
Alchemist Guild Assessment

"Big Brother, what is it? I still want to sleep." She curled her body.

"Alright, you can sleep whenever you want after you come with Big brother and sister in law somewhere." Xiao Feng patiently told her.

Xiao Mei raised her head nodded. Xiao Feng then used his will to enter together with them. They teleported inside Heaven Pagoda in blink eye.

Xiao Feng looked at scenery indifferently, he already used to it. However Ye Qiuyue and Xiao Mei not. Their eyes sparkled. "It seems, all women are same. All of them like beautiful things." Xiao Feng thought.

Ye Qiuyue asked confirmation, "Is this space? so beautiful." She still admired it.

Xiao Feng turned his head to her and smiled, "Yue'er, you have changed."

Ye Qiuyue replied and questioned him while looking at the scenery, "Is that so? what of me changed?"

"In the past, you always cold to everyone even to your own mother. But now, even though you begin indifferent to others, You began accepted your family existences. Your mother, your sister, my family.... and me." Xiao Feng answered with a smile on his face.

Ye Qiuyue fell silent while looking at Xiao Mei running in the forest. "Maybe, it's true." nodded to his explanation.

"Thought you still didn't talk much except with me." Xiao Feng pointed.

"True." Ye Qiuyue began reminiscing about her past before and after come across with Xiao Feng.

"Just be honest to yourself. We cultivator not only cultivate our body and mind but also our hearts. We not only seek the daos but to find the truth." Xiao Feng stated while circling his arm around Ye Qiuyue waist.

Ye Qiuyue body suddenly shook and her eyes widened. She feels, she found what she wants. What she had lost a long time ago after her birth. She began sat down on the grass and entered deep meditation.

Xiao Feng smiled then shouted to Xiao Mei, "Little sister, come here !"

Xiao Mei who was still running away in the forest within Heaven Pagoda come closer to Xiao Feng after being called.

"Big brother, this place is nice !" Xiao Mei cheerfully shouted.

Xiao Feng smiled gently to her then thought, "Its the first time for my little sister for this cheerful since we come here." Then he patted Xiao Mei head and said, "You and sister-in-law will live here from now on until we go back to our world. Right now, your sister-in-law already in an epiphany state. watch you're her alright?"

Xiao Mei nodded before asking, "Then how will we communicated and where we are?"

"We are in strange armament I found by chance. As for communicating, just call my name in here I will hear from outside through my mind." Xiao Feng told her half lie and half true.

Xiao Mei then nodded her head again. Xiao Feng satisfied with her answer before going back to the outside.

Xiao Feng then going out the inn and headed to straight to the Alchemist guild in Hong City. Xiao Feng halted his step in front Alchemist guild building and look at it. The guild was like three stories tower with a Flame symbol at front. Alchemist guild looked bustling with many people.

Xiao Feng entered the building and walked straight to the clerk.

The clerk noticed Xiao Feng then he put a business smile, "Young Master, may I help you?"

"I want to confirmed about the advantage of having Alchemist badge." Xiao Feng asked to the point.

"Yes, there will be a discount on every ingredient related to Job they have a badge if they bought them in alchemist guild. The higher rank you are, the greater discount but of course you must in return completed one mission on the request board in alchemist guild you reside every month. If within one year you didn't do it, your badge will be revoked. But of course, the higher rank you are, looser the time limit." The clerk explained with a business smile.

"I want to take an alchemist exam."

The clerk startled after seeing his age. but he still nodded his head and registered them, "Young master, what kind job you want to take a test?"

"I take pill concocter exam." Xiao Feng replied.

"Please wait. The exam fee is fifty silver coins." The clerk tells him which Xiao Feng pays him afterward.

After several minutes waiting, Xiao Feng called by the clerk before leading him to the exam room. Inside the room, there were two elderly sat on the chair. "Elder, the examinee already here."

"Let him come." One of the elders invited them in. Xiao Feng then gauged their cultivation base the moment he entered the room. "Two of them at Foundation stage." thought himself.

"Two of them will judge whether young master passed or not." The clerk then walked away after Xiao Feng entered the room then closed the door silently.

"Well let's start, there are several herbs in the table. You must concoct one pill rank one to pass. The time limit is one day. You can start now." The elder tells Xiao Feng calmly.

Xiao Feng walked to the table. He glanced at the herb and decided to create rank one recovery pill.

"Senior, is there any cauldron here?" Xiao Feng didn't found any cauldron here.

The judge calmly saying, "If you are truly a pill concocter, you will always bring one with you."

Xiao Feng smiled bitterly because he always cultivating his qi and body. He forgot to train his alchemist skill though he still retains his proficiency in his previous life. He sighed and began made hand seal then summoned flame afterward. He created a cauldron with his qi through hand seal, this qi cauldron still inferior to normal cauldron because of there no augmentation to help in his concocting pill.

Xiao Feng then uses his qi to take the herb needed on the table then pull it to him before refined it and began pill concocting at fast speed.

The judges on the side widened their eyes in shock. There was no technique in concocting a pill that didn't use cauldron and heck they seen one right now.

Xiao Feng creating the pill in just half an hour before it completed. It revealed ten rank-one recovery pills. Xiao Feng pulls it to his hand before giving it to the judges for examination.

The judges recovered from the shock and began examined the pill. "Young master, you pass the test." The other judges also nodded his head before handing back the pill while asking, "Young master, we know this was inappropriate to ask but what was technique just now?"

"That just creating cauldron with qi." Xiao Feng answered because he didn't know the common sense of mortal in concocting.

"Is there any side effect?" One of the judges began asked.

"This was more difficult than using cauldron because there is no assistance from cauldron augmentation." Xiao Feng answered calmly as if nothing wrong.

The judges became dejected. "Thank you, young master, for your generosity." The judges took out a hundred-year herb and badge rank one pill concocter then handed it to Xiao Feng, "This was as our thanks and the badge. You passed the test." After handing it over the elder continued, "You must drop your blood to the badge to refine it. You can use this as an introduction as a member of the Alchemist Guild. This only can be used and activated by you only."

Xiao Feng took it dropped his blood to the badge and stored it inside his storage ring before walked out from the room.