind her. He widened his eyes after spotted Clan Head and Madam behind her. He answered her with polite tone," Yes young miss, but you can't do something that disturb their concentration." smiled the keeper and pointed certain place inside that alchemy elder want to refine.

" Un." Xiao Mei turned her body facing her family then she pull her brothers to that place.

" Little Mei, rather than look someone else concocting pill. Why not at mother instead, mother can give you pointer." Smiled her mother.

" But mother, I have yet started cultivate." Xiao Mei tells her mother.

" Its alright, you must at Foundation Stage anyway before start concocting pill." her mother said.

" Mother, I will look at Armament Refinement on Armament Refinement Department together with father." Xiao Tian interrupted.

" Alright, Feng'er what about you?" Yun Huang Mei asked.

" I will be here." answered Xiao Feng.

Then they decided to concocting room that not used right now and Xiao Tian group to the Armament Department. Yun Huang Mei then took herb needed to concoct level one pill and cauldron . She lit up the flame inside cauldron then started refining. Her family beside especially Xiao Mei listened to her explanation and pointer about concocting pill.

Xiao Feng who was listened from the side because nothing to do suddenly he like struck by lightning after hearing his mother said. He began thinking if he used to Law array inside his Soul Lake after adding Sword Law, he become excited and rushed back to his courtyard but he refrained after looking at his family right now, any way that won't be late to apply it after this.