
Celestial Cantare

When Yuriko Akiyama found a strange cube, it transported her to a world named Galinde, a world of superheros who had chosen people from different dimensions to protect Galinde and different dimensions from unknown threats lurking from the shadow, who want to destroy the dimensions by trying to get the cube.

Dreamer_Rei · Khoa huyễn
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2 Chs


"Welcome to Galinde!" greeted Ruka introducing herself, "I'm Ruka". "The purpose of my request is to summon all of you to come together and help us accomplish a critical mission."

With an incredulous tone to his voice, one of the summoned heroes asked, "A mission?!"

"To save all dimensions from a dangerous threat." said Ruka. "I implore all the heroes from different realms to come together and collaborate to save all universes from the impending danger. You are all heroes from your world, and that is why I summon you here."

"To save all dimensions huh!?" exclaimed the young male, with his dark teal medium-length hair styled perfectly and dressed fashionably in a white sleeveless shirt with subtle dragon patterns, which extended further on the left side to cover his shoulder, along with black pants and brown boots.

"Ummm.... Ruka!" asked Yuriko. "Umm... I don't know why I'm here, but I'm not a hero."

"What!" said Ruka while walk trowed Yuriko with a confused look on her face. "You don't have power!"

"No!" said Yuriko.

"Huh, that weird." said Ruka. "I swear I sent every cube to different worlds." She looked at Yuriko as she asked. "Where are you from?"

"Earth!" said Yuriko.

Ruka's mouth drops as she sighed is disbelief "How did you mange to be summoned here if you are from Earth?"

Yuriko sighed, "I don't know."

"Well, until we send back home, you have to stay here for the time being." said Ruka while she rub her head.


Yuriko was walking around the town of Galinde as she sighed and looking for the dormitory house Ruka told her about, Primrose View dormitory house. She walks inside as she sees a young female with long black on it wearing a punk-rock like outfit look at Yuriko with her red eyes. "Yo! Welcome to Primrose View dormitory house. Ruka told me you were coming." She smiled at her "I'm Lily Kumon." She got up as she put out her cigarette and smiled. "You must be Yuriko Akiyama, right?"

"Yes, I am," said Yuriko. "This is only a dormitory house around here."

"No," Lily replied, her words interrupted by a yawn. "While other dormitory houses exist in the area, my dormitory does not attract many residents as there are some people who specifically seek to live in other dormitories." Lily looks around and yawns. "The sole purpose of this dormitory house is to cater to people who are either oblivious to their power or do not possess it, and wish to return to their world."

"It appears that there are no residents living in this place." asked Yuriko.

"No, there are people living here." said Lily. "Come I'll show your room." Lily walks as Yuriko walks with her. Lily looks at Yuriko and asks her. "So, where are you from?"

"Earth." Yuriko answered.

"Really?! Earth! Oh, you're the first person who from Earth who come here." said Lily as she laughed. "I never knew." Lily shows her the room that she is staying. "It not much, but this is going to be your room."

"I can deal with this." said Yuriko.

"Ok then, just let me know if you need anything," said Lily as she walk out of the room. Yuriko look around the room and sat on the bed. "Not bad." Yuriko laid on the bed and close her eyes.


{At Midnight, In Dream}

Yuriko finds herself standing in a completely empty, white room as she looks around in her dream. "Hello! Is anyone there?" Yuriko called out, but no one was there. "Hello!" Yuriko called one more time as she walk around seeing standing there. Yuriko noticed a young girl with long light blue hair who was wearing a white long dress and had a blue hood over her head, with her face covered, looking at her.

"Who might you be?" Yuriko asked the stranger.

"At the moment, my name is irrelevant and doesn't hold much significance." She said to Yuriko. "The truth-seeking process to discover your true self is of the utmost importance at this time.

"What do you mean by 'my real self'?" asked Yuriko, her face displaying a look of confusion. She appears to be in disagreement as she crosses her arms and responds, "I'm not sure what you mean. Who are you?" 

"Call me 'Ray'," said the mysterious girl with a sigh, her eyes fixed on Yuriko.

"Could you expand on what you mean by 'my real self', Ray?" asked Yuriko, hoping for a more detailed explanation.

"Yuriko, I believe you to be an extraordinary being, not a normal human," Ray stated. "You can't leave Galinde! You have powers, but you haven't awakened them yet."

"What?" was Yuriko's loud and surprised response. "Me!? have power!? No, no nonononononononono, I don't have power. I'm just a normal girl."

Yuriko was completely taken aback when Ray demonstrated her water magic skills, and Ray noticed her reaction. Ray directs his gaze towards Yuriko and asks her, "Have you finally understood it, Yuriko?"

"I understand," replied Yuriko in acknowledgement.

"You can't leave," said Ray as she started to fade away, making it clear that the person needs to stay for a specific reason. "Our time together has come to an end, but I hope to see you again soon. Until then, I must go. Remember don't leave Galinde."

"WAIT!" Yuriko yells out, her voice filled with urgency, as she attempts to make contact with Ray, only to find herself passing through her. "Please wait, Ray."

"We'll meet again," Ray assured Yuriko as she gradually faded out of sight.


Yuriko roused from sleep, her breaths were slow and she rubbed her head "That was a wild dream." There were a note on clothes as it said 'Put them on and come down to see me.' Yuriko sighed as she change the clothes the Lily give her. She wore a dark blue tank top with white jacket, black shorts,and black boots. She look at herself in mirror and sighed "This will do." She walk out of the room and walk down stair and see Lily waiting for her and sees a young male with short auburn hair wearing a black kimono armor outfit with white jacket looking at Yuriko with his golden-brown. 

"Good morning, Yuriko", said Lily with a smile as she greeted her. "Yuriko," Lily said with a smile, "Meet Hanzo Akutagawa, another person who is currently residing in this dormitory house."

Hanzo's approach towards Yuriko was accompanied by a friendly smile and a kind greeting, "It is wonderful to have the opportunity to meet you." With admiration in his eyes, he held her hand and placed a gentle kiss on it, murmuring "You are a true beauty."

Lily's hand made a swift impact on Hanzo's head, causing him to flinch in surprise, while her face contorted into a menacing look as she addressed him by name "Hanzo, please stop whatever you are doing right now!"

Hanzo rubbed his head, pouted at Lily, and remarked, "You're being quite rude."

"What did you just say!?" Lily asked Hanzo, her eyes filled with pure anger.

Hanzo suddenly became aware of a dark aura emanating from the surroundings and began to panic as he exclaimed, "I didn't say anything."

"That's what I thought!?" Lily exclaimed, her frustration growing. "Yuriko, if you feel like it, you have the liberty to explore the town."

Yuriko nods her head in agreement as she walks out of the dormitory house, hearing Lily's voice yelling at Hanzo and thinking to herself, "I can't believe what just happened, that was insane!"

While Yuriko walked to the town, she continued to think about the dream she had and pondered the question, "Why would that woman not want me to leave Galinde?"

Yuriko was walking down the street when she suddenly collided with someone. She turned to face the person and quickly bowed, saying "I'm sorry!?" in a remorseful tone.

"It's fine," the boy with teal hair reassured Yuriko, his gold eyes staring at her. "You should be mindful of where you are headed the next time you go."

"Yes", Yuriko confirms with a nod of her head, signifying her agreement. "Once again, I would like to express my sincere apologies."

With a sigh, the boy with teal hair directed his gaze towards her and inquired, "I am curious, are you the girl from Earth?"

"Yes," answered Yuriko, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "I'm Yuriko Akiyama."

"Yu Jun," the boy said while smiling a little and glancing in her direction. "I can see that you might be feeling hungry, and luckily there is a cafe located nearby that we can visit."

With a smile, Yuriko suggested to Yu that they head over to the nearby cafe, saying "Well, let's go" as they began walking together.