
Celestial dungeon: The Revenge of the Fallen Youngest Master...

Celestial Dungeon: The revenge of fallen Youngest Master. In this world of Skills and magic, the rule of the stronger over the weak is a natural order which has been passed from several generations. This was just a Vrmmo for me until I was reincarnated or rebirth which has taken my soul from the earth to this planet. I was left here to survive but everything came with a greater surprise, given I was born here as an aristocrat young master. My name was Holland Marsh, I was born with good looks and a good talent when everything suddenly disappeared after the revelation of my skill. [Null] Then again when I was killed in an assassination attempt was protected by fate through which I was sent to a place called Celestial dungeon. Where my journey toward revenge takes place, as I will become a new Legend of this world... ___________________________________________________________ The Image does not belong to me so ArtStation thanks for drawing a good art and allow me to use it in my novel...

Shubham_Gosai_1691 · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Radiant Samurai...

"Hmm! Mortal from the lower world we welcome you." Elena's grandmother entered inside the room Marsh was sitting, where Laska and Elena were called to another room.

"Hmm! I pay my respect to senior." Marsh's habit of greeting with a polite manner was ingrained inside him, due to his father's efforts.

The old lady smiled at the sight and walk toward the other side to sit on a chair.

'Don't just stand on ceremony young man, just come and sit. After all, we have a lot to chat about right now.'

Marsh nodded as he took his own seat and looked at the old lady for all the questions he has been bottling up till now.

"As you have seen by now and heard, this place is actually a dungeon in the upper world."

The place called the dungeon was like a gate that connect Human kinds and Demon Kinds planes together. This was the place where adventure and history take place.

Where every skilled warrior goes to test their luck and it is said that those who had cleared a certain floor of the dungeon get riches and power to topple the kingdom by themselves.

Marsh also wanted to go to the dungeon once but his skill never allowed him to...

"This dungeon specifically is called as a celestial dungeon, because this is the place where all the legend collected from both the side and fight to gain riches and power."

Legend! That word itself is a mark of fame and name in any world... To be called a legend one needs things normal people can never imagine.

"Then why me? I am not a legend and was almost killed by the lowly necromancer and a rabbit of this dungeon. I am a petty guy who does not deserve to be hailed as a legend."

"Hmm! at your current strength it is true you are not good enough to be called a legend. Then again does that mean you will never be able to do it?"

Marsh's eyes brightened as he looked at Elena's grandmother who smiled at the similarity between Marsh and that boy from before.

"Just with your talent, it was enough for you to be summoned at Celestial dungeon at the moment of your death."

Marsh opened his eyes again as he looked at the surroundings and found himself lying on rock cold surface. Everything about celestial dungeon seemed to be a dream if...

Marsh looked at the katana at his hand which was a departing gift from the Laskan who was a good guy except he is heel over top for Elena.

Marsh thought about his skill tab...

[Null] [Professional Master] [Radiant Samurai]

[Radiant Samurai]-> [Level 1 Skill (Vertical Smite)]

Looking at the combat skill Marsh was very happy to see the thing, he always wanted to have and promised himself that he will master his first skill to the highest level.

"The death valley huh!" Marsh looked at the surrounding.

This place was the so-called death graveyard, where Marsh opened the celestial space ring and put his thought inside it...

The ring lit up, where Marsh smiled since his ring had many food and drink for him to last several months over this place.

On the other hand, he had all the knowledge about this place like the back of his hand, after all, how many times did he has played this Vrmmo in his previous life, this place was the most common grinding area for all the players.

Marsh believes that he has all the chance to survive this place easily, where the skill of Radiant Samurai boosted his confidence too.

This place was filled with undead fighters and other creatures with darkness affinity, for a Radiant samurai-like him this place was the best place out there to grind some monster.

On the other hand, Marsh does not remember any profession related to Radiant Samurai and Celestial dungeon inside the game, giving him a slap to wake up and know that this isn't the game anymore.

According to the description inside the game, this place was once a holy temple at which a festival was taking place when a dark lord appeared and cursed the whole area in a fit of anger.

All the people which were trapped inside this place had their souls suffer from tremendous torturing.

Causing them to become...

Marsh looked at a skeleton that crawl out of the ground, while several holes and worms were spilling out from it. [Undead Soldier: Level 3].


Hmm! If I remember correctly that rabbit was a level one right, then how am I supposed to fight a level 3.

Yes the rabbit which almost killed me was level 1, the time Elena's grandmother told me... I do not have any idea about how to face others like that.

After all, I might have been the only guy who had died by the smash of a cuttle little rabbit of level 1 to death with full health.

Then they told me that level 1 of that dungeon held special meaning to it, and even level 7 of this world might get killed by that rabbit when fully equipped with all the skills and gear.

She also asked me to use the exp gain to rank up the level of my profession and not to rank up my body.

Where the Exp I can get from the celestial dungeon is more beneficial for me.


The skeleton soldier dashed at him with broken steps and full charge. Marsh sidestepped a little and his body glowed with his professional releasement of holy white energy, making the soldier damage a little.

The Holy samurai uses the holy energy to radiate his entire being which enhances his body to a larger extent that is not visible to others until Marsh wishes to let others see it.

At that precise moment, the sword of Skeleton moved but only slashed the air around on which a replenishing light brightened the area for an instant.

The katana was unsheathed and drew an arc, which reached the height of a meter and slashed in an arc cutting the skeleton soldier's chest with smashing strength.

Marsh's face was sweating not because the enemy put greater pressure on him, but his skill called (Vertical Smite) which he was barely able to use with his training over his muscles last few years.

Where the Skeleton Soldier was smashed with the huge impact too...

The skill of Marsh, put the holy energy to burst out with tremendous momentum from his arm.

While the reason for such a strong power is also the reason it is very hard to control too.

Marsh on the other hand smiled at the destructive power and saw there was no cool-down over the skill at all, but he also felt a little fatigue which might be the reason why a cooldown period was provided to skill usage in the game.

A wide smile can be seen on Marsh's face as he grinned at the katana even though his hands were shaking with pain.

Then he looked at the incoming enemy and without any consideration Marsh moved toward it, while the soil behind him moved and a hand come out of it.

Marsh used his momentum and his sword burst forth with a glaring light, through which the body of the katana shone and he used (Verticle Smite) making the sword draw another beautiful arc, to which Marsh was barely able to change the trajectory according to his will.

The power was transmitted throw the Katana, which cut the sword in the hand of the undead soldier, and cutting apart all the obstacles, and slashing through the undead body.