
Celestial Genesis

Celestial Genesis- the chosen one will rise above all makes the decision that changes the events of universe the very foundation of living beings crumble upon this name

Iamirfan · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

Take Charge

As the first rays of Luminara Light gently filtered through the window, Ian stirred from his peaceful slumber beside Eva.

The soft sound of her breathing, a soothing rhythm, filled the room. He couldn't help but smile as he watched her sleep, her features serene and bathed in the delicate glow of the morning.

Carefully, Ian extricated himself from the bed, ensuring not to disturb Eva's rest.

He Slowly opens the door and he exited,




• Climb a mountain

• Run 10km

• 100 Pushups

• 100 Sit-ups

TIME LIMIT: 3 HrsPunishment when Failed to reach the Goal (Abyss Prison)

He couldn't help but roll his eyes at the demanding tasks laid out before him.

"These quests are getting more absurd by the day," he muttered to himself.

However, he wasn't one to back down from a challenge. With a determined resolve, Ian decided to tackle the quest head-on, ready to prove that he could conquer whatever obstacles the system threw his way.

Ian knew he had a limited three-hour window to complete the tasks. He decided to tackle them systematically.

Ian took a deep breath and whispered, "Let's do this."

First, Ian made his way to a nearby mountain. Although Eldertide didn't have massive peaks, it had some steep slopes to offer. Ian started climbing at a steady speed, making sure he conserved his energy for the challenges that lay ahead.

After reaching the mountain's summit, the system notified him:


– Climb a Mountain COMPLETE –

Taking a moment to catch his breath and enjoy the stunning view, Ian began his descent, heading for a 10-kilometer run through the winding streets and trails of Eldertide.

During the run, Ian's determination drove him forward. He carefully paced himself, ensuring he'd complete the distance on time. As he jogged, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction, even though there were no cheering faces along the route; only he knew about this quest.

Returning to his home, the system notification sounded once more:


– Run 10km COMPLETE –

Ian smoothly transitioned to performing push-ups and sit-ups in the comfort of his own home. With precision, he executed each repetition, his well-honed muscles cooperating seamlessly. Ian kept his focus unwavering as he counted each push-up and sit-up, making sure he met the required count. Despite feeling the fatigue creeping in, the looming threat of the Abyss Prison motivated him to push through.

Finally, after completing the last repetition, the system notification chimed:


– 100 Pushups and 100 Sit-ups COMPLETE –

With a victorious exhale and his body glistening with sweat, Ian knew he had conquered the system's challenge. His meticulous planning, unyielding determination, and physical prowess had prevailed. The satisfaction of success filled him with confidence, reassuring him that he could face any future challenges the system had in store.


Congratulations, Host,Completed all task here are the rewards..

• Dark Points: +10

• Level Upgrade: You have advanced from Level 3 to Level 4.

-- Choose A Skill From Last Quest --

He remembered about last night where his memories faded into the depths of pleasure..

Open Skill Selection Says Ian


Here are three potential skills for you to consider. Choose the one that best complements your path:

Abyssal Resonance:

Abyssal Resonance connects you to the very heart of the abyss, amplifying your innate demonic powers. This skill heightens your existing abilities, granting you increased strength, speed, and control over dark forces as you tap into the abyss's boundless energy.

Phantom Deception:

Phantom Deception is a versatile skill that grants you mastery over illusory manipulation. With this skill, you can conjure phantoms and deceptive images so convincing that they blur the lines between reality and illusion. It excels in both combat strategy and subterfuge.

Ethereal Conduit:

Ethereal Conduit is an advanced mana mastery skill that expands your mana reserves and establishes a constant connection to ambient magical energies. It grants you the ability to draw from an augmented mana pool and replenish your mana from the environment, ensuring a consistent source of magical power.

Ian faced a crucial decision, contemplating the three available skills.

His mind drifted to the importance of magic and mages in this world. Magic was a potent force, shaping survival, winning battles, and unraveling mysteries.

Mages wielded this power, if I have make my presence noticeable to everyone I have to have large mana emits from body.

Yet, Ian knew his mana reserves were lacking. In a magic-infused world, this limitation held him back. He needed a skill to expand his capacity and ensure a steady supply of mana.

He chose Ethereal Conduit,determined to unlock his magical potential.


Systems is Taking Control of Host Body

in 3..2..1 

ian immediately rushed to a safe place and rested his body 

Ian felt a sudden, unexpected shift within himself. It was as if his own body was being recalibrated, and his consciousness yielded control to the system.

In this moment of fusion with the system, Ian's mana reserves underwent a transformation, guided by the system's intricate knowledge.

The system began by accessing Ian's existing mana channels and refining them.

It meticulously cleared any blockages and optimized the flow of mana throughout his body, ensuring a more efficient distribution of magical energy.

This process alone significantly increased his mana reserves.

Next, the system invoked a latent ability within Ian's magical core—the capacity to absorb ambient mana from the environment.

Ian's magical core, once dormant, began pulsating with life as it drew in the surrounding mana.

This newfound ability allowed him to tap into the very essence of the world, continuously replenishing his mana reserves.

As the transformation continued, Ian could feel the change deep within himself.

Ian: (Taking a deep breath, feeling the newfound power)

"This is… incredible. I can sense it—the mana within me, the world around me. It's like I've become one with magic itself. The system has opened doors I never thought possible."

System show me my Status


Name: Ian Sher

Level: 3 - 4

Class: Demon (Low tier)

Title: None

HP: 300

MP: 240 (17000000)

Dark Points: 35


- Strength: 15

- Stamina: 17

- Agility: 17

- Intelligence: 20

- Senses: 15


Passive Skills:

- Unknown… Lv.Max

- Eyes Of Demon Lv.1

- Demon Bloodline

Active Skills:

- Shadowsteps Lv.1

- Ethereal Conduit Lv.1 (New)

Ian couldn't believe his eyes as he saw his MP skyrocket to 17,000,000.

It was an astounding change, and he couldn't help but test his newfound mana reserves.

He decided to cast a simple spell, the "Arcane Bolt," a basic offensive spell. He pointed his hand towards a nearby tree and released the spell.

A bolt of shimmering energy shot forth and struck the tree, causing it to shudder from the impact.

What happened next left Ian in awe.

His MP, which had been depleted by the spell, started to replenish at an astonishing rate. It was as if the mana from the surroundings rushed into him, filling his magical reservoirs in a matter of seconds.

Ian grinned, realizing the significance of this transformation.

With his upgraded Ethereal Conduit skill, he had become a true mana powerhouse, capable of casting spells without fear of running out of magical energy.

As Ian stood there, still marveling at the newfound depths of his magical abilities, the sudden flapping of wings above drew his gaze skyward.

A sleek and enigmatic black bird descended gracefully from the sky, bearing in its beak a sealed letter.

Ian instinctively extended his hand, and with a gentle landing, the bird deposited the missive before soaring away.

With a sense of intrigue and curiosity, Ian cautiously broke the seal and unfurled the parchment.

"To Ian Sher,

By the decree of the Council of Elders, we are pleased to inform you of your selection as the Realm Administrator.

Your exceptional abilities have not gone unnoticed, and we believe you possess the qualities necessary to carry out this prestigious role with distinction.

Your presence is requested at the capital city's council chambers, where the Council of Elders eagerly anticipates your arrival. Upon your visit, you shall be briefed on the details of your responsibilities, the scope of your authority, and the grandeur of the tasks that await you.

Your appointment holds immense significance, as you will play a vital role in shaping the destiny of our realm. Your journey to the capital marks the beginning of a new chapter in your life, one where your actions will have far-reaching consequences.

We eagerly await your arrival in the capital and We wish You To "TAKE CHARGE" of this Role..

With great anticipation,

The Council of Elders"

His heart raced as he digested the words before him.

It was official - he had been chosen as the Realm Administrator.

Now I will began the Game hahahahahahh.....